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About zombiehowie555

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  1. skyrim nexus has a mod where it hides the ability to open the console window for people who dont want the temptation of cheating. if someone could make this for FNV i would be eternally grateful.
  2. if you end up changing the sex of the character, another useful tool is shownamemenu
  3. my bad, in new to these forums and new to fallout 3, ill try and do a little research before making a post
  4. i would love it if someone made a tactical bow for dispatching enemies silently. like rambo meets turok meets fallout 3. what would also be cool would be giving the arrows the same ability that the railway rifle has where limbs get pined to walls. just an idea i thought of tossing out there
  5. one of my favorite pieces of clothing in FO3 is the brotherhoods scribe robe but i always thought it l ooked out of place on a female character can someone mod a skimpier version of the brotherhoods scribe robe for a female character i would be impressed and very grateful
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