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About StanleyTweedle

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  1. Hello fellow wastewanderers, guys and gals, i recognized an increase in stutter when opening the gamemenu and also while transitioning. I can't really tell when it increased that much, that i actually noticed it (stupid, i know...), -Edit- i'm sorry for being rather stupid... after running along a while without a radio active (haha) it hit me flat: the transition & menuopening lag/stutter occured just as with an radio tuned on. After looking for presumable Stutter fixer -beside the general Stutter Remover of course- i found a few hints, dealing with large itemquantity and stuff. Not for the problem i actually have. So i guess its up to: deactivate one by one and look for the source. I opend the thread, because i was sure it was related specificly to the pipboy's mp3 files that cause that stutter/lag. So this could actually be deleted - or supsended till (or if...) i find the source. Ugh... there goe's the next weekend <_< Edit #2: Is it sufficient to just not load an mod to test it, or has it to be deactivated or even deintalled? Edit #3: So, i tracked it down. After screwing it up the first time, in the second run i pointed it out: A World of Pain caused the lag/stutter. Which is really annoying, because i enjoyed AWoP in F3 alot. Well, i'll look into it after the second playthrough, when i saw alot.
  2. Absolutely, i have no intention to rush anything at all. It's just, that the first F3 playtrough had left quite a mark, with it's extremly abrupt ending. -to be fair, the massive gunfight-walk of Liberty should've poked in the eye, saying "dude, it's almost over" but, oh well... *g* It will take several playthroughs anyway, to get a, mere, hold on how one guy/hub/faction relates to anyone/thing else. At least for me! Having no more information on what the recommendation of which dlc first, i'd go for the chronicle order of release indeed. If, which i doubt, anything is too hard, check by later. Too easy, buff world damage. :) After adding some more atmospheric stuff via mods, it now really catches on to explore the mojave. Thanks again for all our tips and efforts! Having only snucked a peek at F4, i have quite my time with NV for a loong time.
  3. Well, you can make both the Capital Wasteland and the Mojave look -way- more floorish if you like. Nevertheless, all boils down to personal preferences of course :) But i do have another question regarding the suggestion of the playthroughs of the DLC's. According to others, you should play the DLCs in this order: * Honest Hearts (Happy Trails Expedition - Northern Passage) before Level 10 (and after the "Volare!" quest from the Nellis Airbase "Boomers" faction). * Old WorldBlues (Midnight Sci-Fi Feature! - Mojave Drive-In). Target: level 15+, before level 20 and Dead Money. (Suggested before the "Brotherhood of Steel" (BoS) quests.) * Dead Money (Sierra Madre Grand Opening! - Abandoned BoS Bunker) before level 20. Target: 20+. (Suggested just after BoS quests.) * Lonesome Road (The Reunion - Canyon Wreckage) last, before Hoover Dam War (main plot climax). Target: 25+. (Deathclaws and SentryBots). -Dubious- I did a short search of where the Nellis Airbase is; waaay up north, above New Vegas. Normaly, i would not travel so far so early in the game. Does this "Volare!" quest have any impact on the Honest Heart DLC? -Or is it simply the origin of the radio broadcast? I'm rather ashamed to say, i did not yet marked the quest to sear where it leads me, therefore...
  4. Well, that are some useful informations. First action of today will be to set my xp gain to 10% of normal, being already on lvl 17. (playing with project nevada) Indeed, having F3 for a real, real bad example for story writing, i was not at all after the main plot. -Even after hearing that so much is done so much better in NV than in F3. It's just that the landmark setting of F3 was absolute awesome, to me. It's not that the Mojave is horrible, it just takes a while to acclimatize (no pun intended :P ). I can't wait to get into the Bountie-Series, it got praised alot and therefore i am sure it will be a lot of entertainment! THIS is particularly helpful! Meeting in F3 before hitting lvl 10 SuperMutant Overlords is... not as funny as it sounds. (Broken Steel adds them) And with LoneWandererEdition you can't really bring them down. Even geared up they're tough. So the NV DLC are Stand-Alone Verions, which do not integrate in the "main" game? Like adding high lvl enemies? Besides, resistance just adds to the kick of the journey, so i don't bother at all. Well, so long as it doesn't place uber-enemies in low-mid lvl questareas. So long, thank you both for your help!
  5. Hey there, fellow Wastedwellers, after taking a rather long while to step aside from F3 and up to NV, i did a few hou... days and came up to Vegas. I am about to enter the strip and... got kinda scared. Thinking back to my first F3 experience, i got to the "end" rather quick - of course without knowing in the first instance. So, a simple question: The pursue of the f**** who shot and buried me, led to Vegas, the Strip (Freeside doing currently, strip not enterd). How far is this point ahead of the game in comparison to F3? Galaxy News Radio? Rivet City? Vault 112? Project Purity? Raven Rock? Or if it is easier to say, can it be quoted in percentage? About 15% done? I find it a bit more "difficult" for me to go exploring, because im not thaaaat enthusiastic about the whole desert-setting. -of course i've seen only a fraction for now, but well... So, can anybody help me out?
  6. Hey there, after the 4th playthrough "in a row" of Fallout 3 i'm up to New Vegas. Thing is, i am uncertain to start it in vanilla mode or with all the dlc. In F3 Broken Steel had some unpleasent impacts if started with a new game. Supermutant Overlords appearing very soon, GNR mix-ups (event-talk after waters of life, way before doing the quest, ect) As for Point Lookout, The Pitt and Mothership Zeta, they are well seperated and have, if, only minor impacts outside their setting (Punga Fruit). So, i'd like to know, how the New Vegas DLC work, compared to this. Any New Vegas Vet is invited to share their knowledge. :)
  7. hmpf... should've been the first thought -_- 3 Plugins require all DLC. Oh well, time to stop whining and start to beef up and pump iron. Thanks blove :)
  8. Hey there, im sorry for wasting your time, should i've been too damn dumb to find a, eventually, solution myself. Problem is: I started a new game, and wanted Broken Steel to be disabled while leveling to 20. Playin' with FWE and MMM and without dogmeat. Overlords are toasting my poor butt, so yeah... Broken Steel (and Zeta) are disabled in the Pluginsection but both dlc are loaded if i start the game via the fose-loader. The dlc-sections of FWE and MMM are also disabled. Do i miss something critical?
  9. Ah, thanks a lot! -Of course i could've checked it out earlier, but i didn't want to spoiler it for myself.
  10. Thank the both of you for your points of view :) Personally i am not that into all these weapon-mods. And with an off. "Gun" DLC, it should be plenty to start. I decided to go with the Flora and Charackter Overhaul. Also i went with Project Nevada, for the Balance-Issues known from F3. But i'd like to get again to the DLC: Are all of them "seperated" like Anchorage/Pitt/Point Lookout from F3, or do the integrate to the Main-Playline like Broken Steel.Since every DLC raises the lvl cap +5 it's rather hard to tell for now.
  11. Hey folks, i know, i am really late to experience the fallout-universe, but, nevertheless, i do. For the moment i am done with Fallout 3 and now want to look after New Vegas. Point is: There are, literally, a tons of mods for it. I played F3 without any modifications. And even before looking after any kind of mod, quite often ingame the thought of "damn, that's all?" came to me. Now i am not so sure how to start the first game experience (which is just the best). Vanilla -with off. DLC or with some modifications which seem nice to have from the look of it. And beside mods, there is another thing: The official Additions. In F3, the activation of Broken Steel, f.e., throwed Mutant-Overlord as Bosses in many low level places (outfitted with a tri-beamlaser...) Are there this kinda "issues" with New Vegas and each AddOn? I'd be really thankful for your help, as to improve the first and never-to-reach-again experience of the first play-through (which is never really through at all^^)
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