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  1. -cleaned cpu and gfx fans -removed one of 3 ram bars -switched both external HDDs from eSata ports and connected em to normal sata ports Was able to run DAO for an hour in fullscreen at highest settings. PC didnt freeze. I don't know if my problem is solved now and what might fixed it. Most likely the cpu fan... :)
  2. Deinstalled my firewall and disabled antivirus, but the result is still the same.
  3. hmmz, sounds interesting, because comodo firewall acted like a jerk when I wanted to play Aion :P ..but stil.. only DA1 and DA2 to cause this problem. However, thanks for the info! Ill deinstall my firewall and try it again.
  4. @Thandal, yeah I meant dragon age 2 demo, but I somehow highly doubt that anything will change in the full game, since its the same engine. The only hope I got left is, that dx11 is really disabled in this demo (even tho I was playing it with dx11 on o0?) and that in the final version of da2 dx11 will save my butt. That 8:3x min pattern was only in DA1 with all cores working. Once I disabled a few, I was able to play for a litle longer. I also don't think that its malware or any funny stuff you get when you visit some funny sites I simply dont do. :/ However, I installed windows 7 64bit yesterday, patched everything and tried to run DA1 - same result: freeze. So I would say its not the OS. concerning DA2: It doesn't freeze after a fix amount of time. Usually it lasts longer that 10minutes. I tried to run it with only 1 core activated (core 3 that is) and I was able to run the game for 30-40 minutes with dx11...I didn't crash here, I just had to quit, but I don't think that my problem will go away only when I leave 1 core active. Well, like I said, DA2 doesn't have a fix time pattern, its somewhat random. A bit over an hour, with 40min or so minimized, was the longest time DA2 was running, but it still froze up when I tried to finish the demo after being afk for 40minutes. The funny thing is: my old laptop(dual core 2.2, GF 9600M, 3GB RAM, win7 32bit) doesn't have any trouble at running DA 1 or DA 2, but the game looks not that good. :[
  5. -.- ..and here we go again. Seems like I was too hasty with my success picture. Tried DA2 today, with the same result: it freezes my pc after a few minutes, doesnt matter if I play in dx9 or 11. My DA:O and DA:A does it also. Created a thread at bioware forums ...bleeeeeeh I even installed win7 64 yesterday, and it still freezes my PC. I can run pretty much all games without problems, but DA and DA2..hooorrraaay :|
  6. http://image-upload.de/image/O2K1cP/a82a51e7f2.jpg this thingy here helped: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/189269#189314 disable core 0 and 1 for i5 users. Tested for 30min, no freeze, so I guess its solved. In case its still buggy and crashes after 30 minutes, Ill post a frowny pic :O Oh, and thank you two for the help and additional research!:D
  7. aye, same result! However, I tested to run DA a few more times and always watched the timer: it doesn't matter what I do, playing, character creation or just leave DA minimized it will freeze my pc after 8m and 3x seconds. Every single time. I watched temperature, event handler, cpu/ram usage and so on...no errors or high numbers, which makes it difficult identify the source of evil :/ ..BLEH! My crappy 3 years old laptop is running the game but my monster pc from hell is being defeated every single time >< ..sure I could play DA on my laptop but I want to see it on very high details and 8AA Before I continue to write more useless crap, Ill stop here and further google it. When I come up with a solution, Ill write it here!
  8. @nao, I have only one version of DA, correctly installed, no mods, updated to 1.04 and it still kills my PC after 8min and 34sec (to be accurate^^). @codi, I used custom install, just like always and DA is therfor not in the x86 folder, but that shouldnt be an issue. The only thing it offers is to run as admin, but since I have only one account... Ill try to run it with XP sp2 emulation.
  9. bleh... :/ I reinstalled DAO and DAA and tried to run it without mods, with the same result...after 5 or 10 minutes DA kills my PC, even when its minimized...buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulll craaaaaaapp! Its one of my fav games :| I really dont get it. I played Lost Planet 2 today for about 2-3 hours and this is a dx11 game, with soooooooo many special effects and whatnot. Do I really have to install a new OS to play it or just wait for DA2? bleh bleh bleh
  10. reinstalling DA:O&A right now and will test it without mods first :[
  11. Hi there, I know its kinda hard to guess what it could be, with only a vague description of the problem, but maybe this is a somehow known issue. Ok here we go: I played DAO and A on my laptop(windows 7) first, then upgraded my desktop PC(vista64) and copied all DA folders to the desktop PC - this includes the game folder and everything that was in "my documents" just to keep all the mods. It worked at first, but now when I try to play DAO or DAO:A it freezes up my pc after 5 or 10 minutes. Doesn't matter if im in game or just in the character creation. It also doesnt matter if the game runs in fullscreen or minimized - the result is the same. To describe that "freeze" thing a bit more: - screen freezes - mouse and keyboard power off (external hdds still work) - I cant access the task manager - I dont get a blue screen and PC doesnt reboot on its own - all I can do is hiting the reset or power off button PC specs: i5 760 GTX 460 768RAM (overclocked or default specs - both lead to the same problem), drivers are up to date (266.58 WHQL) 6GB DDR3 RAM Vista 64 (up to date) avast antivirus + comodo firewall At first I thought that it could be some hardware issue, so I tested a few games: Warcraft 3 WoW Rift Mass Effect 2 Crysis: Warhead Lost Planet 2 Resident Evil 5 Aion LOTRO Everything runs fine and doesnt lead to a freeze. (even over a period of several hours to exclude a temperature problem) Last mods I installed: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1218 http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=686 http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=548 I didn't try to disable these mods, because I don't think thats the reason for my problem, when the game freezes up my PC even in the character creation, while DAO is minimized or in fullscreen. I also tried to disable all unnecessary programs, or reboot and run DAO right after...same problem. Could this have to do something with copying all files from one system to another? Windows7 (32bit) > Vista64 (64 bit) It worked for other games like Mass Effect 2. Is it even possible that a mod can cause this? I would expect DA to crash, but not the whole PC. :/ well....any ideas?
  12. hm, ok that's a good argument. Dang... I hereby announce my bloody crusade to Canada. Where once I arrive shall massacre every single Bioware employe who is responsible for "THIS"! :dry: However, thanks for the fast answer and sorry for any inconvenience caused. :ermm:
  13. Why do 95% of all mods don't support Awakening, even 1 month after its release? Even new mods doesn't support Awakening. Is Awakening the hated b.astard child nobody wants to play with or am I missing something important here? All of the great armor/skins/younameit mods doesn't support it. Your Awakening char won't have the item set spawned in his/her inv once you reload and even if you create a new DA:O char, it doesn't get all the items. For example: I have 2 DA:O Chars: a lvl2x mage and a lvl17 warrior. I installed a few outstanding armor set mods, which look simply awesome, yeah i know I'll stop the tongue bath here, but the shitty part about the story is: I don't want to play my mage nor the warrior, I want to create a new character in Awakening. While installing a mod and see all new items in your inv once you load the game works perfectly fine for "old" characters, there is something off with new characters. For example: I created a few new (DAO)characters, with different origins and classes, and they only recieve a few items, or to be more accurate 1 armor set at lvl1. You might say: wtf you want? You are lvl1! But the point is, I don't want to play DA:O. I created a new char in DA:O because it's the only way to get those new shiny items and import them into Awakening, a far better version of DA if you seek fast and challenging fights (just my opinion). So, to come to an end here: Am I that thick that I overlook something or is it a fact, that most mods don't give a poo about Awakening and therfor don't bother to support it? :( Is there a work around maybe? - creating a new char and importing it to DA:A doesn't work - using console to run scrips doesn't work for DA:A either (DA:O it works fine) greets gao
  14. You're right, tho you already recieved a kudos, the next one goes to endeavour1934 for his mod(http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=435). nice community you have here guys =)
  15. http://i44.tinypic.com/nwmohc.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/34ydztg.jpg YAY! :) thanks again edit(better looking armor^^) http://i40.tinypic.com/n1baqp.jpg
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