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Mr Ham

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  1. I've had a quick look at some of the masks on the nexus and none of them really pique my interest. I really was hoping someone could whip this up because its pretty much exactly what I'm looking for.
  2. I was hoping someone could knock together the mask Dr McNinja dons as Kid Ninja. Linky to the comic here. I want to use it with the vanilla Dark Brotherhood armor. Thanks in advance! (sans cloak, abs, purple nerps)
  3. And yet CO2 concentrations are well above the natural maxima. Nothing natural would cause a sudden spike like that. [image] hence the "I agree that humans have had a negative impact on the climate in recent years" part at the very beginning of the quote from me in your post. Er... so if you're not attributing climate change to wholly natural or mainly anthropomorphic causes what's your point?
  4. And yet CO2 concentrations are well above the natural maxima. Nothing natural would cause a sudden spike like that.
  5. I highly doubt the UEA CRU is "one the the leading centres for climate change study". The BBC uses data from the MET Office which draw their data from a number of sources including the Royal Meteorological Society, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, the Hadley Centre and the Walker Institute as well a multitude of institutions outside UK. Inconsistencies with UEA's data would've been found against other institution's data before being released. Furthermore, in response to the UEA being hacked, the MET Office responded by stating "The bottom line is that temperatures continue to rise and humans are responsible for it. We have every confidence in the science and the various datasets we use. The peer-review process is as robust as it could possibly be." 1 The bottom line is, predictions are fallable; they can be true or false. Now if you really feel so strongly that a whole branch of the scientific community is simply a con, I doubt I'd do very much to sway you even if I did give a rebuttal. I simply find the sheer volume of scientific claims too overwhelming to deny. Sure, some of these publications are simply to get money and attention, can you honestly deny every single paper? Oh, and can you explain how climate change and the weather are interchangeable terms?
  6. The weather is not a suitable basis for any conclusions about climate change. Furthermore, a single institution manipulating empirical data hardly spells the end of the anthropomorphic climate change debate. Current CO2 levels are nowhere near historical variation, even if we were at the peak of the natural warming period. The precautionary principle still holds.
  7. Are you seriously comparing a stupid, impractical sports car to a viable and functional hybrid car? If you're the kind of person who spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on a hybrid Porsche which has a top speed of 320 km/h I don't think you care about the environment, at least not as much as being a smug, pretentious hipster. (By the way, the Porsche is made of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic, magnesium and aluminium and is probably even worse for the environment than the little Reva. Oops?)
  8. The relation is called "motion". And time is a function of motion. Yes I know but exactly what that relationship is,is not something I fully understand Whats not to understand? Motion can be expressed as a function of time, ie, the equations of motion?
  9. I'd like to see you use engineering equations with non-SI units! Ideal gas law anyone? :tongue:
  10. Hogwash! The means to measure and quantify time is a construct, yes. But time certainly exists! Does one moment differ from another? Of course! So then time exists. Nevermind all this silly dimension stuff and whatnot, as long as there is a progression of events, there is time! To say time doesn't exist because the way its measured is artificial is to say length doesn't exist, or that mass doesn't exist; and these most certainly DO exist.
  11. Why were we discussing limiting food/resources? Is there any documented record that diminishing resources was a factor in the introduction of the one-child policy?
  12. What Aborigines do you refer to? Indigenous Australians? Its rather alarming to hear that native Americans and Polynesians were so callous. Do you have any links to original research?
  13. There is a HUGE difference between the chinese government being "stupid" and them simply not caring.
  14. Mr Ham

    Why do we Debate

    We debate to share ideas and opinions. If someone has a valid point which you cannot refute, I think it obligatory that you review your own views and either adapt them or adopt your opponents. Anything else would be intellectual cowardice; knowing full well your own views are inferior you still refuse to change them. In that way we "force" our views onto other people.
  15. But constant positive reinforcement by his family and friends may have spared the psychological trauma with the same results...
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