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Everything posted by jhondidfool

  1. Do you own the game? You payed for it already? Good. Beth cares not about you. You won't play more Beth games? Beth don't care! Many others will. Wellcome to capitalism, friend! The company has no legal or moral obligation to you beyond the licence you agreed to when you installed/booted the game for the first time. -------------------------------------------------------- If you stop supporting mods on new games by not playing them, tho, you're hurting modders and the mod community and giving Beth an excuse to elliminate free (as in "anyone can do them") mods in their next games, killing the very thing that brings us here. Stop the kneejerk reactions, people. Beth needed a way to bring mods to PS4 and to be able to pay modders for outstanding jobs. This is the best way they found. Other companies take measures to prevent you from modding their proucts, Beth is willing to even pay you for it. You guys have been screaming you wanted to be paid, but when you're offered payment you reject it 'cause it's not on your terms? That's not even infantile, it's dumb. The only way this can be bad for modding is if we purposely try to kill it with reactions like this. They provided a platform to adress legal issues many modders have; if this is good or bad is in OUR hands. Be responsible towards the scene and make this a GOOD thing. We can blame Beth for effin' up in game, or for not doing proper support; we can't blame it for being a for-profit company or for trying to help us modders get paid for our work IF WE SO DESIRE. We have only OURSELVES to blame for how the community reacts and the consequences of our collective behaviour. nope theres no argument in life that could convince me i should pay more for less... and i don't understand how some of you litteraly ask to pay more.. when i read your stuff i feel like you work at bethesda not that you are a client looking for a good service... if everytime you look forward to buy a game you have money to waste to pay the content and the actual games individually you can make a donation to me! btw im not crazy i do know beth doesnt give any f*** if i alone stop buying their games... The thing is, im far from being alone being pissed at their buisness model, in fact i see more and more people actually waking up to these things, im just saying, if they want to disgust as much people as possible from videogames they are on the right track.. i think theres way more than MY wallet at stakes, this is aggressive marketing and everyone who realize that and risk quitting will probably keep his childrens away from games too.. And for godsake games are expensive and i live in NA theres country's where you actually pay triple the prices we have to get a game and it ain't even a complete one what do you think they will happilly pay triple the mod price now to enjoy all the gameplay elements they cut before release?!? This is nonsense if you think Bethesda or the quality of their games won't suffer from it.. when i think about that i dont even know why i answered you litterally promote paying more to have worst games theres nothing to argue about with you... Work at Beth? I whish! I wouldn't be unemployed! :D But I understand how money works, and how markets change. You may not like it, but liking things or not has very little to do with making money. Free mods are still going to be a thing, and nobody forces you to buy CContent. About Beth and the quality of their games... I don't see anyone else putting out highly and easily moddable large open-world games... maybe if they had any competition? Well, maybe it's bacause it's so effin' hard to do and costs more money than most companies are willing to spend on it? You know, capitalism...
  2. Do you own the game? You payed for it already? Good. Beth cares not about you. You won't play more Beth games? Beth don't care! Many others will. Wellcome to capitalism, friend! The company has no legal or moral obligation to you beyond the licence you agreed to when you installed/booted the game for the first time. -------------------------------------------------------- If you stop supporting mods on new games by not playing them, tho, you're hurting modders and the mod community and giving Beth an excuse to elliminate free (as in "anyone can do them") mods in their next games, killing the very thing that brings us here. Stop the kneejerk reactions, people. Beth needed a way to bring mods to PS4 and to be able to pay modders for outstanding jobs. This is the best way they found. Other companies take measures to prevent you from modding their proucts, Beth is willing to even pay you for it. You guys have been screaming you wanted to be paid, but when you're offered payment you reject it 'cause it's not on your terms? That's not even infantile, it's dumb. The only way this can be bad for modding is if we purposely try to kill it with reactions like this. They provided a platform to adress legal issues many modders have; if this is good or bad is in OUR hands. Be responsible towards the scene and make this a GOOD thing. We can blame Beth for effin' up in game, or for not doing proper support; we can't blame it for being a for-profit company or for trying to help us modders get paid for our work IF WE SO DESIRE. We have only OURSELVES to blame for how the community reacts and the consequences of our collective behaviour.
  3. So much confussion! >_< Some clarification from my attentive reading (if I'm wrong, correct me): CContent are NOT mods, at least not legally. They are DLC published by Bethesda. This means two things: They are NOT paid mods and PS4 can have new models since the publisher is Beth and the content is added through their publisher licence with Sony. Beth won't take Bob and his first mod. They'll curate modders and their proposals. It's a highly curated platform that has Beth's brand on it. No nudes, Macho-men dragons or smexy content. Must be reasonably within the lore of the game (even if it can be a tad silly, tho). CCreators are paid on dev milestones (by the page: Pitch, Alpha, Beta and Completion), the payment is not specified, but we should assume it depends on the CCreator's reputation, past work (as CCreator or modder) and ambition/size of the project. It's basically Fisher-Price's My First Job as a Contractor. No cuts are specified. No ownership specified, most likely Beth owns what they publish, since they are the publisher. Every penny sunk into Credits goes directly to Beth and the platform. CCreators don't see a dime of sales. Beth will be involved with CCreators, so we can assume CCreators will be able to surpass the capabilities of the CK when working in CContent. Beth will create CContent. This is great news: the main reason companies don't work in old games is lack of revenue; with this, Beth can justify revenue for further work on Skyrim and Fallout4 waaaaay after their main dev cycle. If Beth wants this to succeed they need to produce a stream of content themselves, good enough to incite the use of the platform, cheap enough to justify it. Both games will likely need an update to support it.All in all, this is not a "We pay you for your hobby", it's a "Wanna work for us injecting life into our games?". Most likely 'cause ES:VI is more than a year or two away and FO5 probably more than 5 (or 7 in normal-human, non-gamedev time).
  4. (Repost from modders farum) Hey there! So I've been working on something for the past month and a half. It's called FO4LE - Fallout 4 Logical Edition. It has dependencies on the FO4UP, Loads of Ammo, Damage Thereshold and Sim Settlements. What does it do? Makes guns rare, most enemies will be melee. Only those with acess to manufacture of guns and ammo (BoS, Institute) can outfit all their members with guns. Distributes guns thematically: gunners deal in manufactured ballistics, BoS are centered on laser and some plasma, raiders have makeshift guns... Delevels every LL I could find. No more world waiting for you to level to give you the good stuff. Normalizes damage per caliber and health per race. Good bye sponges! But you die pretty fast, too! Uses Loads of Ammo to provide the player with AP and Incendiary ammo creation and use capabilities. Uses Damage Thereshold to make armored targets harder and give the player better survival chances. Stimpacs don't cure you. You need to make bandages with your First Aid Kit using water, cloth and antiseptic, and they heal 60HP over 10 minutes. Getting hurt is serious! Limits your drinkable water using a canteen. You can carry up to 2 for double capacity. Any water you pick when the canteens are full transforms into dirty water. Rebalances weight, 1 unit is equivalent to 10 grams; 100 units is a kilo. Backpack added to carry extra. It includes (with pemission):Bowie Kives by MikeMooreDKS-501 Sniper Rifle by LtCommanderMetal board by urbanshiv92Makeshift Anti-Materiel Rifle by SheoburglarHandmade Revolver by asXasCrude Blowback by asXasStun Grenades 2.0 by silantEntrenching Tool by RiverNLM2019 PKD Detective Special - That Gun by DOOMDesert Eagle - Standalone Handgun by DOOMM79 Grenade Launcher -- Standalone by Seanms1991What should I test? Those 10 points above.Anything else? Screenchots would be really nice.Recomended to play with multiple followers. it's harsh out there, don't die alone.How do I get it? PM me and I'll take note and send you the mod.Any questions, ask away!
  5. Hey there! So I've been working on something for the past month and a half. It's called FO4LE - Fallout 4 Logical Edition. It has dependencies on the FO4UP, Loads of Ammo, Damage Thereshold and Sim Settlements. What does it do? Makes guns rare, most enemies will be melee. Only those with acess to manufacture of guns and ammo (BoS, Institute) can outfit all their members with guns. Distributes guns thematically: gunners deal in manufactured ballistics, BoS are centered on laser and some plasma, raiders have makeshift guns... Delevels every LL I could find. No more world waiting for you to level to give you the good stuff. Normalizes damage per caliber and health per race. Good bye sponges! But you die pretty fast, too! Uses Loads of Ammo to provide the player with AP and Incendiary ammo creation and use capabilities. Uses Damage Thereshold to make armored targets harder and give the player better survival chances. Stimpacs don't cure you. You need to make bandages with your First Aid Kit using water, cloth and antiseptic, and they heal 60HP over 10 minutes. Getting hurt is serious! Limits your drinkable water using a canteen. You can carry up to 2 for double capacity. Any water you pick when the canteens are full transforms into dirty water. Rebalances weight, 1 unit is equivalent to 10 grams; 100 units is a kilo. Backpack added to carry extra. It includes (with pemission):Bowie Kives by MikeMooreDKS-501 Sniper Rifle by LtCommanderMetal board by urbanshiv92Makeshift Anti-Materiel Rifle by SheoburglarHandmade Revolver by asXasCrude Blowback by asXasStun Grenades 2.0 by silantEntrenching Tool by RiverNLM2019 PKD Detective Special - That Gun by DOOMDesert Eagle - Standalone Handgun by DOOMM79 Grenade Launcher -- Standalone by Seanms1991What should I test? Those 10 points above.Anything else? Screenchots would be really nice.How do I get it? PM me and I'll take note and send you the mod.Any questions, ask away!
  6. So, I've been trying to use alpha to isolate the bags on the scribe outfit and the canteen on the combat armor and in Nifskope 2.0 (latest as of 6/6/2017) they look fine, but one of them (_LE_BagsM.nif) crashes the Construction Kit and the rest don't show either in the preview window or the game :sad: I can pm a link to the edited content, just not sure I can post it here... Thanks for the help in advance!
  7. figured out how to do what I wanted much more easily. thanks anyways! :D
  8. The code runs, but I set that in the second tier effects and they didn't run... Thanks for that. I'm looking at what can I do to fix this.
  9. It has no conditions. I've tried witha condition to check the user is the player, but without it it doesn't work either.
  10. 1. The code executes; I see the notifications no problem. That's why I'm confused and it may be how they're set up in the CK. 2 & 3. This is how I have them set up: _LE_Spell is _LE_FAKit_Spell and _LE_Spell_2 is _LE_LimbRestore http://i.imgur.com/PAtzCzF.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/hOk9hib.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/7qPk6Pg.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/TF8yvTI.jpg
  11. I have this code: Scriptname _LE_FAKit_Effect extends activemagiceffect SPELL Property _LE_Spell Auto Const SPELL Property _LE_Spell_2 Auto Const MiscObject Property _LE_Antiseptic Auto Const MiscObject Property _LE_Cloth Auto Const MiscObject Property _LE_Water Auto Const Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) if ((Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(_LE_Antiseptic) >= 1)&&(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(_LE_Cloth) >= 1)&&(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(_LE_Water) >= 1)) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(_LE_Cloth,1,true) Debug.Notification("You take a piece of cloth") Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(_LE_Water,1,true) Debug.Notification("You cleane it") Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(_LE_Antiseptic,1,true) Debug.Notification("You disinfect it") Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(_LE_Spell, true) Debug.Notification("Wounds closed") Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(_LE_Spell_2, true) Debug.Notification("Bones set") else Debug.Notification("You're missing ingredients for the bandage") endIf EndEvent _LE_Antiseptic, _LE_Cloth and _LE_Water are pretty self-explanatory, they are items, and the code related to them works fine. However, I can't seem to be able to make _LE_Spell (it's supposed to heal the player, tried with a direct effect and with a magic effect on the spell) and _LE_Spell_2 work. They just won't activate, and they are properly assigned in th Properties. Could anyone tell me what am I supposed to do to get an item to alowly heal the player from script? Thanks a bunch!
  12. So recently I decided to coma back to modding FO4, And started doing stuff by hand. Bad idea. I have thousands of stuff to edit... So I started to look at xEDIT scripting, and despite the nearly-non-exsistant documentation, stuff like modifying a value for a set number or a formula is easily done. But my problem comes when I try to deal with the components that are part of the Constructable Objects... Does anyone know how to access them? Or at the very least what is the kid of variable they are so I can access them? (GroupRecord within a GroupRecord, MainRecord, SubRecord...?) I've been trying to figure it out for a few hours and no dice. Halp? EDIT: Figured it out. In case anyone needs it, This gives me names and ammounts of the records it's applied to: unit userscript; uses mteFunctions; function Process(e: IInterface): integer; var itemName, name, compNum, count: string; level1, level2 :IInterface; i, iLastIndex, iResults: integer; begin itemName := geev(e,'EDID'); AddMessage('============================='); AddMessage('Item ' + itemName + ' contains:'); level1 := ElementBySignature(e, 'CVPA'); iLastIndex := ElementCount(Level1) -1; iResults := 0; for i := 0 to iLastIndex do begin compNum := 'Component #' + IntToStr(i); Level2 := ElementByName(level1, compNum); name := geev(level2, 'Component'); count := geev(level2, 'Count'); AddMessage('component: ' + name); AddMessage('ammount: ' + count); end; end; end.
  13. Hey there. I'm doing a small mod, and I'm still getting used to some of FO4Edit's quirks. I have completly redone the levelling system: you start with SPECIAL 1111111 and every new perk you take unlocks the next raks and grants you a special point in that tree. It works flawlessly. Save for one little detail. During MQ102 (from when you take the pipboy to when you exit the Museum of Freedom with Preston and the others) EVERY stage quest grants you one extra agility point. By the end of it you have agility 12. It defeats the propose of the mod, so I'm asking for help. It's rather strange it's just with that quest and just with agility. The mod only touches the PerksQuest to add a "Stage 0", and alters the training perks so they refer to the stage 0 instead of their respective stages and point to the first training so you cannot spend perks on them. I've scanned MQ102 to the comma and I have not seen anything related to PerksQuest at all, and anything nor PerksQuest retalted to MQ102 either. I've tried with other mods, tried it just with my mod, tried it with other mods and not my mod and vanilla. The conclusion is clearly that is something in my mod, but the only altered quest is PerksQuest! Did I miss something? Thank you for your help!
  14. Heyas! So I've beaten the game, done anything to be done. Classic Bethesda, great game. But even better is that I can mod it to suit my tastes. I aim to make a logical rebalance of enemies' health, resistances, loot and weapons, and I have a LOT of humanoids and wildlife done (The Deathclaws are already terryfying! :D ). I plan to do 8 modules, but right now I'm halfway through the 2 first: Module 1: Common Humanoids, Module 2: Common Wildlife; and planning Module 3: Legendaries and Module 4: Turrets and Robots. After that will come Module 5: Weapons and Armor, Module 6: Loot, Module 7: Leveling and Module 8: AI. Yes, it's a long-term project. In this situation, my inexperience has me a bit confused, so I'll put up here my doubts. So far, they are: What does each prefix mean on the EditorID? I know Enc means encounter, RE Random Encounter, I can spot quest prefixes... But what does lvl mean? I assume it's a levelled list, but how does it interact with the others? How do Templates and Template tags work? Who inherits what from who and what is overriden? The record on the record or the record on the template? And if the record on the template is invoked by a template tag? They make no sense to me. Info I found says that records with template tags inherit the records of the tags from the template, but then they have their own records about the same template tags, and records without template tags (but templates) are missing records for things the template has. It's so confusing!As you see, I'm full of questions, and Idon't see the point in continuing if I reached the point where I don't understand what I'm doing. Anyways, thanks for the help, I really need it.
  15. The behaviour was the same when I had them at 1.2 and 1.7. Spent the morning trying to get Helgen to run smooth. It just won't. I guess this is a re-install signal.
  16. That up there are my active mods. But this happens even if I go Vanilla. My system is: CPU: i7 [email protected] RAM: 16GB DDR3@1333 (PC 1600) GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 4GB VRAM OS: Win10Pro x64 My framerates with ENB with all the bells and whistles are good, ~45 outside and solid 60 inside. With graphic mod off I get solid 60 everywhere. Game usually runs smooth, I tested the latency with elephant's latency tester (the same as conveninet horses) and it hovers between 60 and 90 ms. However, when I enter Labyrinthian, or go through Helgen or any other heavily scripted area, my script lag spikes to 700-800 ms, and my framerate drops to 3-4 fps as a result. I tried cleaning the save to no avail, even went back to saves where this didn't happen and still happened. New games have the same problem. As I siad, I tried with Vanilla and still happens. This didn't happen before, started yesterday. Nothing has changed on the computer (drivers, etc). I have tried to change the papyrus ini values to some recomended but it has not helped at all. So, I would like to know if anyone has come across this kind of behaviour and how has it been solved, if solved at all. Thanks.
  17. New episode of Don Rabenclaw! http://ronravenclaw.blogspot.com.es
  18. Ninth chapter of Ron Ravenclaw is up! http://ronravenclaw.blogspot.com.es/
  19. Eight chapter of Ron Ravenclaw up and running! http://ronravenclaw.blogspot.com.es
  20. Seventh chapter of Ron Ravenclaw is up! http://ronravenclaw.blogspot.com.es
  21. Sixth chapter of Ron Ravenclaw is up! http://ronravenclaw.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/onmunds-amulet.html?zx=45042a65e0293dd6
  22. Fifth chapter of Ron Ravenclaw up! http://ronravenclaw.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/an-evening-of-study.html
  23. I can't shout. I can use powers with the Z key, but unrelenting force won't work, so I can't shout to the greybeards and my game won't progress. Anyone knows why? Yes, I know I'm using a mod that alters shouting, but I've tried it without the mod in question and it just won't work. Also, I did a script cleansing prior to defeating the first dragon, as the game crashed uncontrollably. If anyone know what's happening and how to fix it, I'd appreciate the help. Active Mod Files:
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