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Everything posted by Jacen000Solo
Would be cool to redesign magic skills: 1. Destruction (elemental attack and protection) 2. Alteration (changes phisical world: telekenesis (push pull (think SW Force)), enhance armor, force projectiles (think semivisible rocks)) 3. Nature (animal control, some restoration and buff spells, maybe shapeshigting) 4. Dark Arts (based on life and magic forces (drain life, raise dead (using existing body))) 5. Conjuration (same without raise spells, add some monsters (not dead)) 7. Restoration (holy) (turn/bane unholy beings, restore and buff, wards(basic)) 8. Illusin (mind over matter (imagined attacks do phisical damage), vision (victim is attacked by an imagened monster), nightvision, chamelion, invisibility, muffle, darkness, light, charm, fear, confuse (victim suffers serios dizzinese (stumbles, missing attacks))) Teleportation spells enter in some according to logic (divine intervention -> restoration(holy) teleport to a temple)
In one of the books (Advenced armor smithing or smth) it's mentioned that "glass" is semi-transparent ore similar in properties to metals (probably means it's not a valubale gem). Also in Morrowind there were glass mines and veins. You could use debuffs for armor (heavy-clumsy armor, damage to attack speed and force, move speed, jump hight). Woild be cool to have additional slots for clothes (under armor, Ex: thick wool shirt +Frost res, -Fire res.). Could be tied in with new province mods and environment mods (constant cold damage in cold regions), right clothes remove this debuffs
Joining Nights Watch should be an option (as joining other factions). Nights Watch campaign overview example: join, training, scouting beyond the wall, smth epic, end campaign, you become a hero and well known in Westeros, so they send you to recruit (radial quests like in the end of DB). If you concentate only on one area it's highly possible to make the mod impossible to expand. First a heigtmap should be generated for a large portion of Westeros (for LODs and a guideline for expantion). Creating a small portion of high detail land (a city or a village, possibly a small quest (should be as original as possible, not just go there, kill'em all)) as a demo and to test/show your abilities, demo will help recruit more people (hopefully). Doing this kind of mod fully finishing small portions (with quests and everything) isn't very good idea. It's better to do a larger terrain work (fields, citie, villages, mountains, forrests) first, then interiors (general ones), npcs (general), quests (quests, q npcs, and q locations). Adding new items is very cool, but don't overlook existing ones (Skyrim doesn't only have snow and mountains, there are forests, fields, lakes well fitting in temperate climate (i mean summer, early fall in Eorope)). For a main quest line it's better to think of a new story line (before or after the series) so noone can complain about it not working with the books. Skyrim has an extended magic system (will be much cooler soon i'm sure with mods or dlcs), so the "modern" Vesteros with awakening magic doesn't realy compliment this system (if not including magic properly you might loose mage-loving players). If i were you I'd pose it as a sequel to the book, some 200-300 years later, so i'd have full freedom with a storyline (I'm thinking of using scripts to make a unique storyprogression for every new game, with dinamic relationships between factions and leaders, which could lead to wars, assassinations, and general powerplay for theoreticaly infinit time). For a city layout it would be cool to have to be able to travel on roofs (smth like assassin's creed(no wall climbing just roofs as it's quite easy to do)). Just my thoughts.
I assume that LAN aspect means new saving system. What if you use NWN system (char saved on players pc, savegame (quest progress and so on) on the hosts pc). Instant system sounds reasonable (first to enter runs the instant as a server (there must be a server transfer system so if a current server for the world switches to inst , world server is transfered to another pc). Critical info sent to the host for save. On host disconect (host is the only player online no changes are saved). edit: what i ment with server transfer is a system like windows server clusters. Was it bad?
Remember in Morrowind Daedric steel katanas? Lorewise: elven and dwrven katanas crafted after akavirii invasion in resemblance. Would be great to have other dragon bone weapons too (as an idea: daedric stats + bonus damage to dragons) You can add your weapons to crafting in differrent category (akavirii or existing) with a quest, book or a trainer (they can have slightly better stats then their original counterparts).
In Oblivion there was a similar system with oblivion gates stones. This system can be used to give weapons some unique or powerful enchantment after finishing a quest or dungeon.
This isn't a request, but I don't think I'll be making any mods (never tried). features: 1. Owning a farm (vegetable, animal, etc) and hiring workers. 2. Owning a shop (selling, smithy, inn, etc) not all trading. 3. Import/Export system in harbor-cities (setting up a contracts) part of a global system. 4. Banking/loan system (eithere creating an account for money transfers (automated), or loan letters (IOU or smth) (tradable, unpayed quests)) Ex: 1. You buy a farm, hire help, make produce. Goto to a city to a trader set up a contract for a limited time (say game week) and get a loan letter. After a week you come to him, he doesn't pay. You threaten him / goto guard (trader arrested, you have a chance to get some money) / sell loan letter for 75% to a loan shark (who gets money from trader). Ex: 2. You own a smithy (no trader), set a contract to export weapons and import ore to and from other provinces (higher and lower prices accordingly). I can elaborate the system more. If someone wants to make a mod I can help with mechanics of this system (algorithms block-diagram or in approximate c language)
(Too powerful enchantments) Why not implement an accumulated enchantment bonus cap for the pc (Ex: no more then 85% mana discount for spells)? Then you can have more then 1 ring as your char won't get overpowered. An argument about all purpose pc is a bit pointless as you can switch gear during combat.
Diabolickal, you wrote you will be creating block by block. Using invisible walls you can limit the acces to the "empty" blocks gradualy expanding from existing land. Also allowing other modders to use your mod for creating quests and content in cyrodiil will greatly expand the playability of the mod. How i see this mod creation progress: 1. Block is finished (landscape, npcs, quests). 2. Beta relesed (other modders create quests, npcs, etc) (closed or open beta for other modders primaraly). 3. Fix the block bugs, integrate other modders content. 4. Beta 2 relesed (open more for bug testing). 5. Fix bugs, merge with existing part, relese the new version. goto 1. This model gives you an opportunity to create more sophisticated and large mod (more of a DLC), keep bugs to a minimum and give the players an opportunity to play your mod sooner rather then later. Main problem with large mods for Oblivion and Morrowind was it took too long to create and a new game in the series came out, thus destroying the mod. Concerning the "main" quest line: It cold be integrated into expantion of the world. For example when a new part is complete pc should travel there by quest (traveling with a quest npc from village to village (smth like in Diablo II different act diferent city)).
Some ideas: 1. Migrating population like caravans, circuis, mercenaries or smth like that. 2. Farmers (landlords) outside the city who randomly either visit the city or work in their farms. Villagers who hire themselves to work for the farmer. 3. More beggars for the cities. 4. All Jarls should have a keep or a tower. Also a carriege in all major cities and some villages (rorikstead for example). 5. New houses to fill empty places in major cities (Windhelm and Whiterun entrances, Whiterun behind smithy and Breezehome) with named npc (random but can be used in future quests, some kind of modders recource to avoid some bugs). 6. Random npcs to take place of a killed one (script generated maybe on bed owning status) to avoid killing off whole cities. 7. Random bedless npc to fill the cities (different flavors for performance and preferance reasons). 8. Families of the above mentioned (logic wise). "Random" npcs should have generic responces (no dialogs). Traders don't need a conversation either. For those concerned with finding quest givers: someone mentioned a npc quest network (i.e. finished quest -> sent to another), easier and more universal is "rumors" dialog line (bar/inn keepers, guards etc.)