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Posts posted by borjoyzee

  1. Dunno if this has been done before, but is there any mod that removes the "whoosh" sound of Cold Blood being activated? Or would be willing to do it?


    While I'm asking, any mod that removes the sound when NPC's are spotting you? That low sound as the eye icon is above their heads and fills up? Or willing to do it?


    Not saying they're annoying, it's just I find them so hehe.


    Thanks either way :thumbsup:

  2. Hey, thanks for the reply.


    Yeah I like the DB shotgun analogy, explains it better :cool:


    You're right as well I fear, there is no setting from what I saw looking in the weapons modding settings, keywords etc....I've been through them all and there's nothing. My own scripting knowedge is limited as well, so I'll have to put this on the back burner for now and get my weapon to use something else. I'll come back to it if something clicks. cheers :happy:

  3. Hi. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way for a weapon to use up more than one round of ammo per shot. For example, say a weapon has 10 rounds, you fire once and you have 8 rounds left. Why? well I'm trying to make a weapon that uses 2 rounds for a more powerful shot. It's similar to but not like the legendary "Two Shot", because that does fire 2, but as far as I'm aware only uses 1 round.


    Basically I'm trying to get the Two Shot to actually use two rounds instead of one.



    New versions of the compller now need .net 5 to work, here is a link if don't already have it.


    Ah I see, I read somewhere that as long as you are on w10 you're ok. The version I have right now is 4.8.3761.0




    If not then the compiler itself may not be updated sufficiently yet for the matching game version, some files may de-compile but some may not and it's usually the popular GLOBAL files that may not work when a new compiler first comes out.


    Yeah, I had that. GCGAMEPLAYGLOBALS did not work, but GCCHARACTERGLOBALS did work. However, on subsequent attempts now it does not. In fact none of them do at all now. But at least some DID work at one point.


    Anyway I'll grab the latest framework see if that helps. Thanks for the help.

  5. I'm just getting into NMS modding, but I have a slight problem. On youtube I followed the instructions so far as double clicking on each MBIN to decompile it, but nothing much happens and I'm just not getting the exml file at all. Although at the bottom it does say it decompiled.

    I think pretty much all is up to date, the decompiler is anyway. The version I got was only put up 7 days ago.






    Edit: Oh jeez, Xbox exclusives as well :wallbash: Without a doubt the next ES game will be.


    Without a doubt? What? Todd has already said that's not going to happen. If you spend 7.5 billion on a company then immediately cut off over half the customer base of said company, then you are securing yourself a feature display in the Hall of Idiots in the Business History Museum. Microsoft has done a lot of work towards cross platform. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence to back up your "Without a doubt".


    Whoa, that triggered you didn't it :laugh:


    "If you spend 7.5 billion on a company then immediately cut off over half the customer base of said company, then you are securing yourself a feature display in the Hall of Idiots"


    Errr, Halo? There's your shred. Oh, to be clear, if you thought I was excluding PC with that Xbox exclusives part, I wasn't. I meant PC/Xbox exclusives. So be calm.



    Triggered? Whatever dude. Get over yourself, you are not that important.


    Halo was already primarily an XBox title with some Windows forays so that is a completely irrelevant example.


    Wow. Ok mate, there's nothing to get over. So where that "important" bit came from I have no idea. Are you just angry or what?



    Honestly what are you even on about? You said stuff. I pointed out it was incorrect. It's not that hard to figure out. Stop calling people triggered and angry just because they disagree with what you say. It's immature. Let's just end this now shall we?


    Oh you can disagree, that's fine, so you're wrong about that. I called you triggered and angry because your very first post you jumped down my neck from little to no provocation, I tried to explain myself but it wasn't enough for you was it, then you said get over myself I'm not that important......for some reason. Like I said I have nothing to get over, I don't even know why we are aguing. Why? What you've just accused me of here you are just as if not more guilty of. You started this. There's only one thing you said that makes any sense and I agree with, let's end it. I think we've derailed (and by we I mean you) the guys thread enough. If you've not had enough and absolutely must go on, go to PM's.




    Edit: Oh jeez, Xbox exclusives as well :wallbash: Without a doubt the next ES game will be.


    Without a doubt? What? Todd has already said that's not going to happen. If you spend 7.5 billion on a company then immediately cut off over half the customer base of said company, then you are securing yourself a feature display in the Hall of Idiots in the Business History Museum. Microsoft has done a lot of work towards cross platform. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence to back up your "Without a doubt".


    Whoa, that triggered you didn't it :laugh:


    "If you spend 7.5 billion on a company then immediately cut off over half the customer base of said company, then you are securing yourself a feature display in the Hall of Idiots"


    Errr, Halo? There's your shred. Oh, to be clear, if you thought I was excluding PC with that Xbox exclusives part, I wasn't. I meant PC/Xbox exclusives. So be calm.



    Triggered? Whatever dude. Get over yourself, you are not that important.


    Halo was already primarily an XBox title with some Windows forays so that is a completely irrelevant example.


    Wow. Ok mate, there's nothing to get over. So where that "important" bit came from I have no idea. Are you just angry or what?


    Edit: Oh jeez, Xbox exclusives as well :wallbash: Without a doubt the next ES game will be.


    Without a doubt? What? Todd has already said that's not going to happen. If you spend 7.5 billion on a company then immediately cut off over half the customer base of said company, then you are securing yourself a feature display in the Hall of Idiots in the Business History Museum. Microsoft has done a lot of work towards cross platform. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence to back up your "Without a doubt".


    Whoa, that triggered you didn't it :laugh:


    "If you spend 7.5 billion on a company then immediately cut off over half the customer base of said company, then you are securing yourself a feature display in the Hall of Idiots"


    Errr, Halo? There's your shred. Oh, to be clear, if you thought I was excluding PC with that Xbox exclusives part, I wasn't. I meant PC/Xbox exclusives. So be calm.

  9. First, the evidence:




    ( https://i.imgur.com/jz0rHAi.jpg )


    Wierd. This is from Rudi's enb, now I know it's not the preset itself, because I then tried installing all the enb files straight from Boris' site, like just the files (wrapper version) with no preset, slightly different results but still really weird. I also don't get the enb information on the screen when you start the game.


    It's not like I haven't installed enb's before, I have, but this is beyond me. It's probably something easy to miss, hopefully, but now apparently I'm a noob.

  10. Are you only doing automatics, or pistols as well? If you're doing each one individually then yeah, it should be AND. If doing it together on the same condition list it should be OR.


    Check out Heavy Gunner, it only affects heavy weapons, has one in the list and is AND. Big Leagues has both 1 & 2 handed melee weapons, both have OR. (Because I'm assuming both need to be affected)


    There's a page on conditions at the CK page, about halfway down it goes over OR and AND: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Conditions

  11. Yeah, look into conditions also. If you wanted it incrementally on the Commando perk you'll have to cancel each effect on the next perk rank or they'll stack. Nearly every perk with more than one rank can show you how to do that. You'd also need to create the ability spells for each rank of the perk going up.


    Also for the condition only to apply to automatic weapons, you'll need to create a condition like:


    Target: (or "Run On") Subject

    Condition Function: HasKeyword

    In the box next to it: WeaponTypeAutomatic

    Value: 1.00

    Tick the OR box.

  12. Oh right, so plain old wav. files will play in game?


    It just threw me when...well, this should explain better, when bringing up the entry for "MUS_Dungeon_01" here:




    Instead of xwm being the expected format it's wav. Afer you click on choose file you select the file you want but as you can see, only wav is available.


    But yeah if wav files play then it should be ok if that's the case, so I'll try that. Tyvm for the reply.

  13. Hopefully someone with experience in this can help.


    Right so I don't mean simply replacing the existing tracks using MultiXWM, I can do that. What I want to do is add more, say dungeon tracks. Example there are 8 dungeon tracks, I want to add more, like perhaps up to 20. I know the CK is needed for this, it's not as simple as coverting a track to xwm format and calling it MUS_Dungeon_09, it'll never play, the CK is needed to add it.


    Thing is when looking in the CK at the music track section and bringing up MUS_Dungeon_01 it ends in a wav file. How can that be? They are xwm's. If I create a new entry and select choose file and try looking for any xwm files to add it won't let me as it only wants to look for wav files in file type.


    Will it play wav files in game if that's all I can do?

  14. Hello.


    I wanted to remove the slow motion effect from melee weapons that triggered every so often, (TOO often imo) so I unpacked data0.pak, found the line I had to edit and set the chance for the effect to happen to 0. I then used 7Zip to pack the file back up and made sure before I did that it had the pak file extension before hitting OK.


    At the main menu though it won't recognise my old save game, it says it's unavailable, some DLC data is missing and I should go to the Steam store to purchase the required DLC. Or select play from last main campaign quest, or something like that, which doesn't work either. What's strange is I CAN start a new game, so what that missing DLC thing is about I'm not sure.


    Now I have used mods that change the data0.pak file in this current game with no issue, so there must be something I'm doing wrong. What on earth could that be?

  15. the sound clips you've taken , are they from an old movie that is no longer copyright protected? is this from an actual movie , or some fan made project on YT?

    also what is the length of these sound files?


    Well it was from Robocop 2, this clip in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NWF0xE1MOw


    So yeah, old now but still probably copyrighted.


    The length of each clip is about the time of a single footstep, so about 1 second. Each one ranging from 5kb to 18.

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