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Posts posted by emoose

  1. Sorry if this has already been asked previously, I'm wondering if there's any chance of increasing the character limit for file descriptions, seem to constantly be butting up to the limit there, 255 characters is a pretty small amount to try and describe things specific to a file like how to set it up properly, or potential issues it might have...


    Those two kinds of things could always be put on main page, but when they're specific to a certain file it'd be much better suited next to the file itself IMO.


    I've seen some uploaders work around this limit by using images in the file description instead, always seems kinda rough since browser might resize that image though, and also wouldn't really want to include something that screen readers & search engines would have no chance of using.


    (also doesn't help that BBCode counts toward the limit too, makes it very hard to include a link in the text without needing to remove most of the rest of it...)


    Tried searching if anyone else suggested this but only found this post from 2016, which sadly didn't seem to get any response: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4857660-file-descriptions-longer-than-255-characters/?hl=%2Bfile+%2Bdescription+%2Bcharacter+%2Blimit

  2. Would be awesome if someone can find a way to speed up these actions, I mean the animations are nice and detailed and all, but once you're 10+ hours in it's a little tiring seeing the same slow animation play out again for the 300th time...


    The game does seem to permit speeding them up, eg. if there's not enough room for the animation to play out it'll just skip it and instantly perform the action, maybe some smart guy can find a way to patch that check so it always skips?

  3. Settlers sometimes grab things from containers already, eg. I had a Fat Man and a Mini-Nuke in one container, the settlement was being attacked and when I got there one of the settlers was holding the Fat Man and fired my only Mini-Nuke at a mutant dog...


    Doesn't happen all the time though, I had a lot of other rifles/pistols in there but the other settlers were still using their default weapons, maybe I should have left ammo for them as well.


    This reminds me too, a mod to stop settlers accessing a container/going through a door would be nice too. Maybe a way for the player to lock things with their own key.

  4. There's this part of the floor texture that always makes me look twice when I see it, maybe that's the point of it but IMO it needs to go.




    The orange bit just above the crosshair is the part I mean, it just looks too much like a holotape to me. The texture gets used in a lot of places too, and it tricks me almost every time :(


    If someone could make a quick mod to remove it I'd be really thankful, I'd try doing it myself but there's a lot of textures in this game and I don't have the faintest idea on how to track it down.


    Thanks in advance!

  5. I've come across so many weapons that I have no use for but don't have inventory space to pick them up and dismantle, I know I could always drop a weapon quick and then pick it up etc but that takes time, it'd be nice if we could just press V to dismantle them in addition to the F to pick them up.

    Anyone know of any mods like this? I haven't really seen anything for it, if any modders see this it'd be a great timesaving mod to work on :smile:

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