I loved the look and feel of Dead Money, the problem is that it hardly added anything replayable to the game. The villas and the Sierra Madre made for a very interesting little city, but once you complete the main storyline they become boring and useless as there's no life left. Once you clean out the loot (which usually happens during the main quest line), there's nothing to bring you back, nowhere really to explore. My biggest gripe is that Dead Money does nothing to enhance the Wasteland in any way. I guess what I was expecting was an expansion along the lines of Point Lookout, something that would give you a new wasteland to explore along with unique critters/enemies as you trek across it to the red cloud on the horizon. This would give you something new to explore before AND after you reach the "city" of the Sierra Madre where Father Elijah ensnares you for his quest. As it is now, you teleport from the Brotherhood bunker in the middle of the map to the casino. Since you teleport from a location far from any Mojave Wasteland map borders, I really have no clue where the Sierra Madre's supposed to be in relation to the Mojave. And I guess what bugs me most is that the Mojave Wasteland map is GIGANTIC with so much space left empty and blocked off, so most of this could have been added somewhere on an unused part of the map, greater enhancing the realism of the Wasteland overall while expanding its "borders". Guess I'll have to wait for further DLC before I see any new wasteland additions.