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  1. Sorry for neglectling the thread everyone. I’ll try to update it today with anything I’ve not added so far. (Yay it’s been years, i know.)
  2. Sounds like you're looking for the Collector's House from oldrim. the next best thing to that might be "Better Hjrem" found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9207
  3. Right on mate, I'll be sure to give those a shot. Thanks for the heads up. EDIT: well unfortunately both of those Home bases Intsa-crash my game. took all mods except for them off so see which mod was conflicting, Turns out none of them are, they just don't want to load those bases. Do I need the 4gb mod as well as NVSE to get those loaded? hmmm.
  4. So If someone know of or is willing to attempt to create a player house with tons of weapon display cases I'm sure there would be a lot of super happy Collectors out there. As a collector myself I like to find all the unique and rare items in the game and put them on display in my player house of choise, Currently the Sink from OWB. But the houses I find have only one flaw, Not enough display room. I love all these houses that have storage and massive floor plans, but I'm not just gonna toss my guns and armors on the massive floor. I want them to look nice, I wanna hang the weapons on the walls or in weapon racks like "the Collector's house" on the Skyrim Steam workshop. http://Steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13870 check that page out and you'll know what I mean. Walls covered in Weapons plaque and weapon racks, Floor populated by Display cases and pedestals... I love that house, If there were a NV version of that house I'd download it, favorite it, endorse it, and recommend it to everyone. I know that there's some sort of coding that keep things from being permanently fixed to the walls. the Game's Devs hung stuff like Hunting rifles and BB-guns from the walls but as soon as you touch them everything around them just falls to the ground. I'm really hoping someone has already figured out how to do it or is willing to give it a try. Even if it's just a house with a huge trophy room filled with basic shelves I'd be happy as long as I can put them on display without fear of knocking them off of a table or something every time I walk by. If I had the time to create it my self before FO4 came out I'd do it but I'm horrible at coding. I love the NMM system for simplifying the Modding for simpletons like me who seem to wreck everything they try to do themselves.
  5. Hey all. I'm seeking a male body mod but olny seem to have found one or two. there has to be more then that. if anyone has any good links or keywords to search with please let me know. Thank you all.
  6. no recent updates to the list huh? oh well maybe next week.
  7. Well then sir i salute you. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to helping others. I admire that. I'm gonna keep this thread going though, easy access. If some one wants to Oversee the page scrivener07 created for us, I'll updateing this thread at least every thursday. Much Love All.
  8. Holy Munkays. <--- get it? (whop whop) That's awesome, whoever that was that made that link.
  9. Sorry, I typed it wrong. It should be "KotN". Good choice of warning label. :biggrin: I've done some digging, and R18Pn seems to be the name of an Asian mod author. R18Pn may be the same person as KURESE, or KURESE may have ported some R18Pn's work; their names are often mentioned close to each other, and I haven't been able to determine the difference yet. Their work goes back at least as far as Oblivion. TL;DR: R18Pn: mod author And here's more terms: AttT: Armed to the Teeth for SkyrimMoM or MOM: Mystery of Mausoleum for OblivionDMRA: Double Melons Round Ass for Oblivion (can't find original, so here's a link to Rogue outifts for Double Melons for reference; another breast-size alert is probably appropriate here) Thanks again for keeping up the list! Thanks for the corrections and additions. Now that I'm so used to skyrim, everytime i see an oblivion mod i keep thinking "man how did I not notice how ugly those faces were?" --- "Because at the time they weren't stupid"
  10. By the way i want to thank everyone so far for help make this list. It's looking good. I've been wandering through random files in my spare time just looking at the names or descriptions for Acronyms to add. not finding many that we don't already have, so good on ya. I'm sure the community really appreciates this, if they knew enough to type in the word "Acronym" into the forum search engine. :thumbsup:
  11. In the immortal words of Wayne Campbell, "Party on Garth" For those of you who don't know who wayne Campbell is, you are a taint and the only way to absolve this affliction is to watch the "Waynes World" movies. Good Day.
  12. That, sir/ma'am, would be awesome sause. as you've seen I've been just copy pasting in the order they've been arriving. It's so good to see that people are willing to help others less... learned then themselves for the sake of... awesomeness equality? You know what I'm trying to say. *edit* I had a little time so I did the first round of Alphabetizing.
  13. Agreed, except it would need to be a Nexus wiki and not a skyrim or fallout or witcher or any single title's wiki page. it would make a good sticky too I think. I would make this a Wiki article too... if i knew how. *edit: or my internet wasn't F*&^ING UP CONSTANTLY*
  14. I can't help but notice that for UNP you didn't tell us what the Acronym stood for, could you fix that please... if you know that is.
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