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Nexus Mods Profile

About OHWceta

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    The Sims
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    Kingdom Hearts
  1. Currently I'm just trying to cipher what the recruiters are feeding me. What's Bull and what's the honest truth. For the most part I really don't care but from what I heard there's East Coasters and West Coasters. East Coasters being shipped mostly to places in Europe, the Middle, East, Africa, ect. while West Coasters get Hawaii, Asia, Australia, and such. And as long as it aint the Middle East I'll be fine and dandy.
  2. So is a Corpsman just another name for Medic or is Medic one of the things you can do as a corpsman. And also, how soon will I be able to switch to Diver? I'd go in as Diver but you can't go Diver until you pass the additional exams in boot camp. I'm just really hoping to go to Asia, not to the Middle East. Does anyone know where I can find some info on the Navy Dolphin training program?
  3. Any oppinion on the game "6 days in Fallujah"? It was a planned game that was canceled after stirring up some controversy. So, disrepectful to the troops or a great way to educate people?
  4. Here's an idea I kinda liked. Maybe something like this: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a139/OHWceta/references/Fairymon.jpg But darker and more fallout wastlander like and probably without the wings. Here's a reference of the outfit in a darker color: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a139/OHWceta/references/KazemonII.jpg
  5. Best Idea for losing weight. Drop the Soda from your diet. I lost 30 pounds in a month for dropping Soda (not completely true as I was working out an hour once every two days as well) I Depped in at 170, I'm now at between 155 and 152 depending on if it's a good day or bad day. But I'm only 5 ft. 3 in. so my weight limit is probably lower than a lot of peoples'.
  6. Of course I know that, wouldn't have any hope of EVER being a Marine biologist if I didn't. I remember back before I knew anything about the Military I always wondered what the Marines were because Army to me was Land, Navy was Water, and Airforce of course being air. I know as a Corpsman we're able to work with the Marines, so I was pretty sure it could work the other way around too sometimes, and not just in fiction (Master Chief already mentioned and Commander Sheppard is a Marine working with the Alliance Navy on Mass effect so that would be the other way around) See, this is a gaming related forum with a lot of gamers so we gotta keep the Gaming talk to get them interested. So anyways, on another note, what's youre oppinion on some of the popular Games where the main character is a solider? (Whether re-enacting a previous or current war such as WWII or Afganistan, or fictional such as Mass Effect and Halo)
  7. I haven't got to the point where I need to worry about making the Rounded interior parts yet. If someone wishes to help me make the interior I'd be greatfully thankful. And yes, that's part of the main quest. The only way to get into certain parts of the vault that are damaged and now underwater is to use the Acguy power armor and access them from the outside as the Acguy power armor, once working properly will act similar to the Steel Toad boots in Ocarina of Time allowing you to walk on the bottom of the water. If you'd like to brainstorm some quest ideas, go right ahead, I'm listening.
  8. I recently did some research. And just so everyone knows, Master Chief from Halo is in fact in the Navy. As Master Chief is only a Navy Rank. Not ot mention all the official statements declare John 117 a Master Chief in the UNSC Navy. Am I right though that the Marines and Navy pair up more than most of the other military branches?
  9. "I don't care if I live or die, just as long as I have a higher kill count than my enemy, and as long as Grif dies before me!" Anyways, I kinda feel sorry for the soldiers out there fighting who can't come home for Christmas, I'd gladly trade them, Christmas tends to be quite a depressing time for me.
  10. As I've mentioned before I have no intent on dying for my beliefs, most of the stuff I'm fighting for I really don't give two rats asses about. I'm only here to do my job to the best of my ability and to do my best to help out the two men on each side of me. And I see nobody really answered the question of which branch you should join, I'd say Navy, but of course I'm baised.
  11. I still have a few tweaks here and there before the final version. For this particular Mod I'm only adding in 1 armor, because this mod will mostly be focusing on creating a custom race as well as trying to work in an underwater facility. Also note that there's a lot more to this suit than meets the eye as I am going to try to work it similar to the Steel Toed boots in Ocarina of time, where when it is equipped you will be able to walk along the bottom of bodies of water instead of floating and swimming so it's going to take a lot of scripting work. I do however have a second mod which I will be making several power armors for.
  12. It's funny, back when I was in school I said several times "If there was a draft I'd dodge it, never in my life would I ever go into the military." But something changed on my 21st birthday, I realized my life was going nowhere fast. Maybe it was the new president, I didn't trust Cheney and his puppet I guess, maybe I thought they'd piss off some country and get us into a war and crap, I dunno, but it's different now, that I do know. So even if I don't think some people deserve defending, it is my duty in life to myself and my family and all those around me to do the absolute best at everything I do. Reasons I chose Navy: 1. I already live an Anti-Drug, crime free lifestyle 2. To work a job people would be proud of me for, rather than just a stock boy at wal-mart who nobody gives a crap about. 3. Traveling, I want to see the world, and this is one way to do it. 4. Benefits, millitary discounts, the GI Bill which will give me money for schooling, and a whole lot more (Even so my Navy paycheck will be way over my Dollar General one) 5. I'd rather feel the ocean under my feet than land, I actually want to live on a boat. 6. To learn better teamwork and leadership skills, forcing me to interact with my fellow recruits. And heck, I've lived my life so far blindly following orders and it's gotten me pretty far in life. Oh, are they really as strict as they say about rank and recognition or is it really depending on the person?
  13. Now for the important question, and this one's the real kicker. What exactly are we as soldiers supposed to be doing? Are we going off to fight evil regimes that are torturing their own citizens? Trying to play hero? Or are we supposed to be defending our own country? Because I hate to say it, especially at Christmas, some times I don't feel it's worth it, the people in my town are so selfish and rude, they have no respect for others. They are lazy and expect everything while giving nothing, and act in manners which would normally merit punishment, but they expect to get away with it scott free. Fortunately not all of America is like this so I can't group them all together. But every time I see these people it makes me wonder what exactly I'm doing. I guess I might just have too high moral standards, that's why the Navy was so perfect for me, the first thing they wanted to make sure of was no criminal record. And then it was all the drug stuff, no smoking, no drinking, it's all part of my life already (Except a better diet and excersizing more often which I adapted to quickly). So I guess I have a second question. Once I leave for Boot Camp, A-School, and eventually my duty station, ect. how likely will it be that I'll be with a bunch of moral individuals? I know the Military encourages high moral standards but how likely will it be for me to get stuck sharing a room with a bunch of guys who want to stay up all night or run off and get drunk when ever they can? And on a more funny note to lighten the mood. There's a big difference between Doctors and Medics. Doctors diagnose diseases and perscribe medicines to cure you. Medics just make you feel better until you die. "Want some Vasaline for your neck?" "He's shot in the foot" *Red Vs. Blue Joke*
  14. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/487878 Starts off a bit slow but it gets funnier as it goes along. Not quite as good as the last one though. And now there's a part 2: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/519114 And Pablo Comics has a pretty funny comic strip making fun of Edward. Part 1: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...y-1-0-112634550 Part 2: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...turns-112751368 Part 3: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...entin-112966784 Part 4: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...angel-113148294 Part 5: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...eance-114298213 Part 6: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/twil...y-day-114681208 Part 7: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/twil...rning-114847456 Part 8: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...dward-119543499 Part 9: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...oogie-127175080 Part 10: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twil...e-map-129866692 Part 11: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-11-129959353 Part 12: http://pablocomics.deviantart.com/art/twil...afety-144572963
  15. I'm SO gonna get stoned and go see Twilight now, that guy makes the movie sound so friggen awsome! Kinda like when I went to see Dragonball Evolution Drunk, only worth seeing when I'm on something.
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