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About Agonofinis

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    United Kingdom
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    The Witcher 2
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    Many. Too Many.

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  1. Retribution, I don't really want to enter ANOTHER discussion about the "meaning" of this wedding. I couldn't have put it better than Dark0ne, so I'll leave his comments as they stand. Also, did anyone see the footage of the Westminster abbey verger doing cartwheels before the ceremony? And the antique aston martin with the learner plates? Great stuff. Watched the wedding and then went to Brighton and sat on the beach. Great day with friends all round. Glad that others of you enjoyed it.
  2. I am. I'm crying like a huge damp sloth. Am still a little drunk from last night, and really fancy Kate's sister.
  3. Try using the bashed patch feature in Wyrebash (or Wyreflash, as I think the NV version is called.) I assume that, with the sheer number of mods you are running, you are already using it. This tends to merge a lot of balancing mods into one .esp at the end of your load order, and can take the strain off the .esp limit, allowing you to include a few other mods.
  4. Hello all, I just discovered this thread and take to this stuff like draugh to water. If I may offer something? Its old, and called My Family. My mother is a genealogist, she works In the boredom between outhouses. When I was little, I was given ten pence For every Barnes, Sealy, or robed four-poster grave With a canopy of monkshood that I called and shrieked from. Imagine my Sonic the Hedgehog jumper Amongst that politest of human things, The graveyard. My mother wrote our autobiography, a Trojan thing, An epic, tragic, boring thing. And I saw my family, and what I hated of it, And what I mistook from it. I had a birthday party, the first family event in a while And as we sat eating lasagne I filofaxed them between My fork tines. Grandfather, you Swindon brittle, you are a glass-mullioned horse full of lemonade And I used to hear the ice clink in your knees when you went upstairs. Grandmother, not my grandmother, the changeling that boils everything. Great Grandmother, you are missing, but just so you know, your Living room scared me. I always imagined you blind. I wanted to write a poem about heritage, About my lack of memorial, My kind's lack of pride For the shame of being born to the Same pool that denied women the vote, The black man his own galoshes And the world a cloudscape free of cirrhosis. You are my heritage, my uneven fence pegs You mis-match, you me.
  5. Good day, everyone. I'm Agonofinis, one of your fresh batch of news writers. Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Dragon Age: Origins are all in the running to be displayed at a new exhibition and collection of digital media at the Smithsonian Art Museum in Washington D.C., designed to celebrate "The Art Of Videogames”, which opens on March 16th, 2012. The collection will split eighty games into five eras, perhaps ranging from the ZX Spectrum and 8-bit legends Missile Command and E.T The Extra-Terrestrial, all the way up to modern blockbusters such as Mass Effect 2 and, of course, the games represented by the Nexus websites. Though the collection is being curated by Past Pixels founder Chris Mellisinos, the public is also able to have a say in what goes into the exhibition. With a choice of 240 games spread over nearly 40 years of gaming tradition, you all have until April 17th to visit the website and register your vote. With only an email address you can help decide what games should be preserved for posterity, and which games Roger Ebert will see when he is inevitably dragged there by a smug industry figurehead. Elizabeth Broun, the Margaret and Terry Stent Director of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, stated that; Vote for Oblivion, Fallout, Dragon Age or any other of the selected games now at the Art Of Videogames website, found in the link below. Art Of Videogames website
  6. So, I have installed Dead Money in a fresh NV install, and it works fine, no problem. I have since installed mods, and though the game runs like a dream elsewhere, as soon as SPOILER ALERT you have the first conversation with Father Elijah (or whatever his name is), and he bids you farewell and the conversation closes, the game shudders and then crashes to desktop. It isn't the DLC itself, but it MUST be a mod. The actual worldspace loads fine (the conversations runs OK) but as soon as I try to move, it screws up. Any ideas? -A
  7. Seems to be fixed now. I just started a new game, Maybe the existing save had become corrupted; it was sort of my "mod test" savegame. Now, however, within minutes of getting to the Sierra Madre the game crashes... but it is fine everywhere else... sigh...
  8. The mod has to be one of 1) NVamps core mods OR 2) one of the optional mods as this is all I have installed in this clean install. It makes me think it is a lighting/weather issue, as the problem exists outside only. It is indeed odd. I'll have a play around and let you know how I get on. Keep any ideas coming!
  9. So, I gave NVamp a go for the first time. Very slick, impressive, cool integration, much more stable than other setups. I am having one small issue - it is annoying in the extreme, but not a game breaker. I wondered if you could help me. When in exterior cells, there is a mesh missing red exclamation mark around the player character - as far as I can tell, there is nothing missing per se. When in an interior cell, however, it is not there. Most peculiar. I am using the Lumenarium and Imaginator mods - I thought it might have something to do with them. I installed NVamp first and have never had this problem before, so it must be something to do with NVamp. Any ideas? -A
  10. If there is a red square with a ! that means that the mesh files (for what I assume is a new weapon mod) are missing. Check the following: - did you add the "meshes" and "textures" folder included in the download? - do the meshes and textures come in a seperate downloads? - is the mod reliant on another mod, which itself may contain the relevant files. Try these things, looking at the mod I think you may not have added the "meshes" and "textures" folder from the downloaded mod to your "Data" folder.
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