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About ivyislost

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    United States
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    Oblivion,fable2,assasins creed

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  1. when i reinstalled oblivion the sound files never unpacked, well i used the bsa unpacker, but still, running through oblivion without sound is the suck, I was wondering if there was either A) original sound files, (god there would need to be a lot huh) B) sound replacing mods, that would replace all sounds, I have no music or sound effects in game >.< its due to a scratch in the cd i know that much and atm I can't just run out and rebuy a cd T-T any help is appreciated ^ ^
  2. -sighs- mmmmk here is what it says CRC error: The file C:\Program Files\Games\Data\Oblivion-Voices1.bsa doesn't match the file in the setup's.cab file. The medium from which you are running the setup my be corrupted; contact your software vendor...... this is the same kind of error im getting on another game however its brand spanking new from the case o.o; with it i have no video >.< however, i do have the hud no screen T-T;
  3. thanks maybe something will work cause its been an uber headache to say the least XD
  4. Okay ill try that, and thanks, lol love the sig by the way X3
  5. and by the way its even telling me that the (brand new game out of the box into drive) source file is corrupted O.o;;;;; -is seriously considering reinstalling windows xp and telling win 7 to suck.....yeah you get the picture XP -
  6. I have been running this game on xp no problem for years, updated to windows 7 my head ache turned into a two week fight where im about to just give up......-sighs- I am running windows 7 home premium edition Processor: AMD Athlon64 x2 dual core processor 3800+ 2.00GHz installed ram is 3.50 gb system type 32 bit graphics card ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT It crashes at desktop or even worse on attempts to reinstal its telling me crazy stuff that makes no sence like voice1bsa doesn't match one on cab etc and this is just becoming a major headache.....
  7. Well Thankies anyway, I will either continue to look or give up, lol
  8. I already spoke to her, and she says she didn't make it and its not hers XD we talked on it and other stuff so yeah....
  9. I am searching for an armor, I don't care if its converted to bbb or not. However, it isn't slofs armor like it says in the video, I don't have a clue, if anyone else does it would be awesome since i can't locate it lol. http://youtu.be/vMUrMWqBjtI
  10. sadly on installing oblivion on win 7 ..sighs lost everything id been doing when my daughter yanked a wire, which was my external hard drive......
  11. sounds great. Can't wait to be honest. >.< if i ever get all my issues ironed out, atm i can't even step out of imperial city...says i can't go that way...like the borders are enabled but they aren't so i throw my hands up and am removing many mods XD starting to wanna chew on ren, lol it conflicts with everything under the sun in my mod list...
  12. oh the buttons not working was a damn mystery all the ruins across my game just stopped working >.> was a pain, it ended in reinstall >.<
  13. at the moment I am trying to get hair lol for a different race, lol and atm im working on my first cm partner O.< its hard to say the least X3 (when you think cm partner think like vilja, since i wanted her to be a quest giving one) so anyway, working on hair and then the actual place...
  14. Just saw your message Ivy. I'm glad she is finally working! What ya workin' on now?
  15. Hey sorry i had some massive issues as of late >.< anyway, only issues i have had so far were due to incompatibilities with other mods unholy darkness, they seem to have issues together, if you load WTA after they both seem to run I am running them both at the moment like that. but anyway how is everyone ^^ thanks for the key again btw
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