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Everything posted by Pahrias12

  1. OK so i recently noticed a trend of my companions, namely heather casdin, and vanilla cait, to keep getting out of their power armour for no real reason that i can see. cait seems to do it randomly across the wasteland which is annoying to say the least. heather seems to do it most often at vault 88. im away building or decorating etc, and when i stop she comes running up to me minus power armour. thankfully its in the vault so not much searching needed but still, annoying. any one had a similar issue and is there a fix/workaround? not using many mods that change behaviour. just the expanded sandbox for the settlers and the power armour and infinite ammo. plus endless babble fix. oh and the stealth distance fix. any clues would be helpful. Thanks for reading.
  2. Im currentley learning to use the CK and was hoping for some pointers, or maybe even to inspire some one with more know-how to do a mod such as i intend to. As the name implys, my aim is to create a mod with some of the spells from the popular bioware game series Baldurs Gate. Initialy, the spells Magic missile, globe of invulnerability and immunity to normal weapons/arrows. I am a total amature i admit that, so far i know how to edit a spell to get the effects (Damage) i want but not much more. To-Do: -learn how to create my own graphics. -learn how to make the magic missile duplicate itself at higher lvls. (fires one bolt upto lvl 10/15 then 2 bolts upto20/30 and then 3 bolts and so-on upto a maximum of 9) -how to make the magic missile lock-on and track enemies. -basicaly everything! if you like the sound of this let me know and if there are any spells from baldurs gate you think would be a good addition please add them with a small description of what the spell did, for example: Haste- doubled party speed for set time. attack and idle animations sped up. Thanks for reading and i look forward to your suggestions!
  3. it does seem a bit daft to alow you to dual weild and animate it and all that but then not bother to put in an extra scabbard and drawing anim. just seems lazy to me. also is it just me or is there realy only one attack (non power) when you press both buttons? just the scissor attack?
  4. ive had this issue a couple of times. once i had killed a dragon after it took me by suprise then got myself killed and had to reload, and even tho it spawned in the same place, it just flew off. tho i would note that almost every time i go to the college a dragon attacks, got at least 5 dragon corpses cloggin up the courtyard! you could try that.
  5. TwoToedSloth:^^^yes, sadly. I find it pretty irritating that I can run around casting alteration spells and level but no destruction spells. I'm guessing some people would just sit there and level it up and all kill immediately though. thats odd. i ran around castin alt and conj to try lvlin them and they dont move at all for me...only seems to increase when there are enemies around. which i assume beth did to stop ppl like me sittin at my home and castin summon or oakskin for hours to speed lvl. even tho it would make sense for a mage to train in the safety of his home or at the college before headin out into the world. i would have prefered a cap on it like goin to a trainer. but then thats me!
  6. got same issue. thinkin it could be random... or maybe dependant on how many/where the other enimies are.
  7. does this fix the "fencing" issue that seems to keep cropping up? most prominant in breeze home?
  8. any one know if there are same sex marrages? or would that be askin too much? fable mannaged it... tho in fable you could marry practicaly anyone! if not you think some one would make a mod for it? ok ignore me... ive just found out that you can.... lol
  9. ps i realy hope beth are working hard to iron out these glitches coz this is one mega game!
  10. ok never mind youtube provided the answer... lol easier too just type sexchange in the console twice and poof, gone! for those that the show race menu didnt work!
  11. ok tried that didnt work... any other ideas? appreciate the help
  12. ok i know this may have been covered in another topic, but im havin difficulty with these radiant quests.... first it wouldnt let me complete the experiment for j zargo in the college of winter hold, and now i cant do the hired muscle one for the companions. with j zargo, it wouldnt let me speak to him untill after i was the arch-mage even tho id completed his tests (tho that could be intentional, the college was under attack after all!) then with the hired muscle quest ive been sent to a boat that im supposedly not meant to be on, and the char im meant to beat to a pulp wont talk to me except to say "you arent supposed to be here" anyone else having this issue or others involving radiant quests? hope beth will sort this out coz i like the idea of random-ish quests, means more replay value. and it would be even better if they were continous. (I.E. after completeing the companions you can still do random quest that, at least story-wise, would now be carried out by your underlings, rather than there just being a set amount. or the darkbro hood still gets contracts for you to kill etc)
  13. P.S. im on a top end vista gaming rig if that makes a diff lol x64 bit And is that sexdarkness easier to use? is it better than sexlivion?
  14. hi. thanks for the assist. no i dont have any of those mods. i did have a personality idle one but it kept locking my char in one random pose, so i took it off. ive tried running both eyecandy and hgec body mods, seperatly, but still no joy. the mods i am running at the same time are: 1. eroblivion. (cause the read me claimed it needed it.) 2. Cm partners 2.0 3. natural faces. 4. eyecandy arena armour. 5. slofs sexy anims. 6. bondage sex 7. shiny emotions 8. basic instinct. 9. umpa animations 10. seasonal weather 11. shivering isle 12. actors in charge 13. hgec OR eyecandy nude mod. 14. set essential actors. ( again cause the read me said i needed it.) a few to be runnin at once but as i say the majority are supposedly needed (most came with the erotic pose pack) and ive tried without the unnessesery ones, hell ive tried wi just sexlivion, and still no joy. guess i may have to try the sexdarkness one instead! lol. If im missing an important mod that it needs that you know of or if any of those will cause a conflict that obmm wont detect... i know the majority of the animations are there cause they work using the pose orbs/spells, just not when im shaggin lol at first i thought it was cause my char is female, but i read a comment somewhere that say shed just use a strap-on. how youd harvest sperm when you are usin a rubber c*ck god only knows but hey, girl on girl is always more fun! Agian thanks for the assist!
  15. ok. iv DL sexvilion, and eyecandy and the erotic poses, didnt bother with the male mods or the voice one... now everything works except there seems to be no animations for the actual sex scenes. im relativly new at modding games, so any ideas would be nice... all the other poses, sex animations, etc that you get with the erotic poses pack work fine. so am i missing something? im wearing the rings, the basic instinct spell works, the set essential chars works, and the text telling me we are at double speed etc work. i dont get it and ive tried taking all mods off and trying them one at a time. still nowt. ta for any help you can provide... ace Game made so much better with mods... lol
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