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Everything posted by haiUnder
Really need some help, I followed all the installation instructions for all the mods carefully but I cant start my game now. Here is what downloaded and here is what came up after attempting to start up the game: Eye and Makeup Tweaks for Ciri and Yen Face them The Enhancement System Geralt enhanced wind effect HairWorks V2.7 - ReUpload Geralt HairWorks Colors and Styles Hairworks on everything but Geralt The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project Lip Movement and HiRes Shadows on NPCs in gameplay Error [content0]game\gameplay\alchemy\alchemymanager.ws(196): Could not find function 'GetUnusedMutagensCount' Error [content0]game\gameplay\alchemy\alchemymanager.ws(270): Could not find function 'RemoveUnusedMutagensCount' Error [modenablemimics]game\actor.ws(3738): Function 'RemoveAllNonAutoEffects' does not take 2 param(s) Error [content0]game\npc\npc.ws(584): Could not find function 'GetPlayerMaxLevel' Error [content0]game\npc\npc.ws(586): Could not find function 'GetPlayerMaxLevel' Error [content0]game\npc\npc.ws(1965): Could not find function 'GetPlayerMaxLevel' Error [content0]game\npc\npc.ws(1967): Could not find function 'GetPlayerMaxLevel' Error [content0]game\vehicles\horse\horsecomponent.ws(189): Function 'GetCategoryDefaultItem' does not take 1 param(s) Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmoduleradialmenu.ws(615): Could not find function 'ShouldUseInfiniteWaterBolts' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\listbasemenu.ws(186): Could not find function 'GetUnusedMutagensCount' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\alchemymenu.ws(62): Could not find function 'GetAlchemyFilters' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\alchemymenu.ws(126): Could not find function 'SetAlchemyFilters' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\alchemymenu.ws(189): Could not find function 'AddExpandedAlchemyCategory' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\alchemymenu.ws(193): Could not find function 'RemoveExpandedAlchemyCategory' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\alchemymenu.ws(307): Could not find function 'GetExpandedAlchemyCategories' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\craftingmenu.ws(103): Could not find function 'GetCraftingFilters' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\craftingmenu.ws(170): Could not find function 'SetCraftingFilters' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\craftingmenu.ws(266): Could not find function 'AddExpandedCraftingCategory' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\craftingmenu.ws(270): Could not find function 'RemoveExpandedCraftingCategory' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\craftingmenu.ws(474): Could not find function 'GetExpandedCraftingCategories' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\glossarybestiarymenu.ws(103): Could not find function 'AddExpandedBestiaryCategory' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\glossarybestiarymenu.ws(107): Could not find function 'RemoveExpandedBestiaryCategory' Error [content0]game\gui\menus\glossarybestiarymenu.ws(162): Could not find function 'GetExpandedBestiaryCategories' Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\playerabilitymanager.ws(623): Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s) Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\playerabilitymanager.ws(4031): Could not find function 'RemoveUnusedMutagensCountById'Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
Skyrim is still freezing when I try to get to Windhelm. Frames don't drop anymore outside Windhelm since I disabled Skyrim Radioactive Windhelm Docks. Usually I don't get frames lost by anything but regardless my game freezes when attempting to enter Windhelm. Also still get invisible non-Vanilla NPCs. I replaced my Skyrim directory with a fresh backup and reinstalled all mods. I might have made a mistake but I read all descriptions when installing every mod and I did that again. Also LOOT organized my load order, and I looked it over and looks pretty good. If anyone can show some light on this I'd be thankful.
Ok so I tried cleaning up my files by using TES5edit but still having the same problems. Eliminated all warnings and errors on LOOT but it didn't work. Also, "Sorting made no changes to the load order" keeps coming up when I try to sort the order of my mods. Is there any way around that, or is my load order already good then? And I deleted the pure water files from my directory and made it stop showing up in my plugins, etc. None of these worked and still experiencing all 3 problems.
0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Unique Flowers & Plants.esm 7 7 ApachiiHair.esm 8 8 SkyrimBordersDisabled.esm 9 9 HighResTexturePack01.esp 10 a HighResTexturePack02.esp 11 b HighResTexturePack03.esp 12 c Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp 13 d HUE - Replacer.esp 14 e malukahmainmenu.esp 15 f blaze of eventide.esp 16 10 brat_richer_merchants_sp0.esp 17 11 unreadbooksglow.esp 18 12 Rigmor.esp 19 13 BluePalace.esp 20 14 barenziahquestmarkers.esp 21 15 EliteRogueArmour.esp 22 16 KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp 23 17 KKSDrBWeightFix.esp 24 18 KKFur.esp 25 19 DHuntress.esp 26 1a FullBootForKKSA.esp 27 1b FlameAtronachArmor.esp 28 1c ScarletDawnArmor.esp 29 1d moveitLWT.esp 30 1e dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 31 1f MorthalSwampTreesCleaned.esp 32 20 RealisticWaterTwo.esp purewaters.esp 33 21 Skyrim Radioactive - Windhelm Docks.esp 34 22 Skyrim Radioactive - Solitude Docks.esp 35 23 Realistic Boat Bobbing.esp 36 24 Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp 37 25 RaceMenu.esp 38 26 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 39 27 FS_Ygrayne.esp 40 28 FNIS.esp 41 29 Deithwen.esp 42 2a RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp 43 2b JKs Whiterun.esp 44 2c Inigo.esp 45 2d Fleetford.esp 46 2e SMIM-Merged-All.esp 47 2f UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 48 30 Khajiit Camp.esp 49 31 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp 50 32 White River Cottage.esp 51 33 Signs_of_Skyrim.esp 52 34 sofiafollower.esp 53 35 ktxcompleteskyforge.esp 54 36 WitchesKnarl.esp 55 37 KK_Lola_companion_wolfdog.esp 56 38 RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp 57 39 TW3_femaleArmors_zzjay.esp 58 3a CiriOutfit.esp 59 3b RBB - Realistic Water Two.esp 60 3c RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp 61 3d RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp 62 3e PC Head Tracking - MCM.esp 63 3f PC Head Tracking - Patch.esp Here is currently my load order, also says on LOOT that Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, HearthFires.esm, Dragonborn.esm, and Fleetford.esp contains ITM records, deleted references, and deleted navmeshes. That could be causing it? Also, for some odd reason, pure waters isn't going away. That is including a small handful are from Steam Workshop instead. Its currently not subscribed, just doesn't seem to go away.
Hi guys. Its been a while since I played but I played yesterday without adding anything. I am having these problems out of nowhere. I'm currently trying to finish the Rigmor of Bruma quest mod. What I am currently experiencing in detail is: Frame Drops at Winterhold Bridge entrance and freezing (have to restart game, I do find the drops weird considering Ive never experienced this with the same exact PC, its been always at least 59 fps), random CTDs, Non-Vanilla NPCs like Rigmor and Sophia, my follower, (for examples) being invisible (except for the head) unless having clothing on. I have followed all instructions and installations including the requirements of every mod I have. Obviously also I have a legit non-pirated copy of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Legendary Edition, so everything SHOULD go smoothly when it isn't. Admittingly, I do have a long list of plugins (64) but last time I played everything was fine except of the invisible problem. Would rather fix everything though. I do have a strong and very recent PC I built, doubt my problem lies there. Here is the list of plugins: https://gyazo.com/e2596ca9bc29138d66f260cb1ca44d88 https://gyazo.com/0fd253703d9be7d108496ffa2a8c4a27
One of the more overlooked vehicles in today's world is the Pontiac G8 and its sister counterpart the Chevy SS. Easily can tell you why it should be in the game, and yet no one has made any mods for it. The best reason is it would be a great police V8 vehicle that has 4 doors unlike the mainstream multiple Mustang and Camaro patrol car mods. Also would add more choices than on using only a Charger when it comes to sporty/muscle 4 door patrol cars. The Caprice is the cheaper and less sporty successor of the G8, which is commonly used for Police only, and also the predecessor of the Chevy SS. This would not break immersion at all because they were built the same. I myself do not play GTA V as of yet on PC(only Skyrim and a few other games), but I eventually will. Thanks for reading my perspective.
It seemed to be that so yea I just fixed the problem without having to disable anything with the following. https://t.co/2uudInQvwL
i7-5500u 2.4ghz 6gb ram Its an ispiron 15. I really don't think it is that as the problem since Ive dealt with worse but if it really is then I might as well complete my build sooner than later. Ive been at it for a while and it seems it could actually be the mods after only turning on a few that are texture mods and the problem happens again.
Well I loaded up Skyrim and only had that and SKSE. Didn't bother trying for SKSE at the time I had to go somewhere but I started up first time and it worked for a new game. Second time same problem for both of them it would freeze in about 10 seconds. So its definitely the game itself. I'm going to keep trying different things and keep you guys posted.
Tired a couple things on here but didn't work. Currently reinstalling Skyrim and SKSE afterwards. Disabled everything including Steam plugins on NMM and saved an archive of my saves. Ill start a new game and then my saved games. Hopefully it isn't my saved games but if it is oh well. It'll take a while but this will hopefully work.
My Skyrim keeps freezing where I cannot open or close anything including Task Manager. It doesn't crash it literally freezes the game. All I can do about it is push down on the computers power button to shut off and restart. This happens when you load up your save and you can move around for about 10 seconds and it freezes everytime. I have disabled all mods I downloaded since I last played it and it still has the same results. Tried it on both SKSE and regular Skyrim and I have the same issue. I haven't touched my Prefs ever since I got Skyrim again and I checked the requirements for all mods carefully. I could have missed something though. Don't know how this happened and any help would be appreciated. This is what I downloaded before I had this problem. Newest to oldest. Skyrim Radioactive Rigmor of Bruma Pretty Female Idles Ygrayne by FavoredSoul Palaces and Castles Enjanced - The Royal Blue Palace Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice Skyrim Borders Disabled Realistic Boat Bobbing Deithwen - Witcher Inspired Home Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
Ok just came home and took a look. The mods that are not in my load order while I have them activated and are not in the plugins tab and does not have an esp file in the rar archives. I'm not sure why it selects only certain ones to have esp files. I just tried "A Quality World Map" two times and it is still not under plugins in NMM and does not have an esp file in the rar archives.
Sorry for not replying until now I had to sleep for work. I'll take a look once I get home and will let you know. Plus SMIM seemed to download correctly after posting my last reply. Just the other ones you see on the download list does not appear on the load order. I'll play around and try what you said today once I get home. I'll let you know. The other mods I'm referring to are CBBE, Quality map with roads (from the most popular download page), and True Wolves of Skyrim - Retexture. I'm sure they are all the main files. Anyways I'll post again around 12 hours from now. Thank you
Ok I just checked the only 2 mods I spoke of being on the load order are esp but the remaining mods are not esp and are in the folders once you get to data. Here is a picture showing both what else I downloaded so far and the folders that the non working mods are inside of. https://gyazo.com/3502d4c4629162183e517fdda8259316
I just came back and downloaded Skyrim again as well as NMM. I have mods from Steam that show up in my load order, but the Nexus mods I downloaded through NMM are not showing up on that list though. They are activated (have a green check mark right next to each other). The only mods that are in my load order from NMM is Signs of Skyrim and Lola Companion Wolfdog. I got the Lola mod off of another mod which is Wolves of Skyrim and decided to check box the option to download Lola as well. It might be where my files are going to I guess? I'm not sure. Its been 2 years. Any help appreciated.
Just let me know. Whatever you need, cutscenes for a mod or a video for a YouTube upload, I can do. I use Sony Vegas 12 really well and I also know how to use AE if you really need me to use it. I am also going to learn how to use C4D which helps with animations a whole lot more. Here is an example of what Ive done before, I only took 3 or 4 hours editing this though and I did a couple of simple mistakes on it since I rushed it. The only downside is that my pc isnt the best so the textures wouldnt be as good as yours if you have the generic 8 GB of RAM, i5 processor, and so on. It still looks better than vanilla skyrim for me and I have a lot of texture mods I use. Overall I always wanted to be part of a project but I havent been able to have the chance to do so :smile: Send me a PM or reply if youre interested
alright thanks man :) Ive been looking for websites where you can build one online and see the prices like how it is for other products. ill look at it now :)
I already have a monitor and all I need now is a really good desktop. Im planning on getting it on Black Friday. Im looking for something with 16GB of Ram, i7 processor, GPU with at least 4 GB VRAM and has good GHZ aswell. Does anyone know of any good certain desktops that they can link me?
Thanks guys I found a couple of questmods and some very useful mods lately like the lightable lantern and a new idle for heavy weapons
yea i just looked at a couple of skywind videos as well. man its been a long time since they started skyblivion. thats gonna be a big download
i just finished watching it. that looks very promising. cant wait to see it finished!
Can you link me the download link to Skyblivion please
I wouldnt mind seeing the Imperial City with NPCs and quests possibly. I tried finding the mod that was used in this video to see the imperial ciry. I wasnt able to find it :/