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Everything posted by spookycandy

  1. We actually own that case. For a plastic case it's really not bad. Tons of airflow. Haven't felt the need to replace it. I have the TJ07 from Silverstone. It's dated, and pricy for what you get, but I love the layout. The only one I would have considered instead would have been the FT02. Both in silver because I love a silver case. http://www.hardwarezone.com.sg/files/images/silverstone_tj07_1.jpg
  2. The 780ti indeed outperforms the r290x in benchmarks, and IMO feels the better card for the price. If there was a 6GB version I would jump on it. If heat is an issue for you, stick with nvidia and do not do SLI. The 780ti will be all you will need. It will out perform SLI in terms of price vs performance and will generate a lot less heat than most other cards. If you have a lot of heat issues I'd recommend either getting a new case, looking into water cooling, or evaluating your current cooling set-up.
  3. Weighing in on this thread, even though you have made your purchase, so other people can get a chance to read it. :smile: I have owned dozens of mice in my lifetime. In my personal experience, Logitech mice have always been more durable than Razer mice (I do not hate Razer and own a keyboard from them that I love). They have also honored warranties a lot better than razor has when things go wrong. That being said, I have had a lot of issues with logitech mice. I do not think their quality matches their price, and I find myself surprised that people talk about how great their mice feel, wondering if those people have ever used anything really amazing. This isn't a diss on them, they do fit people who have a certain grip style, and perhaps it is not mine. I have not used the new G500s yet, but I went through four G400 (RMA) in a single year. The best mice I have used have been Steelseries. They last, they are customizable to a T and they feel good in almost anyone's hand. The downside is that a lot of their mice are not weighted. The choice is probably between Steelseries and logitech, if you are looking at mice. There's the RAT, which has mixed reviews (some love it, others do not). Corsair mice I have never had any luck with. The Zowie is an underperformer. Anker, Perrix and ROCCAT have been steadily gaining traction and caught my attention. All three have mice that are lovely to use. The bottom line, and the most important thing to remember when shopping for mice is to note your mouse brand's reputation for durability, and no matter how well reviewed a mouse it is, do not buy it if you don't LOVE it when you try it out. If you are thinking "this is a mouse, I could use this" and now "this feels like baby jesus in my hands" it is not the mouse for you.
  4. Actually, it is a small margin (significantly less than 50% improvement). A large margin would be >50% improvement in performance, but this is not the case. Ballmer didn't have a history of running companies into the ground. As for all the "unnecessary" things they have been doing, have you noticed their stock price? Since Windows Phone 8 and the Surface, their stock has gone up over $10/share since that started. Prior to that their major focus was Windows. http://www.businessinsider.com/next-xbox-may-be-profitable-on-day-one-2011-4 This article says otherwise regarding the xbox's profitability.
  5. Unfortunately, it is not so cut and dry. Rumored dev comments appeal to me less than actual benchmarks. http://www.anandtech.com/show/6972/xbox-one-hardware-compared-to-playstation-4/5 In multiple situations, the PS4's higher resolution is running at a lower framerate. While the PS4 still has the slight advantage, the advantage is not large enough to run the same game at a higher resolution while keeping 60fps. They might be safe at 900p, but 1080p is too high. The argument that "xbox can't handle CoD at 1080p" falls apart when you realize the PS4 can't either. http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-call-of-duty-offers-better-framerate-than-ps4-1463163114 After the bricked console issue I cancelled my PS4 pre-order. I'll be buying it in a few weeks when I'm certain the issue is resolved. As for the CEO, if Elop is so bad, why would Microsoft make him CEO? They're not that stupid.
  6. Did you set the VRAM number correctly in the inis? 1440p is a much higher resolution. It is more taxing on VRAM. SLI does not double your memory. This could be it, but I think you should be able to run those ENBs no problem. I cannot recommend RealVision performance enough, even though I chose a different ENB to use myself. That thing had a stable 30-40FPS On a modest 1GB GTX 570 and scaled very well to a 4GB card. My significant other uses the full version and even though I love my ENB the quality of it always catches me off guard. I play in 16:10, 1920x1200 resolution. I have one GTX 780. I smoothly run 4k textures and Seasons of Skyrim ENB (my favorite!) at 60fps. I made absolutely sure to do all the tweaks (listing memory) to the INIs in the instructions and it runs great.
  7. Just out of curiosity, where do you think those mods you're talking about came from? You don't need more than 8GB unless you intend on creating these mods yourself.
  8. There are a few things I see that should be done before continuing on with the troubleshooting. In your BOSS log it is listing items with dirty edits. This notification isn't meaningless. You need to download TESVEdit and clean the DLCs (including update.esm). While this might not fix your problem it does clean up a lot of the bloat on DLC to help the game run more stable/smooth. Open Cities is a little infamous for causing CTDs at random (not just the Skyrim one, Oblivion, too). We can't confirm it's that until you test this out. On a new save without Open Cities and Expanded Cities (but WITH all your other mods), run around outside by Whiterun for awhile and see if any crashes occur. If a few minutes have gone by and nothing, type "player.setav speedmult 1000" and continue running around at a higher speed. If a couple minutes of this doesn't crash your game, add either Open Cities or Expanded Cities to the game and continue doing this testing. If it STILL doesn't crash, add the other one in. Basically, see where the crash starts. If the crash doesn't start until you add the second one this could mean either they're not playing nice (they should, from what I have read) or that the second mod is causing the crash. If you are not sure, start another save and reverse the order when testing.
  9. Resolution depends on your monitor. If your monitor can't do above 1080p a card isn't going to make it do that. Do you have a monitor that's 2560x1600? That should easily make the decision for you. :) As for testing, you type "player.setav speedmult 500" and run around outdoors in resource-hogging areas. If you're running fine, speed it up to 1000. Basically loading a lot at once to quickly see if your system is handling it/stable. For texture sizes, try to mix and match. It's hard to tell for your machine. I will say this: I use 4000 textures whenever I can find them, but when I loaded up the 2000 versions I didn't actually notice that much of a difference on most things. There are some things, such as skin textures, where larger sizes/detail becomes more of a gain in how things look. A lot of the time it's a huge decrease in performance for differences you have to pixel-peep at to see. Play with it. Install medium textures here and there, then take screenshots, install the higher resolution versions and go back and take screenshots again. :)
  10. I don't follow STEP, though I recommend it for beginners. One thing STEP asks people to do that I like is benchmark after each "phase." I take it a step further and turn on papyrus logs and stress test using speed commands. I play with and interact with everything I can that has to do with the mods I just installed. If you skip this step (or do this step but never read through your logs to spot serious errors) you might be in for a shocker when mod 200 comes around and you are having random CTDs but don't know why. BOSS is necessary and Gopher is the best, ever, seriously. The question to me is not "Is modding Skyrim worth it?" It's "Is Skyrim worth it without modding?" :thumbsup:
  11. I don't fall on the political charts. My political beliefs don't exist within the American spectrum. I do believe we should call it the Affordable Care Act, though, since that is its name.
  12. Diablo 2 Magicka Civ V Baldur's Gate Path of Exile League of Legends
  13. The requirement of a source is on the people who made the claim with absolutely no evidence that he said something he would never have said. "Sources who know how he thinks tell us" is no different than the gossip in celebrity tabloids. On top of that, Bloomberg retracted their statement already (you can see this in the bloomberg article your verge article linked to).
  14. That was already debunked. http://techreport.com/news/25629/report-as-microsoft-ceo-elop-could-kill-bing-sell-xbox-business It seems really obvious that somebody wants Elop out of the race for CEO. These rumors are getting less and less original by the week. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/11/the-xbox-one-and-ps4-share-similar-specs-but-the-devils-in-the-details/ Multiple field tests show that the "crazy powerful" ps4 is only slightly more powerful than an XBOX One. The difference isn't that extreme (but my definition of extreme would have the ps4 at 1440p for every game). The way the managed to fit everything inside that tiny PS4 box is incredible and quite the feat. It has me excited. But let's not get carried away and pretend that the PS4 will be anything more than "a bit better." Both consoles have heatsinks. Both consoles are incapable of running every game at 1080p (pc master race). Both consoles have custom chips. The PS4 will look slightly sharper. Not really a game changer. Disclaimer: I look down on all consoles equally, except for the Wii U. That one gets extra disappointment. These are the woes of a PC gamer with standards that are a little too high.
  15. Oh, really? According to whom? :laugh: Wrong about what? Please read carefully: I'm still thinking about getting that AX1200i just so I won't upgrade my power supply for a very long time and I can put my mind to rest knowing I have more than enough clean power to run my rig. I'm gonna buy 1200i because 1) I have money to do that and 2) I prefer future proof (this is also the reason why I was considering 16GB or even more) and more clean power to any "I think it's enough for now" options. I'm not a girl who wants to spend my time once every 5-6 months for browsing and buying hardwares for upgrade. I'd rather hang out with my girl friends. :laugh: Instead of judging me blindly, why not asking about my upgrade plan first? You obviously had no idea what my plan for my rig in the future yet you were so quick to say I was wrong. I'm planning on using 2 770 or even 780 Ti and a stable 4.0-4.2 GHz overclock so what's wrong about 1200i? I'm also gonna use Corsair H100i, replace all my fans including ones came with H100i (I'm using Corsair 550D case) with Corsair performance fans and add 2 more hard drives (I'm using 2 2TB WD Caviar Black for OS and games/data now and wanna add 2 more) for media files like pics/videos from my cam and backup. I've asked some users from Tweaktown and TPU for power supply recommendation before and while some of them recommend at least a 1000w, they agreed when I said I'm gonna buy a 1200w instead so I don't have to upgrade my power supply for at least two or three years. Is it wrong? :laugh: As for the 16GB? I'm playing Battlefield 4 too, and last I checked it requires at least 4GB of RAM. By the year 2014, games are probably gonna need 6GB as minimum, who knows. Like I said, future proof. It might be overkill to you and everybody else but going this way I won't have to worry about anything, I just enjoy my hobby (gaming). Personally I think having more RAM and power never hurts, in my case at least (better more than less methink). Also I'm not a budget gamer so I'm sorry if my suggestion/recommendation is way overboard to most. :blush: FYI you can actually run dual SLI 780s and an i7-3930k with 16gb of ram and a full on RAID-setup on an 850w power supply, overclocked and completely stable. :confused: A decent rig on SLI 780tis only needs 800w. I am not a budget gamer either, I just know when things are and aren't necessary. The four digit mark is even overkill for quadSLI/fire overclocked. I have overclocked and benchmarked these machines. The only machine that needed the 1200i was a quad-sli titan with the 3930k, overclocked. This was not a gaming rig. It was for serious rendering. On top of this, after benchmarking and testing SLI 780tis, Guru3D didn't even recommend a 1000w PSU. If anyone in the thread needs any evidence that they are fine with their modest, small power supplies, here it is: http://www.anandtech.com/show/2624 http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/gtx_780_ti_sli_geforce_review,4.html http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/radeon-r9-280x-r9-270x-r7-260x,3635-18.html For gaming, it's unnecessary. Now, I run on a higher budget than 90% of gamers I know. I am on an 850w power supply and have been since 2006 (though I did trade-up for a modular one last year). When I upgraded, I looked heavily into whether or not I'd need a thousand watt PSU. I firmly believe in future proofing and often go overkill in the name of staying relevant for longer. I've worked some really cool jobs where I did get to test this hardware and that solidified my belief that the 850w would get me through my next four year cycle of part upgrades. As for saying it should be enough if he doesn't overclock, it will be enough. Absolutely, 100% certain that his 850w will handle this overclocked without a single problem. Again, I've tested and benchmarked these things, as have other more reputable professionals. I have no qualms with your way of doing things, I just want to keep the information in this thread accurate and based on fact instead of myth. My rig is significantly more powerful than his, and is overclocked (although intel does use less power than AMD) and I am nowhere near the danger zone at 850w. This whole "in two years we're oging to need 1200w PSUs to game" thing really needs to stop. It's been going on since 2008. For top performance, save the money on the powers supply and put it towards SSDs, a quality IPS monitor, mechanical keyboards, etc.
  16. I love Windows 8, like Metro (but have some serious issues with it), and upgraded to 8.1 on day one. I think the decision to return the start icon was a mistake because now my multiple monitors have multiple start icons which is not okay and has lead me to patching and customizing instead. 8.1 was more disappointing for me than 8 was. Having used Win8 since beta, going back to 7 just reminds me of how clunky and awful it is to use. I can't believe some people think 8 is inefficient on the desktop. It is so much faster to do everything. I have all my system tools saved right there on the metro start screne, for example. I use metro on a dual monitor desktop (and when working, a triple monitor set-up). It's a godsend. I use it with a mouse (GASP) and do not believe its touch screen-basis to be a hinderance. I do think metro apps are unnecesary bloat, but the UI itself is solid. Now if microsoft would stop pulling from icon colors and automating my taskbar colors, allowing me to decide these things for myself, I would be happier with it. As for it not being very user-friendly, this is another annoyance of mine. A lot of the decisions for accessing things in Windows 8 do not make sense to someone who isn't a power user (which is hilarious because pseudo computer geeks like to whine about Windows 8's "oversimplification"). Nothing is really where it should be (except that ctrl + x or right clicking on the start icon, that belongs there). Computer preferences even made me do a doubletake. My main concern is that with 8.1 I have noticed a lot of stuff that worked to tweak Windows 8 (theme patchers, etc) was broken. Bugs were fixed that really didn't matter all too much whilst glaring bugs that caused actual real problems were completely ignored. If you set your taskbar to be a dark grey or black you can't read the text on your window titles. But who cares about that, am I right? We need to fix a very specific bug that has been exploited to allow people to customize windows more! (This particular bug had to do with being able to select colors from a different windows theme if you kept the colors window open while opening a new preferences window). Another one is that the wallpapers selection is the biggest pain I have ever had to endure (randomly selecting new wallpapers without me telling it too, not saving my changes, not seeing subfolders, etc). I feel as though Windows 8 came out with a huge focus on the power user and then all of the sudden all the focus went to metro and left people like me hanging and looking like this: :ermm: . 8.1 made multi-monitor support worse. I am getting really tempted to write an open lecture letter to the Windows team. Alt + F4 on the desktop to shut down. Ctrl + X is another neat little trick.
  17. Chiming in here to say that I have a Silverstone case and love it to pieces. Prior to this, I had a steel frame/aluminum body Coolermaster stacker which is still in good condition and has been passed on to a friend. I love my case. For cases, I have some stellar advice to give you: Plastic is cancer. Do not buy a plastic case, or a case that has big platic bezels on it (no CM Haf case). If you must get plastic, go with a lower end Antec case.Look for plenty of ventilation on the top, back, front and sides. Even if it's not necessary now, it can make the case last longer.Try to get one that has a motherboard tray. I am not sure how readily these are available in lower end cases, but they make things a lot faster to set up.Buy a bigger case than you think you need (think full tower, at least 8" thick). The only thing that made me upgrade my case was that it wasn't toolless and wire management was very tedious. I bought it in early 2006 and just replaced it this year. My graphics card has quadrupled in size since then and yet it still held everything just fine with plenty of airflow. I have also managed to drop it down the stairs with my components in it and everything inside was alright. :whistling:Lian Li is popular, but I have owned one of their cases before for an HTPC machine and the ventilation was awful. Overpriced, IMO.Look for toolless.I prefer cases that have a power supply on the bottom because it makes for better wire management.On the subject of other parts you may need in an upgrade, the other people in this thread are cheerily arguing CPU. I will bring up information to supplement their debates. I have been building my own computers for years and have made many dumb mistakes, costly mistakes and even downright horrible decisions. Never use the stock heatsink for your CPU. I recommend Zalman, though I personally use Noctua. Noctuas are great, but huge.If you live in America, search for parts on Newegg and sort by Best Rated. Trust me.Arctic Silver is king when it comes to thermal paste. Your thermal paste will dry out if you don't use it for another year, so I recommend selling it or buying a very tiny tube.You will be upgrading to DDR3 memory. Buy it with your motherboard. Corsair is solid, but G.Skill is my favorite. The speed others mentioned on the first page is correct.Your purchase order should be Motherboard + CPU + Heatsink + RAM - > Hard drive - > Graphics Card - > new case (unless your old case can't fit your stuff). A way to save money is to utilize all four RAM slots. For example, only buy 2x 2gb sticks in the beginning and add two more for a total of 8 later on when you have more money. :wink:There are two motherboard manufacturers you can trust: Gigabyte and ASUS. I strongly advise against going with another company. I used to work in computer repair, and you have no idea how many boards I've seen in various conditions. Don't buy the cheapest motherboard from either company.SSDs are not cost-effective but are a huge improvement to gaming performance. I recommend waiting until the holiday season sales (or long after), because they are rapidly becoming more affordable. Samsung is shining here. I also trust Micron (I have actually been inside their facilities) and Intel. Intel is expensive for what you get, and not worth it in SSDland.Ride your current GPU for as long as you can and don't cheap out on the next one.As for upgrade times, this is my schedule: Every four years: Motherboard + CPU Every two years: Graphics card. Whenever the time feels right and newegg is having a crazy sale: Memory and harddrives. I usually don't upgrade memory too often (probably about once every 3 years), but I do tend to stock up on it if I ever see it on clearance. You have to balance cost vs longevity. It is better, IMO to save up for parts that will be relevant for longer than it is to buy everything right now and be outdated in a year. Find out what your budget is, the max you are willing to spend, before you start searching for parts. This can help you easily decide whether to go Intel or AMD, nVidia or AMD, as well as in what order you want to order the parts in. My honest opinion is that AMD (formerly ATI) Graphics cards stay relevant longer while Nvidia usually kills in terms of top tier performance (Think $800 cards). Once you're in the budget range of cards (<$350) AMD is almost always the better choice. This is coming from so someone who has not strayed from Nvidia for 3+ years. Save up and buy the nicest card you can buy. Do research on what you want out if it. Read benchmarks. Don't look back once you have made your purchase. If it takes you six months to save up for a decent card, wait that long. Trust me. 700 series is solid. The 4GB 770 is amazing for the price. I am not too knowledgable on AMD's lineup, but they are catching my attention. That has been my contribution. Good luck. :laugh:
  18. It seems like your mods are in order halfway through but SkyUI is at the bottom when it shouldn't be. This could very well be a load order problem. BOSS is good. Anti-virus software depends. The stuff built into Windows 8 has never had any quarrel with my Skyrim folder, and will actually leave my stuff alone (it asks me before it bans stuff from running). So if you're on Windows 8 and not running a resource-hogging unnecessary alternative AV program, the anti-virus thing doesn't quite apply.
  19. And here I am rejoicing that those old designs have been rejected in favor of better cooling :wink: I have a GTX 780. The 780ti is not worth the money, in my opinion, due solely to its memory. I use multiple monitors. Games are starting to get more VRAM intensive. If a $700+ card doesn't have at least 4GB of VRAM, I think you're being ripped off. The GTX 690 is significantly better in terms of cost + longevity + performance. Now, if the 780ti releases a 6GB version I will jump on it faster than you can say Rumplestiltskin. So far no confirmation. You have to take into account memory speed, the 780ti outperforms a 6GB VRAM Titan in 4k, it also is cheaper. The 690 only has 2GB of VRAM, it's two downclocked 680s, so I'm not sure where you're seeing a dual-GPU being a better deal than a powerful single GPU. After thorough examination of the benchmarks, I retract my claim that the 780 is worth less than the Titan/690. You win this round. :thumbsup:
  20. I think I know the mod you are looking for... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733//? Its called immersive armours, it adds ( i think) over 100 new armour sets that work for both males and females, and better yet they aren't tramp or stupidly exposed with the women variants! Also, as you can guess, these mods are meant to be very lore friendly and fit with skyrim's overarching theme I have this mod, but I wouldn't describe it as "take my breath away." It makes a lot of armor look a lot better, but when I go to find the custom armor sets, the beautiful ones with intricate deatil are usually slutty or have really dumb heels. Grace Darkling's ranger armor is one of the best I've seen so far. I just wish there was more. Oh, I haven't actually ever played a female Char but I thought it was actually decent armour (though i didn't really check) The armor looks nice, but it is often bulky compared to my body mesh (and I like to keep bodyweight on the heavier side. The mens armor fits them like a glove, so it's a bit weird.
  21. And here I am rejoicing that those old designs have been rejected in favor of better cooling :wink: I have a GTX 780. The 780ti is not worth the money, in my opinion, due solely to its memory. I use multiple monitors. Games are starting to get more VRAM intensive. If a $700+ card doesn't have at least 4GB of VRAM, I think you're being ripped off. The GTX 690 is significantly better in terms of cost + longevity + performance. Now, if the 780ti releases a 6GB version I will jump on it faster than you can say Rumplestiltskin. So far no confirmation.
  22. This is going to sound strange, but I think the solution to bullying in schools is a total overhaul of the way schools work (particularly in America). Punishment only gets a school so far, and they can only punish when they catch someone in the act (and most of the time kids are smart enough to not say those things to each other in front of teachers). I had a huge issue with bullying in public school, so much that my parents switched me to a private one. In the private school there was a maximm of twelve students per class. Oddly enough, bullying wasn't a problem. Teenager's did have their arguments, but there was no oppressive, daily verbal abuse (or physical) going from student to student. It was solely dumb high school drama between friends. The theory behind this is not the close knit community, rather, the opportunity for teachers to adequately know and understand each student in his/her class. It is a lot easier to keep an eye on 10 kids than it is to keep an eye on 30 (not to mention multiple periods in a day meant teachers in high school were teaching 100+ kids a day). It's better for everyone if we get more teachers and lower the class size. It makes everything more personal and makes it more difficult to bully someone simply because you don't know them very well. Unfortunately I have yet to see any studies that could prove my point. I have heard that countries like Finland bullying is far less of a problem. What are those countries doing right?
  23. One of the problems I have been having when searching for something (say, landscape) ithat I will have half a page of different language versions of the same mod skewing results. Would it be possible to have an exclusion category for this to keep them out of my search results?
  24. Majora's Mask. On PC? Daggerfall. Imagine the sheer scope of that game on a modern engine. Last year I probably would have said Thief, but my wish on that one has been granted!
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