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About mcantin

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    United States

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  1. I saw this and I am anxiously looking forward to it. The knights of the old republic was such an amazing game in my opinion,which carries no weight of course.
  2. I do not have the time to thoroughly read the thread so I am going to just post mine assuming no one else has stated mine. The Golden Sun series. I highly recommend playing the games if you have not already.
  3. I will list mine in no particular order: 1. Skyrim 2. Bioshock Infinite 3. Fallout 4 4. Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion, which I need to get the new outlaw sectors dlc for 5. Battlefront 2. I tried to download the Mass Effect mod but my computer was being a butthead. 6. Mass Effect 2 7. Morrowind, which I really need to get back into. I played it for a year straight in 6th grade when it came out. I loved that game 8. Oblivion. Played on Xbox 360 in same methodology as morrowind. 9. Fallout 3. Played for about 3 months straight 10. Deux Ex Mankind Divided. Step difficulty curve in my opinion,but well worth it. Graphics are a beauty too. 11. Mass Effect 12. Shadow Warrior. I played the demo but it was a blast.I can't wait for the 2nd game to release this October. That's all for now. Thanks for making this thread.
  4. Super Mario 64. Still one of the greatest games ever in my opinion.
  5. If they are pirated, it may be the issue for not working.
  6. What about cell reset in particular were you looking at? Just curious.
  7. I fixed the issue. The MCM overview is supposed to be grayed out as it just shows info for any changes made in the subset menus. I changed the difficulty in the subset menu relating to it and it updated in the overview menu. Thanks for all the input and help though darstyler and twiztedmongoloid!
  8. Hey everyone, I am looking for suggestions regarding a excellent grass mod to use with SFO ( the version that comes with vanilla grass), and I am excited to get started! I tried Grass Field by tamu75 and while it looked nice, my improved hi def map mod stopped showing roads, so I uninstalled Grass Fields, made a new bashed patch, and here I am. What grass did y'all like best? Also, I would like a grass mod that does not interfere with the aforementioned map replacer. The exact mod is A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads by IcePenguin. I look forward to responses. Also no ENB and never will.
  9. I have the most recent sky yo and side, so I have no clue what the problem is. How do you add a file from my media? I tried to attach a file to here but the size is too big
  10. Hello everyone, I am having serious issues with the difficulty of this mod. For one, I cannot change any setting in the overview portion of MCM. It says on the author's website that this is how I scale difficulty with the mod, but since I cannot change it, the game is impossible. I am currently level 20 and I get one hit killed with a bow shot and axe hits from berserker skeletons. I have not been able to alleviate this issue. I am at the end of the main quest and I simply cannot finish it (for the 1st time btw :wink: ) as the game is too hard. Does anyone have similar issues with this version of the mod? I have installed every compatibility patch for my load order, made a merged and bashed patch, and used loot. I also use MO. I will attach a myfile photo once I figure out the system.
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