So If someone know of or is willing to attempt to create a player house with tons of weapon display cases I'm sure there would be a lot of super happy Collectors out there. As a collector myself I like to find all the unique and rare items in the game and put them on display in my player house of choise, Currently the Sink from OWB. But the houses I find have only one flaw, Not enough display room. I love all these houses that have storage and massive floor plans, but I'm not just gonna toss my guns and armors on the massive floor. I want them to look nice, I wanna hang the weapons on the walls or in weapon racks like "the Collector's house" on the Skyrim Steam workshop. check that page out and you'll know what I mean. Walls covered in Weapons plaque and weapon racks, Floor populated by Display cases and pedestals... I love that house, If there were a NV version of that house I'd download it, favorite it, endorse it, and recommend it to everyone. I know that there's some sort of coding that keep things from being permanently fixed to the walls. the Game's Devs hung stuff like Hunting rifles and BB-guns from the walls but as soon as you touch them everything around them just falls to the ground. I'm really hoping someone has already figured out how to do it or is willing to give it a try. Even if it's just a house with a huge trophy room filled with basic shelves I'd be happy as long as I can put them on display without fear of knocking them off of a table or something every time I walk by. If I had the time to create it my self before FO4 came out I'd do it but I'm horrible at coding. I love the NMM system for simplifying the Modding for simpletons like me who seem to wreck everything they try to do themselves.