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Posts posted by Spartan11752

  1. I've recently started playing Fallout New Vegas after having a long break from it. And as for me and mods, i have TONNES of em, this now causes problems sometimes, for examples, Freezing after playing for about 1 hour, crashing on startup or other related things. So i tought, its definately the mods that i have downloaded, and the thing is, since i have alot of mods installed and me being a lazy bum, i tought why not implement "profiles" that you can choose what mods to be enabled on startup instead of having to deactivate all mods, then activating them again when you want them, it seems rather simple and could be usefull for mod creators that might be playing with mods, when playing alone and then when they want to try their own mods they can just have a profile called "My own mods" and then whenever he wants the other mods he/she can choose "all mods installed" or something!

  2. Firefall, its a really great MMO game for people who like Sci-Fi stuff (like Jetpacks) and the great thing is that its going to be F2P when it comes out, you can apply for the beta at www.FirefallTheGame.com (or simply googling it)its really great so far (there has been 2-4 major updates so far) and there is quite a lot to do in it. Everyone should really check it out!
  3. Hey everyone,ive got an small request for all you good skinners,modders.its two armors/clothing.is it anyone that could do these two?http://mmoreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Earthrise_Wallpaper.png http://www.mmocrunch.com/wp-content/gallery/earthrise-header-28-12-10/armor4.jpg
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