So, i have a computer with no sound capability at all whatsoever. This doesn't really bother me, i have no qualms about using a system or playing a game without sound. I can play things like Daggerfall, Dragon Lore, Creatures, ect ect without sound just fine, and no errors occur due to failure to open a specific sound file. Morrowind, unfortunately, will not run on my computer because my computer crashes whenever it opens an MP3 file. No, it does not just play it without making any noise, it blatantly crashes. Aborts all open executions and closes them. I want to know if anyone has a way i can open morrowind without it opening any MP3's? Pretty much a way to just play it with all sounds turned off, and i don't mean with just the volume down, i mean so that it doesn't even look into or open the sound files in the directory. The game crashes on startup, after loading, because the title screen opens the music/special/title.mp3 music file. So, i can't just go into options and turns sounds off (though i doubt this would work, it would probably still open them and just play with no sound, which crashes my comp anyway.) I have gone into the config file in the main Morrowind directory and at the line "disable audio-#" i put a 1 (for true.) This, sadly, didn't work. So does anyone have a solution to this? A work around to stop morrowind from opening any MP3's at all. I almost forgot to mention, the reason i do not have any sound capability is because I have no sound card or audio drivers at all whatsoever. So, if someone could fine a way to "ignore" the check the mp3 players make when they open of whether or not you have an audio card, then that would work too. Please don't post something like "get a sound card" or ect ect.