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About theseducer235

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  1. The mod I'm proposing would make this game feel as if you're not the only competant adventurer in the world. The idea would be to create self sufficient npc's who would adventure on their own. The npc's would have access to leveling and the skill tree similar as the playable hero. When the Npc is generated they will favor specific skills and tend to fight with specific types of weapons. They will sell their old gear and purchase new gear to accompany their level. The various items they gain throughout their adventures will also be sold at various stores/stalls or to you the player. I feel that one way to keep optimization up would be to keep generated npc's hold specific. In example, a npc generated in WhiteRun cannot leave WhiteRun. The npc will forage,hunt,clear dungeons, and trade within that hold only. Another feature which i think should accompany this mod is a leaderboards. In each hold there would be a message board of sorts which lists all the npcs, the holds they're associated with, and their level. I can't even comprehend how difficult this would be, but I feel the applications could be endless.
  2. I've read somewhere the stones were used as a conduit for talos to become a god/ where he became a god. If that is the case, potential dlc could be easy to make imho
  3. If you know of the weynon stones in skyrim, and weynon prior in cyrodil, my question is...Who is this Weynon?
  4. I would really like a fix, because i don't think im getting a refund...
  5. I also tied the other ones and they don't work as well/
  6. i run it of vanilla and many people have it.
  7. He doesn't transform when you first bring his daughter back, right before you decide what you want to do.
  8. Well the first command breaks the game because he speaks as if i just returned his daughter with mixed vocals as if i just picked what i wanted.
  9. I have no mods enabled and that loading a quicksave doesn't help.
  10. No its before that, it's during his first transformation before you decide your path.
  11. A dawn guard fix for all the bugs relating to harkon.
  12. I led serena back to the castle and he says something along the lines of " make your decision after you see the power" and doesn't transform, any fix?
  13. I knew this would happen, they are continuously lying to their consumers. They most likely will wait till feb 6th or 7th for the KOA game.
  14. I like how everyone here attempts to rationalize and sympathize with the Beth team lying to the consumers.... If there was no promise of modding tools i wouldn't have even thought of buying the game.
  15. When i heard that it has been announced to be released within January, my reaction was disgust. I find that the Beth team knew it would take that long to produce the Creation Kit, they knew over 30% of the PC community would have not purchased the game our would have waited. I think what they did is both sick and disgusting towards the consumers and the series. The Bethesda corporation has lost my money for any releases EVER in the future. I will never buy one single product from their arsenal ever again. I posted a similar thread on the beth forums, removed in less than one minute. I was banned for this post on the Beth Forum Who's with me?
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