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Posts posted by xXxAlfaOmegaXxX

  1. Question solved


    My "Maggie Tenpenny" mod V. 1.0


    I figured how to do this and it actually works! I made a duplicate of Maggie, edited her stuff removing Megaton stuff, gave her new travel packages and she walks all around Tenpenny.

    The mod has 2 notes. 1 in her bedroom from Mr.Burke in Megaton telling her she needs to leave, ( yup he hates hurting children )

    The other note is on her dresser in Tenpenny where she explains the experience of the ordeal.


    Now I don't feel so bad. Version 1.2 will save the Simm's son.



    Thanks again blackrat99 for the helpful info.

  2. Alright well much appreciated but this is way to far beyond my talent so I guess I'll have to scrub this idea. :ohdear:

    Bummer too, I wouldn't mind the blowing up Megaton option but to think I killed Maggie and the other kid?? :sad:

  3. I am in need of a script that will send the kids in Megaton to either

    Rivet City or Tenpenney Tower after blowing up Megaton.


    If there is a mod like that already could you point me to it.

    ( cant view tesnexus either )


    I don't know to know how to create scripts. Tried and failed horribly so

    if someone would be willing to create one it would be much appreciated

    and credit will be given.

  4. I have been given full permission to port a Custom Race to Skyrim LE from my friend neovinci

    with full permission.


    The Race: Ahrum


    Porter will receive full credit. Is it possible to port?


    ( I apologize if I wrote this request in the wrong forum or if pic is not allowed )

  5. I have been given full permission by a friend to use his Ahrum race mod and would like to

    have it ported from Oblivion to Skyrim. Is it impossible or simply a lot of hard work?


    The race:



    Full credit will go to porter and author of mod.


    I do apologize if this is the wrong place. I looked and couldnt find a port topic. :/

  6. Red Rock Vault ? It had a huge pool room with bar area. It was my first vault mod.

    I use a couple of storage sites. Can message my links if ya should need it.

  7. First if this is the wrong place for this post I apologize.


    I am looking for "any mods" I created on Fallout 3 or Fallout NV.

    I removed them foolishly on my part.


    I will credit anyone who has these and can provide me a link. :thumbsup:

    Sorry for removing them. :wallbash:

  8. EDIT: 03/15/17

    I have given up on this problem and taking a break from Skyrim.

    I hope this question helps someone else. :thumbsup:



    First, I looked everywhere for an answer and found nothing.

    If this is the wrong forum I apologize also if I did the picture wrong.



    This is Alicia my main but she cant use torches, switches, etc



    Do i have to click child can use on every activator?? :ohmy:

  9. First if this is the wrong forum for this post I apologize to the moderators.


    I am looking for mods I have uploaded in the past.

    My computer crashed and I had no chance to back up files.

    I lost everything, all my saved mod folders. :sad:


    I am specifically looking for the " Red Rock Valley Vault " mod I made.

    If anyone has it could you please upload it?

  10. EDIT:

    I have tried everything. I am removing game , GECK and all associated files and starting over.

    hopefully this will fix it. Still open to help/suggestions. :)


    First, I read through the help files here but could not find a solution.


    The problem:

    I open data and load only the NV esm and hit okay and It loads just fine.

    As soon as I double click to open or view a cell ( interior or exterior ), it crashes upon loading.

    It does this on every cell I try to load.


    I was working on one of my home mods when it started, so I removed it from my data file,

    started the GECK all over using just the NV esm and the problem seems to continue.

    I removed the GECK completely from my PC and redownloaded it from Bethesda. No change.

    It was working just fine minutes ago too. :wallbash:


    I am running win 10 - 32 bit, but as I said its been working great and the game is too.

    If this is already been answered please show me a link. Thanks.

  11. Yeah, I have seen them. Thanks M48A5. I will dis-continue this as it as been done then.


  12. Okay I checked the mod above out M48A5, yes it's nice but I guess that's not what I meant so I apologize.

    I should have re-phrased the question in better detail. I meant actually rebuild or re-open shops/businesses.

    I know there is one mod that opens Cuppa Joes.


    EDITED 4/24/15

    This mod re-opens " Lady Frumperton's shop unique armor / clothing items,

    and also the Barber shop now to buy items like hair shampoo's and tonics and change hair styles.

    Many more shops/businesses soon.


    This is what I meant, plus I clean / remodel up the area around the shop outside. All rubble piles, trash, debris,

    ruined buildings, junk cars & trash cans etc. replacing them with better ones.


    I wanna thank everyone though for their comments and advice, you have been quite helpful. :thumbsup:

  13. tested, if you discover corrupted down loads? contact me, I just fix them...seems speed is a factor.

    I have the originals from the Dev database STILL INTACT.

    Okay just installed, so I'll check it out.

  14. Okay guys thank you and appreciate it. II also just learned how complex it would be to do this where quests are involved.

    Bad idea on my part but at least I just learned my lesson. Thank's again. :thumbsup:



    downloading that mod above. :P Nice!

  15. I simply was wondering if there was a mod already that cleans up the wasteland.

    For example, as time goes on I would assume people would start cleaning up the wasteland

    like trash, junk, etc.


    If not, would it be a foolish idea to start a project called something like, " A cleaner wasteland" ?

    Where in stages, trash and junk is removed, houses and homes are cleaner (not new), etc.


    I started an esp already and basically right now it removes trash/street litter in certain areas.

    I'm in D.C. right now starting to look nice. plus i thought it might open new interest to modders

    for new homes and idea's but I know it may be a foolish idea and that why I seek advice from the pro's or anyone who knows this stuff. Sorry if I wasted anyone's time. Good day.. :thumbsup:

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