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  1. While all these ideas look great and are possible to implement, please keep in mind that alot of work is still going into Bunker72 and some of these ideas might take a while to implement (if accepted). most likely after 3.1, there is alot planned for that release and lostmisery, pigeon08 and I are working hard to get most of the content done by then, so please be patient. There will be an update on the status of any ideas accepted once decided upon.
  2. Ok i know what it means, that if ( timer > 0) is a loop and the set timer to timer - GetSecondsPast (timer value subtract by how many seconds past) is asking the game how many seconds are passed, timer is a variable so it updates the variable then checks if it is greater then 0 and if it is it repeats the process untill timer = 0 upon which the message your 5 seconds are up will activate
  3. i would suggest instead of the button dissapearing just make it unable to be activated until the timer is finished, like get a error noise. as for the timer wouldnt it be set timerid to timeinseconds
  4. For those time failsafes you mentioned especially with the panic room, if you can find out how to do it then make it so you can't push the button again until the animation is finished, so in that case make a timer before you can push the button again, this should eliminate problems regarding attempting to keep pushing the button and glitch the doors. and for the fallout shelter elevator when i mentioned about running to the stairs after pushing the button, if you can figure it out maybe make that area solid ( even though the animation is not finished) but more like an invisible wall, that should fix accidently walking into it. Just a few suggestions and also as an update about the quest line, i looked at G.E.C.K scripting and i do have a scripting background so i forsee that it will be quite easy to script for me. i will try and keep checking for your reply, you might want to pm me.
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