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  1. So, I quite enjoy the Dragons Keep mod, where you can send up to 12 children to a boarding school/player home, and that's on top of the 6 children you can directly adopt. For anyone who hasn't looked at it yet, it's a great mod with a lot of work and love put into it, that lets you make sure ALL the adoptable vanilla kids can be taken care of, plus mod-added ones. Being Hogwarts-like levels of epic in scale, it is understandably preeeetty massive in-game and is very visible from much of Whiterun hold, which I have mixed feelings about depending on how I'm roleplaying or how uncluttered I wanna keep my landscapes, but I do appreciate the work that went into it and I've always especially loved the pseudo-adoption mechanic it added. You speak with a child and the dialogue option that pops up is something to the effect of "I have a place for you to call home" and from there, they go off to the keep. Good stuff. Then I wondered if it could be possible for a mod to have a similar mechanic that hooks into existing vanilla player homes, and/or mod-added/altered homes. And could it be taken further by registering ALL the homes you own, the number of available beds at each home, and give a dialogue option that lets you send a child to your choice of any player-owned home with an available bed even if you've hit your adoption limit? Could it go so far as to spread them out among your various homes instead of requiring that they all be put in one location? Kind of like the 'My Home is Your Home' mod, but for kids. The way I see it, where immersiveness is concerned, housecarls and stewards have to look after anyone you formally adopted and left home alone for months on end anyway, so it's not really all that unrealistic to just bring the poor kid(s) into your home straightaway so that at least they're in a safe place with people you know and trust. I'm also just imagining the roleplay possibilities: One could easily play as an absolute philanderer with a different family in every city. Or maybe decide to take in those twins from Rorikstead, but put them into different homes (and maybe in so doing, spoil the nice one with the room in Elysium Estate that has its own hot tub while being kind of petty and putting the mean one in a minimally-decorated Honeyside, please don't judge me lol). And heck, maybe I just wanna play a bleeding heart who just wants as many kids as possible to grow up with a kinda normal healthy childhood where they have a yard and bring in pet spooders and have other NPC's kids to play with. Since I rambled a bit here's a bullet list of what I'd love to see, if it's all possible to even implement: Allow you to 'foster' children by sending them to your choice of player-owned vanilla or mod-added homes even after hitting the adoption limit, similar to the option offered by the Dragons Keep mod (maybe with immersive/npc-specific dialogue options for any child you want to foster)Does not in and of itself add to nor edit any world spaces.Allow for different children to be placed in different player-owned homes simultaneously, making use of ALL player-owned homes with available children's beds: basically a kid version of "My Home is Your Home".Allow any child to be moved individually from one home to another without forcing the entire family to move (maybe with immersive/NPC-specific dialogue options for if you want to roleplay your kid apprenticing/studying in another city, or put friends in the same house, or separate the nice twin from the mean one, etc).Give 'fostered' kids the same behaviors and interactions as adopted kids, or remove adoption limit altogether.Custom last-naming options (similar to the 'Dovahkiir' option given in the Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions mod but where you can type out whatever you like)MCM for tracking and management and troubleshooting.
  2. In response to post #67661681. #67668001, #67679186, #67679521 are all replies on the same post. I had a feeling it wasn't really doable at this stage but had to ask :) Thanks for the responses, everyone!
  3. Long shot here, and please forgive my lack of technical proficiency, but with regard to 7 Days to Die, is there a way for it to handle different game versions on separate profiles or something? I play with the Valmod expansion on a server with friends quite frequently, but it's for the 16.4 version of the game. Thing is, I'd also like to poke at the 17.xx+ releases, and it'd be great to be able to switch game versions with mods at the ready without having to redownload from steam every single time.
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