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  1. Some mods have uninstall instructions that include opening BGSE command window and typing in commands to halt a given process, then save your game, to uninstall the mod safely. I've only had to do so once but it worked perfectly. This mod (which is otherwise really cool), does NOT have any uninstall instructions: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2986 And indeed uninstalling it and loading a savegame crashes, likely due to missing script or calls to passives that dont exist. Is there any way to find which things I should turn off via BGSE command for any given mod? Can anyone do so for this mod specifically? Or is my savegame just at the mercy of the mod author? Thank you for any help you can provide!
  2. couldnt come up with a good one-sentence description but the idea is: all per-long-rest actions replenish on short rest, all per-short-rest actions are per-combat, and all per-combat actions are just basic/bonus actions. Long rest remains the only way to get your short-rests back so you dont get infinite use of higher-level abilities but you at least dont feel completely emptied after one fight. (there's a mod already that makes them replenish over time and adds an exhaustion mechanic which is cool but the game just cant ever work elegantly in real-time so long as combat is turn-based and rests are so necessary to progress the story.)
  3. - include time-range in the description of quests that tell you to wait until a certain time i.e. replace 'in the evening' with the actual best time to be there like 'between 5pm and 8pm' - expand the skill progression past 60 with perk points or small incremental bonuses (likely pretty major work including UI, but people would love it) - swap the color variant of a non-iconic weapon (remove that hideous barghest yellow) - make EMPs not hurt civilians so you dont get random bounties from using tech weapons or quickhacks.
  4. Re-necro bump to ask if it is at least possible to make the AI still use abilities that are not in their 8 slots? As it is now, they just forget they even have the abilities, which is infuriating. (The justification for this is even worse: 'so you have to plan for each battle.' Oh so I have to meta-game to win then? Cause I'm not supposed to know what I'm facing until it's there and oh thanks for manufacturing more contrived reasons to make us use that *wonderful* interface that BW crafted out of turds and sadness. I hope something - anything - can be done cause this basically ruined the game for me. Some things are too inexcusably stupid to overlook and it's doubly tragic that it showed up in a game so otherwise great.)
  5. Equip a knife or other silent weapon. Sneak up on a raider and use a power attack to do a stealth kill. If you are in first-person, you break stealth completely and everyone sees you. If you are in third-person, you don't seem to break stealth but the victim stays alive long enough to alert enemies nearby, putting everyone in 'caution' mode. That this behaves differently in first-person than in third-person tells me this is a bug and not by-design. (Even if it was by-design... that is just horrible design.) Anyone else? or is there some mod that fixes this? I haven't found one. Thanks guys!
  6. I too am having this exact problem. I've made weapons before and they worked fine. Hell, the armor I made is skinned and working in-game the only thing that refuses to work is the world-model which SHOULD be the simplest thing to make. So bumping rather than make a new thread. PLEASE anyone help?
  7. No one? Does anyone at least know how to assign dismemberment partitions?
  8. thanks, but that doesnt work for skinned meshes though, only props/weapons.
  9. I'm a 3d artist hoping to make some armor but I use maya and there doesnt seem to be any tutorials on how to work with the maya plugin, though I DID get it installed and working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ----------------------------------------- My previous mod: Dragon Bone Weapons Complete http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14701
  10. Well I currently finished adding major support for animation. But it's still a bit untested. If you wan skyrim support then test the current plugin as it is against oblivion or fallout 3. If the new features work fine then I will start looking into skyrim support. I won't even begin to work if some people won't even test it. It's not just about skyrim support but about fallout 3 support too. This is the most recent test version of the plugin: test version There are instructions included about how to install the plugin. If you do get the plugin working with Skyrim, I don't suppose you could include support for previous versions of Maya? Would that be difficult? See, I'm in the same predicament as theycallmecheese, except I only own a copy of Maya from '08. Edit: For anyone who, like me, found this thread by googling the "error reading file" maya nif problem, I think I may have found a solution: In nifSkope, change the "User Version" setting in the NiHeader node (which can be accessed in the Blocks List mode) from 12 to 0, delete any BSLightingShaderProperty nodes, and convert any BSDismemberSkinInstance nodes to NiSkinInstance nodes. In my case, this allowed me to import skinned Skyrim models into Maya. I haven't yet tried exporting back to the game, but I imagine the process is similar. Well I downloaded the plugin and it loaded but every nif file i open gives me a blank scene except the nif files I made from nifskope. I'm specifically trying to get a new bow into the game and nothing is working. -- screw it, i used 3dsmax and it works now after the most tedious 4 hours since 6 hours ago. Still wish I could just use maya though.
  11. Please please let me know if you come any closer to supporting skyrim. There's a skyrim-supported exporter for 3dsmax but I dont have max.
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