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  1. Hi, if this as been asked sorry So let me first tell why my request. After start the game several times, i finaly found the gameplay that satisfy me the most. Survival Mode and never use of Fast Travel, omg how i love to finally enjoy the game other than just jump from A to B and kill C, return and start again, it kills the game(for me) So i can just not use Fast Travel you can tell me and you are right, i am doing it. But i want more So this is What i want : 1 - Disable Fast Travel from a profile, with no reverse possibility, i dont want to be able to activate it again no matte why 2 - Add an option to tell Companion to go unload at (choice) settlement and return, when confirmed the command it will create a marker(with diferent color or design) in the map(so you dont forget where to find this companion again), then you can go do something or just find a place to wait or sleep or whatever, our companion will go unload and return to the same place taking the same ingame time as we would doing it ourselves, a nice option would be also allow us to tell them to go unload and stay there, and that takes me to the next point 3 - While our companion is going unload the loot(returning or not), we could call for another companion trough radio, that ability would depend on our radio signal coverage(it can be used trough the recruitment coverage or artillary coverage), or if thats to much trouble, well it can just be activated as the flare for the minutemen, all the options are actions already ingame, just would difer from the result, instead of minutemen or bombs, it will spawn the chose companion If any1 decide to do this or implement this in another idea, i thank you from my heart and know that it will make me enjoy a lot more of the game
  2. @Dudeman325, i tested your mod, its exactly what i want hehe i see what you say about the amount of recipes needed....its a huge work to add all the craft recipes to each armor type, each armor/weapon type will need to have all the other variants in the game O.O but anyway, thats it, i am using plated steel armor set atm in my game, i can make a set with the same looks made by dwarven :) hmmm forgot to test one thing, how the new item works when trying to enhance it, being a steel sword(dwarven) it should ask for dwarven ingots to enhance, ill test it now :) done, yes it requires a dwarven ingot to enhance, become (epic) hehe
  3. i just used enchantments as an example hehe the idea was instead of changing craft, make it possible to enhance a steel armor with ebony, so we could craft the armor in the normal way and then enhance it to the metal we desire(limited by our smith perks), but after i wrote it yesterday i tought in one problem, it cant be made by using a single ingot lol that would be a kill to the lore, imagine how cheap it would be an iron armor enhanced to ebony by using a single ingot per piece lolol, so this idea is crap...unless for enhance with a diferent metal it requires the same amount of ingots it would requires to craft, but this is where things start to get hard right? so forget i mentioned it :) but you missunderstand the reasons i would love to have this, i dont want this to have the best armor possible, i want this so i can have the armor looks i want and still have the armor leveled to me, like i said already, in this game i joined the companions, and for lore, i would love to use the wolf armor and not being forced to use other armor just because i want/need better protection, as i level my smith perks ill improve my armor and so i could use it till i wanted to use another, but if i change i like it would be because i wanted and not because i am forced, you are right if i play in easier modes i dont need to change armor that bad, but thats another issue, i dont play less than master mode, i hate to one kill anithing, well almost anything there are enemies that is normal do kill in one hit ofc, but the main thing is i like to swet for my victories ;) im looking forward to it mate :) i cant help much, but one thing i can do, i can use it and give feedback :)
  4. you are right, i never moded so i have no idea how hard what im asking can be :( just one thing i dont understand(again probably coz of ignorance lol), why the need of re-texture when we are using something that already exist in the game? the way i see it, it would just need to duplicate the armor with diferent stats(depending on material used) and add it as an unique item just like when i take some boots and enchant for each resistance, now that im typing this i just tought in another solution, duno if its easier, why cant we change how the game enhance the armor/weapons, so instead of the item requesting a specific metal, allow us to choose what metal to enhance and then give the armor the specific stats of that metal armor/weapon kind, so if i wanted to keep my companions armor i just have to enhance it with better metal over time as i went up on armor craft perks @Gerandirr , yes, my english sucks, and for that i am sorry @Dudeman325, yes, thats what i am asking, with your mod you can have steel armor/weapons made by any metal, and get the specific metal stats, thats my idea, but for what you say its a lot of work :( maybe the idea of changing enhance to work more like enchant its easier? thank you for all the replies :) and again sorry for my bad english
  5. no one knows a mod that does this? if not, any moder want to make it? ive no idea on the dificulty of doing it, but what i visualise is like a sub-menu that opens when you are about to craft an item, that shows you all the looks that you can choose to your new item, all the rest stays the same, and that sub-menu will just shows the looks of the armors you can craft, so when you are about to create lets say a dwarven boots, the sub-menu will show availabe looks of iron, steel, dwarven...and more, until the best you already can craft a problem i can think is that when everything stays the same, the new item will have the id of the dwarven boots right? and that may conflit betwen dwarven boots with dwarven look and my new dwarven boots with lets say iron look, maybe if we add the ability to rename the new item like we can with enchant will make an unique item and so avoid conflict....sorry if im saying bulls***, if i knew i would do it myself hehe
  6. just to add one point i forgot, the armor style, would not be available until you could craft in that specific metal, this prevents me from building for example dwarven armor style in iron before i can craft dwarven armor, but when i can work dwarven metal it will unlock the dwarven style, and then i could make it in any metal, and like i said above, everything obey metal, not style, so if i have dwarven style armor made from iron, it will give the iron armor protection not the real dwarven, the same for the oposite, if i make an iron armor style in dwarven metal i will get the dwarven armor values
  7. Hi, this is most certain talked, but i didnt found it, so pls direct me to a mod that does it if there are any out there What i want is a mod for craft that works like vanilla with only one diference, the armor looks is an option you shoose when you are about to craft the armor, all craft system obey the ame metal rules like in vanilla, all upgrades also obey the metal that the armor are made, everything stays the same, but with this simple options, i could have a top metal armor made that looks like the armor i love the most, let me give an example, for lore, when i join companions i would love to have the companion armor set made by, lets say for example, ebony, or if i join the empire, i can have an empire armor set made in ebony this would give a deeper imersion to my faction choices dont you think? thank you
  8. thank you for the answer, but that dont explain what happened to me completely, even if allien abduction missions dont stop that dont explains why i got it in a full covered continent, i had all the world covered but the 2 nations i lost and both are on asia, i got allien abduction with 1 mission in asia and 2 in europe(that was full covered) anyway, i already beat that game, i can add that after that allien abduction i neved had another till the end, so i guess it was probably a bug, or maybe it only stop the abdutions after the council report of that month when i placed the final satelites
  9. hi, i have read, cant remember where, that if we cover all coninents but one, it will stop allien abductions from happening, so at the moment in my classic/ironman ive covered north america, south america, africa and europe, lost 2 nations in asia where i have my base, but i have the second nation also covered, bottom of line i have all world covered but the nations i lost(india and china), and for my surprise, i got a allien abduction poping up, 2 mission in UK and one in Australia....is this right or is it a bug? thank you
  10. Thank you a lot Drakous79 the first 2 points is about skill, those are all good advices, some are skills i already have others are skills i need to learn ;) the point 3 is what i really need, i feel like the game falls into oblivion to fast, after all we are a single organisation protecting all the world, and in a game that uses dice roll in backwards to avoid save/load, they should have made panic a lot smoother so we can recover from losses(without making the game too easy ofc), or at least allows us to work panic down by option, allowing us to pic missions where we want and when we want, it could be made by allowing us to ask council for missions, we could loose those missions also and even get our situation worst ofc but im not asking to make the game easier, just more fair, i beleave there are ppl that owns the game in impossible, and probably most ppl will say that i should go for normal dificulty if i cant do it in classic, and i would agree if i didnt feel that is not my skill that is weak, is the game that is not balanced, i even like the feeling in my belly when a mission start to colapse, what i dont like is when even if i make a perfect mission, nations go panic coz i choose to not save them, this is not balanced, we have only one team, that most of the time is injured or dead, and we have to choose missions depending in panic coz if we dont and choose depending on reward things go even worst, panic related, what would be fair was allow us to make all the missions, saving a team for each mission(if we had not the manpower then we would have to ignore some and then it was fair their panic increase), that way, i would feel that my actions and effort counts, if i saved all the missions i would have panic lowered in all, or if i failed some panic would increase where i fail, this would make the game longer to finish(more missions to make, more time the game takes, after all the game is 99% about doing missions) what is also good, if materials gained from each mission become an issue by having more missions=more materials just lower the amount per mission and problem solved...anyway, im geting lost in my toughts lol thank you for your reply, ill try to do that thing u said about avoiding nations to leave council, duno if ill be sucessfull but ill try :) p.s.what version of modpatcher should i get? :P
  11. hi, i´ve finished the game in classic with normal save mode, and then started classic/ironman, i know im not the best player and blah blah, but the thing that made me come here is this, im geting pissed off with the 90%+ missed shots, and on top of that, geting hited and killed by an alien thats so far that sometimes i cant see him and my soldier in the same screen(19" monitor), i know that 99% means i still have 1% possibility to miss, but cmon...do u think normal when i get to lets say 3 or 4 tiles away and with a clear shot and with 90%+ chance to hit, i miss both shots on a rapid fire..., but this is not all, i also had situations that with 2 or 3 soldiers with 90%+ chance to hit and all missed on the same target in the same round, this can kill a game, and the worst is this also kills the fun, i dont get that values of % without tactics and then see all my work wasted like that..., but this is not what i want changed, the game is like this and so i need to take the punch, what i want to change is the panic level of nations, if im doomed to loose squads to the 10% less chances of missing shots that i miss in every mission, yes every mission, its not allways fatal but it happens every mission, so ill drop to rookies lots of time, and then ill loose more missions, so ill loose nation suport, that i cant recover, and ill loose the game, i dont mind to take the blame, but what i dont want is to loose the fun, i like the game so i want to play it, so i ask u guys, how or is it possible to lower the panic impact of loosing missions, so i have fair time to recover from bad luck shots thank you in advance and sorry for my bad english
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