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  1. Sounds amazing! We need more abstract mods :3
  2. xD Well I like the Huntress one cause it's simpler :3 And fits Oblivion more imo XD I was also considering asking for Assassin Cross, but theres already an armor or two that look close enough xD
  3. Well, I had a huge attempt at making it myself from scratch, making it from mixing pieces of other armor etc.. and well.. my knowledge of blender just doesn't cut it. Hopefully this inspires someone out there, as Ragnarok online armors are pretty nice and I believe they would look great in oblivion :3 Here are some references: One Two Three Four Five Six Note: I'd prefer the Short-shorts version to the mini skirt =P And a sprite sheet that shows all angles Here It's a little difficult to find a nice back shot =P Now, I don't expect you to make it from scratch, unless you wanted to, but I've noticed some armors on TESNexus already have SOME of the components which would be used to create this armor. TerraMane by Hentai (Underboob Buckle and upper is close to the Hunter outfit) Tona's Traveling Items by Tona (For the Butt-Backpack) And I remember seeing a Shawl type thing that looked a lot like the Huntress one :3 Yell at me if you need any more info~
  4. I think it might be Slof's Giger Armor :3 http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24756 Might be wrong though D:
  5. Try this: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23143 I've used it for a while now, absolutely love it. I ACTUALLY wear Vanilla armor because of it xD Long live HGEC! :3
  6. Edit: File has been uploaded :3 http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27389 I just need someone to confirm that my latest companion mod works. It contains 5 Male companions ('cause we girls need some loving too!) of the Anwolf race, nothing fancy. Please PM me if you're interested and I'll send you the files :3 Click to enlarge: http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz337/Ambientan/th_cmgang.jpg - An
  7. Sneak + Bow :3 I also like using Dual Swords/Short Swords but I tend to have a seperate character for that because I'm a story freak~ As for magic, I haven't really played too much as a Mage, I'd LOVE to find out how to play a Healer in Oblivion :B
  8. Functionality: I was playing with Karen Iphigenia not long ago, she's a healer CM and she was a lot of fun to play with. The only downside was that her appearance was overly anime-ish. I'm pretty sure she's a Midas Magic Companion. Appearance : Xenia. God she's hot xD I really should find a nice Male companion for my characters, since I'm a chick. However I'm playing a STEALTH character at the moment, and well, companions don't work too well with that D: Anyone know of a companion that works well with Assassin chars?
  9. There's a Vanilla lute? We'll, I guess you could always turn it into a 2h weapon that sheathes on the back. Or if it's one hand (honestly I had no idea a Lute existed in Oblivion so I'm speculating here xD) use Unecessary Violence to toggle it's sheathe to 2h o_O; Being able to whack things over the head with a Lute would be fun :3 Giving it the ability to cast AOE spells and the Umpa guitar animation would be just amazing xD
  10. Make sure you're running the game from 'obse_loader.exe' otherwise any mods that use OBSE will not work. UV can be a pain to get working sometimes, just make the .esp load last, re-check to make sure other people haven't found incompatibilities in the comments etc.
  11. Dual Wield Complete sounds like a solution :3 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18297 Basically what it does is prompts a 'yes or no' when you equip a weapon, asking if you want to toggle it to offhand. This offhand will be defensive in nature. I'm pretty sure it also adds offhand versions of most vanilla weapons at a shop in IC.
  12. Dante Armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21724 Black Dante Armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21833 DMC Weapons: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21546 As for the race, I think people steer away from character specific races, but you might want to look for/request a half-demon race that would suit Dante or Vergil Player characters. That way all that work that goes into the race isn't just for someone who wants to play either Dante or Vergil, but any Half-Demon orientated character! With the pure werewolf race, I don't know of one that starts you off as a werewolf, IE. charactergen screen. But I guess you could always console cheat Curse of Hircine to form Werewolf-ism, and bypass all the random crap. Remember that basically all COH does is add a piece of clothing that simulated a werewolves appearance that you cannot unequip while in that form. I guess one way you could do it is to create a new race, add the werewolf specific skills you want, and force equip a werewolf suit in the tail or amulet slot. But I really don't think you'll see a pure werewolf race, it's just natural that anyone will attack/fear you on sight as a Werewolf xD Hope I helped at least a little D:
  13. This might also be of some use :3 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10400 I've only been using it recently, but it has smoothed out my gameplay a bit. You should do the clean boot first though, sounds like you need it.
  14. Edit: Nevermind, I have no idea how, but I fixed it D: Yo! Currently working on my second custom race, but I've run into a problem I never got when making the first (Anwolf) I pretty much just duplicated the Anwolf race, I'm using the exact same files, bar face texture, and obviously pointing to a different location. Problem is, both in game and in Oblivion Construction Set, the sliders do nothing to change facial features, only move the hair around a little, so I'm stuck with this static face. I know I've probably just done something silly, It's late, but for the love of god I cannot figure out why I can't change the facial features of the duplicated race AT ALL. I thought it might have been the headmesh to start of with (Ren's) but it's the exact same one used in my last race, so I thought I might be missing some head mesh related files. Apparently not, it's all there D: Same file-sizes etc! I'd appreciate any input I can get, however small it is, it might even seem like an obvious suggestion but I guarantee I've just missed something stupid. So please say anything that comes to mind! <3 - An
  15. Unnecessary Violence has one, although it's not for display, but does add new moves. And it's an extensive mod, past Dual Wielding. Perhaps Dual Wield Complete? It has the offhand weapons of the vanilla weapons for sale to use with the mod, but you can also toggle custom weapons/unique weapons to your offhand by equipping a weapon, then selecting 'yes' when the dialogue box pops up. As far as I know, this one is just for display and the offhand acts like a shield. Personally I use UV for dual wielding, cause it includes weapons-specific combat moves (Such as a custom power-attack for dual wield if your dual wielding) If new combat moves is what your looking for then UV would be the way to go. For non-dual-wield related mods that change animations, and add new combat moves, I suggest the following if you haven't already gotten them (In order of Preference): Deadly Reflex Sudden Violence Unnecessary Violence Hope all this wasn't completely useless to you :(
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