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Everything posted by Oerath

  1. Haven't tried it yet but Lightless Abandon Dungeons by Marbaus looks like it does this. I'll test it when I get home tonight and let you all know if it's good. The URL is http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9859
  2. While we're requesting people to tamper with the AI, can someone un-psycho the horse? Seriously, my horse will charge in from way off to start attacking people. It fights ice wraiths (and wins!). Something needs to be done, because it's just nuts.
  3. This. I was so pissed when I went to put on a second ring and my first unequipped itself.
  4. Don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but another thing that has been bothering me (an should be a relatively easy fix for someone who can actually program) is that my horse is psychotic. I would love to have a horse that would at most lash out at wolves and people once before bolting, and run from things like trolls and ice wraiths immediately. It's completely ridiculous when my horse kills an ice wraith before I can even get a swing in, let alone when he comes charging in from half a mile away to hunt down enemies.
  5. I would make it Conjuration just because Illusion is only supposed to be mental and visual effects, and I would make it at Adept or Expert level because teleporting is not a simple feat. This has been said before, but is a definite Immersion breaker. Bethesda has improved the level scaling in some respects, but some things just shouldn't be scaled at all, they should be at fixed levels regardless of the player. Or scaling based on how far in certain quest lines you are, but not on level.
  6. Love all of these ideas. Especially the compass and fencing ideas.
  7. Another idea I just had was food spoilage. Make a certain % chance of food you find being spoiled (maybe say 10%) and then a cumulative % chance of food items spoiling each day you have them (say 3-5% cumulative chance for most items, and 1% for some like jerky or hard tack etc.). Eating spoiled food will help with hunger but have negative effects on health and/or stamina. Another way to do it would be to have multiple stages of freshness that food progresses through over the course of time, essentially the same thing as above, but not an all or nothing sort of spoilage (and probably harder to program, though I'm not a programmer so I could be wrong). Loving all these ideas, can't wait for the Creation Kit to come out so they can start getting implemented. ;)
  8. Good to know there is a work around for now. None of my rebindings are really necessary (just convenient) so I might just reset them and leave it. Still hope we'll get some actual fixes though. Bethesda said they were going to try pushing another patch this week, so hopefully they'll address at least the enchanting levelling issue.
  9. I'm also having this issue, and boy is it pissing me off. I can't even get the name dialogue box to come up. I've heard it may be because I remapped my keys (specifically my favorites key which I also have trouble with) but so far I have not gotten good confirmation on this. Hope they get it fixed soon... And that leveling up = suckier enchantments issue as well.
  10. I'm not much of a modder (though I do plan on messing around with the creation kit when it comes out) but improved enchantment effects were modded into Oblivion, so I imagine that would be doable here as well. Though I have to say, this is turning into one hell of a big project... Good luck Mansh00ter! I doubt I'll be much help, but I'll keep an eye out for the mod and give you as much useful feedback as possible.
  11. Wow. A lot of good ideas in this thread. I love immersion mods since that's what I love about TES. I'm especially interested in: -Food/Drink/Sleep -Realistic Carry Weights/volume/ maybe weapon/item type limits. i was kinda thinking that you could equip a two-handed, and three 1-handeds (2 primary 1 off) and be able to draw those on the fly, but have to delve into inventory to change equip. And no armor/clothing changes or equipped weapon changes in combat. It would also be cool if your equipped weapons all showed in 3rd person mode. -More realistic damage/armor -item durability -weather/environment impact -improved NPC reactions and reputation -monetary value (seriously, I love being rich, but i'd like to work harder for it.) probably a bunch of other stuff too, but these are the big ones for me.
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