Greetings and salutations. I've figured out how to merge the Fair Kalkstein mod into Project Mersey, and I've added the Addtional Armour mod. I've changed the Armours though so that they each have their own custom icon. I didn't actually make good icons, literally just a hack that says "T M Armour" for Temerian Armour, for instance, so I could tell them apart. How do I pull out the OG armour icons from the game? Is it possible? I'd make some replacements just to get rid of the crappy words if I knew how lol. I've also added the Kaer Morhen armour (as number 10), and given it it's own "icon" and armour number as well, but it still needs to be referenced as "Armour 2" to be given by Vesemir. I'm OK with that, I can just hack the "studded armour" as "armour 10", but I'd like Haren Brogg to sell the "Studded Armour", basically just to get all of the armours into the game in reasonable places. I may make the studded slightly better than Kaer Morhen, just so there's a reason to buy it. It also bugs me that we don't have the option to see or loot Berengar's swords and armour from him if you take that option, but I haven't yet figured out the override for his body contents. I get how with the Frightener mod, I'm just unable to figure out the filename for Berengar's body. Basically, how would I figure out these little details like the icon and the override filenames? Thanks for any help, but more importantly thanks to all the modders. The game is fun AF vanilla, but these make it so much better. EDITED TO ADD: I figured out Haren's store's override name with my first guess, which was a nice surprise: 1_haren_01.utm EDIT2: AH, the models for Kaer Morhen armor and Studded Leather armor are both model 2, and the mdb files are read only for some reason, lol.