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Everything posted by TKDBoy1889
I recently got MGE in order to run a shader to cure the infamous black sun that plagues my game. The problem is that I can't get Morrowind to launch now. It keeps saying it cannot find the specified file, and to recreate the save files. How do I fix this? The file is saved, I've checked. And I tried running all programs with the adm. check marked, but it still gives this error on launch.
What starting items you get are slightly determined by how you fill out Doc Mitchell's forms, and what skills you tag, but you always get a few stimpaks, the vault suit, 18 caps, and a few bobby pins. If you want to start out without all the extra add-on items, simply drop them before setting your SPECIAL stats, Then you'll just get what doc gives you on your way out.
The Enclave is pretty much gone for good. Any attempt to bring them back would not be believable. But it is well known that the Enclave, before the war, were well aware of the coming war which is why they had a hideout to retreat to and survive the war.So what if there were remnants of the old Chinese government who also had been able to retreat and survive the war? And in Fallout 4, they invade the mainland United States looking to do what their pre-war ancestors could not, and finish off their American enemies. I think that would be cool. We already took out the remnants of one of the evil governments responsible for the war, so I'm all for fighting the other government.
I think just about everyone would agree that some of the perks in Fallout: New Vegas are not so great, and some that are downright useless. Which perks do you consider the most pointless? By this I mean they really have no real benefit at all. These can include challenge perks, companion perks, and DLC perks. For me, Ferocious Loyalty and Nerd Rage are pointless. I myself am not a big fan of letting my health stay low. When it's low, I wanna heal myself as soon as possible. So any perks that require you to be nearing death to work are just... pointless to me. Also, Home on the Range from Honest Hearts is pointless to me. As it is, probably 8 out of 10 of the campfires have some sort of bedding next to them. Really, there's almost always a bed nearby, so i don't see the point in making the campfire itself a bed. So what perks do you guys think are worthless?
Which ending do you usually go for and why?
TKDBoy1889 replied to Dan3345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I agree with the above post. NCR has simply overstretched it's boundaries. Even Boone said it pissed him off that Legion slavers could operate in NCR territory without resistance. "We got greedy, overstretched, now our own territory isn't secure." If the NCR took control of New Vegas, there is no way they'd be able to supply the manpower to effectively protect all that new land. As it is, so many NCR outposts you visit talk about being underpowered. Heck, even the Mojave outpost, the closest NCR outpost to the heart of NCR lands, can't afford troops to keep the roads clean. They are given only enough soldiers to maintain a standing force, and sending troops anywhere would violate their order to maintain a standing force. As Ranger Ghost said "F*cking Mojave's going to hell, and all I can do is sit and watch.". Most of the lower commanding officers are more efficient at their jobs, and are frustrated with the incompetency of the higher brass. Even the Arms Merchant at 188 said that Vegas was bleeding the NCR dry and making them spend funds on several problems while Caesar was biding his time and preparing to strike. She was right when she said the NCR should have already crossed the Colorado and stuck a boot up Caesar's a**. After the first Battle of Hoover Dam, the troops should have been sent to finish the Legion off, or to keep the pressure up. But General Oliver just kept everything still. Thus, the Legion recuperated and is already carrying out tactical missions in NCR territory. they destroyed Camp Searchlight and Nipton on their own. NCR doesn't do jack squat without sending the courier in to help out. Despite all this, NCR is still my second favorite ending because the Legion are just terrible/cruel/hypocrites/based on a fraud and House is taking things backwards, is too obsessed with the past to lead New Vegas to any kind of future. At least NCR is civilized, free, and the majority of their citizens are good people. It's the top leaders that are incompetent. But Yes Man presents the path for something new, something different, in a manner that would be more effective. -
I agree. In Fallout 3 the Enclave were almost entirely wiped out, and by New Vegas it's debatable if they even exist in an official state anymore. It's mentioned that those that remain either were forced into hiding, or got absorbed by NCR. Look at the remnants in New Vegas. And the idea of such a massive city shielded in a way that leaves it completely pristine is something that I see as jumping the shark. I just can't imagine any pre-war city maintaining a completely pristine state. I wouldn't mind exploring the commonwealth mentioned in Fallout 3. It's clear there is plenty activity up in that area when you talk to Dr. Zimmer. Exploring the mid-western areas is something I'd like to see as well.
So I had a really good game running until I ran across a big problem. Every time I got within or near a particular exterior map cell, my game would freeze and crash within like twenty seconds. After a lot of time spent trying to see what the problem was, I loaded an older game file that used all the same mods and went to that same cell. No problems. For some reason, this one game runs fine unless I go near a certain area, then it crashes. It's the area around Rockbreaker's Last Gas and Five Axles Rest Stop, to be specific. I know it's not mod related because another game file with the same mods is fine. Is there something that can render a specific part of the map unstable/capable of crashing the game, and can it be fixed?
Something I thought about today, that I mainly thought of from the fact that many house modders like to make the doors lockable, often mentioning "Don't wanna get robbed, do you?" And it made me think of a possible feature for future fallout games. Or possibly a mod. What if it was possible for your house to come under attack, or get robbed? Like you sleep for a bit and wake up to find raiders in the place ambushing you. Or you are gone for a while and come back to find that someone broke into your place and made off with some of your favorite weapons, or all your food supplies? I think it would be a great feature. After all, it it's a post-nuclear wasteland where everyone attempting to survive. If people could, obviously they break into others' homes. Of course the one problem that arise is that no one would want to risk their favorite loot being stolen. But then maybe you could buy/install locks on the doors that would make the place safer? Cheap locks not as reliable but more expensive locks are nearly unbreakable. Discuss. I think it would be a cool feature to see in the future of the series.
What Factions Would You Like To See In FallOut 4?
TKDBoy1889 replied to cannersno7's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
It's kind of hard to say since we don't even know where the next Fallout game is going to take place. There have been speculations and rumors but nothing's official. To mix things up I wouldn't mind a ghoul community faction though. Like how Fallout 3 had the underground ghoul community. The next fallout game should have a faction like that. There should also be more morally questionable factions you could side with, such as slavers or tribal raiders. Basically guys that are more evil, but don't instantly shoot you on sight. You could have your typical raiders that shoot on sight no matter what but then also have unique raider-like communities you could help or hurt. This would make being an evil-oriented player more immersive. -
Question on a DLC and slight venting
TKDBoy1889 replied to Kataspie's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
As a whole my thoughts on the Dead Money were more mixed, but I thought the story was fantastic and Christine was possibly my favorite character in that DLC, and among the best in the whole game in my opinion. -
Which ending do you usually go for and why?
TKDBoy1889 replied to Dan3345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
For me, it's usually between the independent/Yes Man and the NCR path. Though I must say overall Yes Man appeals to me more. From favorite to most hated my order is independent, NCR, Mr. House, Caesar. First I'll explain why I dislike Caesar. It may sound typical, but while all the paths are supposed to be morally ambiguous I find Caesar's path to easily be the most evil, and the overall worst future. The society of the legion relies on crucifying their victims as a means of "teaching a lesson" to those they consider weak and corrupt, and they are hypocrites in that they considered advanced weaponry weak yet their armies often wield guns. I can't endorse a group that practices slavery and uses woman only for bearing children and slave-work. Plus, as it hinted at many times, most of the legion is following Caesar and not his ideals. Therefore, his eventual death will lead them to ruin. I see them as the most unstable and evil of the paths. Not to mention, the entire legion is built upon a massive fraud. House is more tolerable but I still don't favor him much. Yeah, I know some will talk about how he saved the courier's life, which is true. Then again, the order he placed endangered the courier to begin with, that that argument is canceled out. I'm just not too keen on House's path because he's after power just for the sake of power. He's not too keen on actually being involved in a society, just wielding power over it. And while he seeks to maintain order he aims to do it through brute force with his upgraded securitrons. There is no choice, no true freedom. I find him to be far too detached from the actual world to really understand it, and ultimately he'd lead the Mojave wasteland to chaos because of how detached and stuck in the past he is. Plus like Caesar, once he died there's be no means of control left, and hence chaos would follow either way. I'm surprised few others have thought of that. The state of Mr. House's body proves that his life machine did not render him immortal. NCR is my second favorite choice. They are the ones that I supported on my first play of the main quest. I like NCR because of their rooted path as a growing democratic nation, seeking peace and prosperity through the nature of government and law. They have good old school values at heart, and of the the three factions competing for New Vegas they are probably the most overall tolerant and the last to be discriminating. But then again, they have their flaws, and plenty of them. The most obvious is that they are expanding too far, too fast, and using up their thinly stretched resources. The second is that it's largely hinted at through dialogue with Marcus and Caesar that ever since president Tandi died, the government is becoming more imperialistic, annexing whoever they please, first by diplomacy but then by force. Basically, if they want something they'll take it, no matter the cost. And as Marcus said, that's how revolutions start from running people over. Also, their recent leadership seems fairly incompetent. Talking with various NCR officers tells you that they aren't thrilled about the policies of their superiors, and General Oliver to me is incredibly incompetent. He just sits on his rear end and lets the other factions bide their time. So yeah. At their core they have good intentions but their over-expansion and recent political problems leave one worried how well they could actually run the Mojave and New Vegas. The independent path to me is the best, and it's my favorite. First, it's awesome to tell all the big factions "Forget you, I'm running this show myself." Second off, the courier seems like they'd have the best odds of running New Vegas. Of course, that is largely dependent of what kind of personality you give the courier, but one vying for an independent New Vegas to me is aiming to keep the city safe and lead in to prosperity by a different means, offering a different future. In a way, all the other paths sound like an "order by force" path, where New Vegas falls under corruption or a dictatorship. The path of the courier is the path that could lead to a different ending, one that's not repeating the mistakes of humanity's past. And it feels like the path with the best chance for actual freedom. -
Just got Fallout 3 for my PC, and there is a graphical issue that popped up as soon as I entered Megaton. Creature textures are messed up. The Brahmin in Megaton has a tendency to switch between looking like the dirt/rock texture around it and rustic metal. This issue popped up again when fighting mole rats. Their textures kept looking like the dirt around them. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Geck newbie having script problem
TKDBoy1889 replied to TKDBoy1889's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
How to I copy the script into the validator? I can't right click and copy in the script file, apparently. Also, I tried something. If I do absolutely nothing to the script after loading the data I can cycle through them. But I went into one and merely did a "space""backspace" action, which essentially changed nothing but apparently then the program will keep asking me if I want to save the current script, and won't save. So any action, even it is actually does nothing to the script, makes the Geck act like the script doesn't work. This doesn't make any sense. How does this work? -
Wasn't Dead Money a horrible DLC?
TKDBoy1889 replied to nukafish's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I have very mixed feelings about Dead Money. On the one hand, the story and the characters are great. The main plot I just love. You have been tricked and forced into helping another man break into the Sierra Madre for the sake of retrieving the advanced technology the place harbors. You have t recruit and assist others that take part in it, each with their own story. I found all the characters interesting, the back-story was enjoyable. Christine and Dean Domino especially were great characters. But the gameplay was at times just.... *sigh* it made me want to scream in frustration. First off, sneaking around the ghost people was impossible (I like to play stealthy characters). Second off, around the villa there wayyyyy too many bear traps. I swear I got so many crippled legs it's unreal. Challenge is one thing, but eventually it just got repetitive and annoying. The need to avoid or destroy radios/signal emitters was fun at first but after a while just got tedious and annoying. Inside the hotel, things picked up somewhat. It was kind of fun. The ending was pretty intense and I liked it, but when I learned you couldn't return, that annoyed me. Why include all those gold bars and items if claiming them all is impossible without cheats or mods??? Basically, great story, repetitive and terrible gameplay. -
There is a mod with instruction on how to alter the script yourself to make a patch compatible with a menu mod. I followed it's instructions and went to the implied scripts and made the adjustments.... or at least I thought I did. Even after I click on save, when I try to leave or open another script it asks me if I want to save the current script. If I click yes, nothing happens and I stay on that script. But if I click no, then the changes I made to the script disappear when I check back on it. How do I save edits to a script?
Bethesda often will keep their plans on the downlow until a game has been in development for a while. I believe Skyrim had been in production for over a year before they released any official info on it. So there's a chance that Fallout 4, or whatever the next game is called, could already be underway. Chances are, once we hear about it, it'll have been in the works for a while. Can't wait to see what they do with the Fallout series either way.
Can't open GECK, help please.
TKDBoy1889 replied to TKDBoy1889's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Actually, I had not done that. I extracted them within the general NewVegas files but not in the exact same spot as the Exe. file. I did so and it works now. I feel like an idiot. Thanks! -
Weird things you do in Fallout
TKDBoy1889 replied to PetesMcGueets's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I do quite a few unique things (Though some are apparently not so unique after reading all these posts. XD) . 1. I never wear power armor. First, it looks so impersonal. Two, I prefer a challenge. Three, I tend to imagine my character as a wandering warrior, going place to place and doing what needs to be done, and that kind of person would more likely wear leather armor rather than T-51b armor. Four, in general I have a tendency to prefer quickness over brute strength in any game I play. 2. I try to handicap myself from using stimpaks. I try to only use them in I'm literally near death in a gun fight, opting to rely on food and drinks instead for healing. 3. I never buy weapons, All weapons that I use, I find in loot or off of enemies. I just think it's awesome to rely on on what you find in the waste, rather than go to the local store and buy all the stuff. 4. I tend to use revolvers, shotguns, and repeater rifles in combat mostly. 5. I never side with Caesar's legion. Those evil, corrupt, *beep*'s are just insanely cruel and I prefer to shoot them on site. -
Can't open GECK, help please.
TKDBoy1889 replied to TKDBoy1889's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
I downloaded from the link you provided and it gave me the exact same error message. -
So I downloaded the GECK for Fallout: New Vegas because I planned to fiddle with it and see if I learn to do some modding. Problem is, whenever I try to download it it won't run. Every time I try to run the GECK program it says "Cannot open file because file 'libvorbis.dll' was not found." I downloaded said file but it still gives me that error every time. Is there a way to fix this?