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About graavigala

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  1. Is there mod like this out there or is it even possible to make one?
  2. weeeeeelll s***.... Well I would still want to see one as armored :D
  3. I already get anxiety attacks when I got water and now you people want to add sharks and god knows what monsters in there!!! Ye I would like that too :)
  4. We already have Sabercat mount, how about a elf mount? :)
  5. They should go and check what games like Champions online has. Flowing capes but not super realistic. I think that Skyrim does not need 100% 1/1 realistic flowing capes but atleast capes that flow and not be like sheets of steel on your back.
  6. This indeed. Nothing more. Just so that it looks better when in hand. All I hope this would do is make it look better when in hand. Now I know this isnt that huge thing to do but it still needs quite lot work of adjusting the model and having little editing to the mesh itself.
  7. Just as it shows on the drawing. keep the shield as it is, model that is, only change the way it is placed on the hand, just as the drawing shows the shield has /\ shape to it if you look at it, so it would be logical to have your hand go along it, not against it.
  8. I would like to request fairly simple mod, atleast I think it would be simple. Dragonplate shield looks nice but I think its been placed wrong to the hand. I dont think it looks good when you hold it sideways. Here are few pictures to show what I mean, for some reason I could not get screens from game so you have to live with my awesome drawings http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/dragonshield.jpg/
  9. Is there mod or even possibility that makes you show all your weapons on your character? Now I dont mean that it literally shows every single item on you but lets say if you have one handed weapon, dagger and bow that you use all the time and when y ou stop using bow it wouldnt just dissaper but stay on your back when you pop out swords/shields/daggers/magics
  10. Cape that isnt piece of steel on your back
  11. Hello all! I have a request to make your dualwielding sword to be hold at back AND also have s scarrab/sheat on your back BUT not just floating. I mean that the swords sheats are attached to the HideArmors body armor, you know that all over leather strap, so basically this request has multiple parts 1. make dualwielding sheated correctly 2. make sheats visible on your back 3. make the sheat visible all the time from already previous armor Did I make any sense with this?
  12. I have maged to get the fur mesh of yearls clothes apart but I just cant get them to work, I cant get them in game, I cant get them even into .nif format :D
  13. Eragon the video game that way ----->
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