Alright, so I'm having a pretty serious problem. A little while ago, I checked my hard disc space, and saw that I had less than 1 gig of free space. I wondered how this was possible. Well, upon checking programs and sizes in the control panel, I cam across something kind of shocking. According to the control panel, Oblvion takes up about 6,853 MB, which seemed normal. But then I checked the plug-ins. And according to the control panel, each plug-in is taking up 6,612 MB of disc space. How is this possible? And also, it reads that Oblivion Mod Manager and Operation Optimization take up 6,853 MB each, the same amount as the Oblivion game? How is this possible? How I am running out of disc space like this? Even with three copies of the game installed, it would not take up that much disc space. Any help would be greatly appreciated!