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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. What's your favorite armor or clothing to have your Courier wear? Mine's the Field Hand outfit. Female version. The bag on the back and wineskin are just epic. The exposed ankles and the boots are stylish. The outfit is practical for a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and yet it also makes me feel like a lady. Considering how early you can get it if the Goodsprings villager at the watering hole is killed by the Geckos, I stick with it throughout the entire game, barring the need for faction disguises. For headwear, I usually go with the Rawhide Cowboy Hat. It fits the outfit well, in my opinion. I usually choose the Four Eyes trait, so I'm often wearing Eyeglasses with it. What about you guys? And I'm including armor. Anything you have your Courier wear often and for extended periods of time. I know this question is probably asked a lot, but I didn't see a recent topic about it...
  2. Hi. I'm interested in a specific outfit for Fallout: New Vegas. We've got all this cowboy clothing. Dusters, neckerchiefs, all kinds of cowboy hats. But what about a wild west poncho? Some fictional characters who have worn such outfits are: Movie: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Person: Clint Eastwood's character Movie: Back to the Future 3 Character: Marty McFly (in direct reference to Clint Eastwood's character above) Game: Red Dead Redemption Alternate costume for the protagonist Series: Fairy Tail Character: Alzack Connell We have a mod like it for Fallout 3. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Outfit I'd like to see a version for both genders. And it's one of the few clothing mods my brother would actually wear for his Courier. Anyone willing to make it, please?
  3. Ah, thank you very much. Boy do I feel stupid, now... heh...
  4. I support this project! I don't think I can be of much help, but I'm trying to teach myself how to add items to the leveled lists of containers and merchants, and placing NPCs and creatures at specific points in the game world. Hopefully, if I get the hang of that, I might be able to help. I took an interest in that aspect of modding since it seemed like not many people specialized in it. Problem is, the GECK is very complicated. FNVEdit is so much easier to use, but it has limitations on things that only the GECK can do... I'm working on a list of console command codes for in-game reference, and I'm having to use the GECK to make the Notes listing them, since Note-writing is a serious FNVEdit limitation.
  5. Good idea, Corey. I have a bit of a liking for the British shorthair. <3 Though, if we want to keep it simple, different fur textures for a single breed would be the best way to go. Possibly the American short hair. I volunteer at an animal shelter, and about 90% of the cats that enter and leave our doors are American short hairs. Then again, I live in the U.S., so it's probably different in other parts of the world. We sometimes get American medium hairs or American long hairs, though, and we've had a Siamese or Siamese mix once or twice. Keep in mind, though, calico and torti cats are almost exclusively female, while orange cats are largely male. Usually, male calicos, male tortis, or female orange cats have a third chromosome, which makes them sterile. We had a male calico at the shelter once. He got adopted pretty fast. Not many people can say they have a male calico, after all. Usually rarities make a cat very adoptable. Black cats, sadly, are very unpopular... We'll need someone to work on Schrodinger's idle animations. Dogmeat and Rex will scratch behind their ear and sit down while idle, while Yao Guai in Fallout 3 will often lay down for a few moments. It'd be cool if Schrodinger could have an idle of stretching out his leg to lick it and batting at his own tail, or something. Oooo, and what about ear or tail flicking? X3
  6. I support this project! Just because lore states cats are extinct, that doesn't mean there aren't any in a Vault somewhere, or something. And the follower kitty MUST be named Schrodinger. It's too epic to pass up! Actually, maybe Rex should've been named Pavlov... Anyway, if we really need to abide by lore, we could have a Vault with an ongoing cat generation. But hey, do we really need to stick to lore for a project like this? I want my kitties! Oh, hey. Here's an idea. Maybe the player stumbles upon a "control" Vault that was used to preserve the DNA of all the pre-war animals. The player finds that the machinery of the Vault, though derelict, has enough juice to clone a new cat, with most of the other animals' DNA being contaminated or ruined. And... after Schrodinger is cloned, the player finds there's enough power left in the machine to give them a Perk for cat-like reflexes and grace. Maybe a +1 to Agility, +10 to Sneak, +1 to Perception, and a form of night-vision, or something... Will Schrodinger be a calico? They're considered lucky in some places. Oh, but then Schrodinger would have to be female... Hmm... then what fur color should he have?
  7. Hello. I have a small mod request for Fallout: New Vegas. I'd like a Protectron added to Goodsprings, just to the right of the Goodsprings gas station's Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine. The Protectron has no dialogue. Instead, talking to it will open up a barter menu like a merchant. But the Protectron sells no items. Instead, it will buy your items and pay you with an unlimited supply of caps. The items you sell it will remain in its inventory until the time comes for all the merchants in the game to reset their inventories, in which case the items you sold to the Protectron will be lost forever. Naturally, this mod would make it so you don't have to schlep all across the wasteland to sell your loot. While the Protectron won't have any dialogue, I'd like it to have a name. I'm open for suggestions. Perhaps a reference to some famous fictional merchant. Like "RE-4" or "O'aka". If anyone would be willing to make this mod, I'm sure it'd be a great alternative to just giving all the merchants a ton of caps. I imagine it'd be pretty simple to make. In fact, I think a similar mod used to be in the Fallout 3 section... but I'm fairly certain it was removed at some point.
  8. Just so I'm not bumping, it's time for an update. I've finally finished playing Mothership Zeta! I saw the force field things on the Aliens. Is there any way we can put a Force Field on Zim so it's always boosting his defense, but it visibly disappears outside of battle? Also, I settled on an initial design for Zim. I wanna use the model of the Alien in the white jumpsuit with the red boots and black collar, but no helmet. If it helps clarify, the white jumpsuit has red trim. Still, if anyone is willing to make a texture or mesh edit, I'm all for it. But that model should do if no one makes one. And finally, I've got some of the dialogue script written. Where Zim is found Wandering around the nook to the far left of the player’s holding cell, where you find Alien Captive Recorded Logs 14, 15, and 22. Player - 0 Talk – Open Dialogue Zim (fearful) “Cease hostilities, please! I am of your faction!” Player - 1 Option 1: "What? A alien that doesn’t want us dead?" Option 2: "Give me one reason I shouldn’t kill you." Zim (fearful) “I am not your enemy! I am on your side. I can help you escape!” Player - 2 Option 1: Why would you help us escape? Option 2: Oh, this should be rich. Let’s hear it. Zim (explaining humbly) “My name is Zim, and I am a doctor on the crew of this starcraft. You may have trouble believing this, but I do not approve of what my people are doing to the Earthlings! I wish to help you escape!” Player - 3 Option 1: Well... I guess we could use some help. You’re in. Option 2: Fine, come with us. But I’ll have my eye on you. Option 3: Hell no. I’m not trusting some space quack. Zim (option 3) (sadly) “That is regrettable. Rest assured, I shall not impede your escape. However, I shall not hesitate to defend myself should you assault me.” <end dialogue, Zim in sandbox mode. If talked to again, will ask “Have you changed your mind, perhaps?” and lead to dialogue list 3. If attacked, will become permanentely hostile> Zim (options 1 or 2) (happily) “Many expressions of gratitude! You shall not regret this. Might you have any brief questions first?” Player - 4 Option 1: What is this place? Option 2: Can you tell me a bit about yourself? Option 3: Think you could help us get through here? Option 4: Let’s get going! Zim (option 1) (explaining humbly) “This is Mothership Zeta, as we have designated it in the Earth tongue. We are a starship sent to survey and monitor planet Sol 3, known to you as Earth, and perform horrid experiments on its people. I have deep regrets over what has transpired on this starship.” (return to dialogue list 4) Zim (option 2) (politely) “There will be time for that later. For now, please just call me Zim.” (return to dialogue list 4) Zim (option 3) (politely) “I shall try to explain things as they become relevant. For now, just know that devices with a blue holographic field are switches and activation mechanisms, while devices with orange holographic fields are entrances and exits. The blue mechanisms nearby hold some of our recordings from past and present abducted earthlings. I’m sure activating them will transmit a copy to your wrist-mounted personal computer device.” (return to dialogue list 4) Zim (option 4) (urgently) “Of course! Lead the way, please!” <Zim in follow mode: When engaged, will only give float dialogue “We must make haste!” (urgently)> Approaching the healing archway (float dialogue) Zim (explaining) “That is a Model 42 Medi-Glow Arch. It will heal your wounds as you pass under it. The sensation is pleasantly soothing, I must say. At least, for my people, it is.” Safe Zone - Engineering Core Cryostasis Pods (first visit) (opening dialogue after pods open - Zim expresses regret that he couldn't have saved the astronaut) * Ask about Items and Tech -Epoxy -Crystals (Alien currency) -Weapons -Ammo difference (Cells vs. Modules) -Worm and Squid Food -Biogel -Cryostasis -Robots * Ask about Engineering Core ("Where are we?" - Opens up location questions sub-menu) -Cryo Storage -Robot Assembly -Hangar -Maintenance Level -Engine Room -Cargo Hold * Ask about Abductees (opens up character questions sub-menu) -Sally -Sohma -Elliot Tercorien -Paulson -Toshiro Kago (understands him a little and knows where sword is) -Astronaut * Offer doctor services -Full Limb and HP heal (10 Large Crystals or 20 Small Crystals) -Radiation Cure (5 Large Crystals or 10 Small Crystals) -Addiction Purge (15 Large Crystals or 30 Small Crystals) * Ask for repair services -(Zim: My apologies. I am a doctor, not a mechanic. I believe Ms. Sohma has suitable skills. Why not check with her if your equipment requires maintenance?) * Trade crystals for supplies - Large = 2 Small = 1 -Alien Biogel (2 Large or 4 Small = 1 Biogel) -Alien Worm Food (1 Large or 2 Small = 1 Worm) -Alien Squid Food (1 Large or 2 Small = 1 Squid) -Alien Epoxy (3 Large or 6 Small = 1 Epoxy) -Alien Power Module (1 Large or 2 Small = 10 Modules) -Suggestions for possible Earth items Zim can trade the player? Zim Follower Status * Engineering Core: Will wander about with the other abductees. Can open dialogue for doctor services, trading, and questions. * Cryo Storage: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. It's Elliot's time to shine. * Robot Assembly: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. It's Sohma's call to order. * Hangar: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. It's Paulson's turn for action. * Maintenance Level: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. Sally guides the player here. * Engine Room: Zim can accompany the player through this area if asked. * Cargo Hold: Zim can accompany the player through this area if asked. (Entering Cargo Hold) Zim (float dialogue) “-Excited Alien gibberish-“ “Ah, my apologies. When I was not busy treating patients, I would often spend quite a lot of time here, studying the Earth artifacts. It was my off-time here that taught me the Earthen tongue. I must admit, I developed quite a fondness for the many mysterious objects we salvaged from your planet. I just wish I was privy to what most of them are supposed to do.” (After return to the Engineering Core with Drone Control Device in hand) *Ask Zim about -Drone Control Device ("What's this thing?") (After completing the Engine Room or Cargo Hold with Zim, back in the Engineering Core) *Ask Zim about his people. -Home Planet -Language -Gender/Sex -Bathrooms (or lack thereof) -Culture -Government -Zeta's Mission (Abomination foreshadowing FTW!) (After completing the Cargo Hold or Engine Room with Zim, with the other completed as well) *Ask Zim about himself. -Real Name -Gender/Sex -Age -Job -Hobbies -Family -Speech ("How come you speak English so well?") -Personality ("Why are you so different from the other aliens?") -Reason ("Why are you helping us escape?")
  9. Hey. I'm interested in seeing a particular outfit for Fallout 3. We've got wild west dusters with the Regulators, spurs and a neckerchief with Paulson, ten gallon hats... but what about those western poncho thingers? I don't know what they're called, and I can't find any good pictures of them. But I'll give some famous examples of people who wore them in fiction. Movie: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Person: Clint Eastwood's character Movie: Back to the Future 3 Person: Marty McFly (in reference to Clint Eastwood's character above) Video Game: Red Dead Redemption Person: Alternate costume for protagonist (hope I don't get lynched for this one) Anime: Fairy Tail Character: Alzack Connell Picture link Is there a mod for this outfit? Or can someone make one?
  10. Thanks! Yeah, I've done numerous searches for things like "Gold", "gilded" etc., but no such luck. There's an interesting set of golden Power Armor that I was thinking of giving to Cross in my game... but I was disappointed to find it was a lore-unfriendly suit of T-51b Power Armor, not the standard T-45d power armor used by the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel and Brotherhood Outcasts. Not to mention... it looked more like a bright yellow than a deep gold... And yes, there is a difference. Either that or I'm just a nitpicker...
  11. Say... could someone make a mod of a Pimp-Boy 3 Billion from Fallout: New Vegas for Fallout 3? I know, it's illegal to copy the texture from Fallout: New Vegas into Fallout 3. But is it too hard to make a gold-plating texture for the Fallout 3 Pip-Boy 3000? Reference: Fallout Wiki article for Pimp-Boy 3 Billion
  12. Sorry about that! I was without my comp for a while! I'm back though! I'm still willing to work on this mod if everyone else still is. Again, I'm not much help with actually making the mod, but I'm good with planning and writing. Oh, and good news! I've finally reached the point where I embark on Mothership Zeta. Now I can MUCH more accurately plan this mod due to knowing what MZ is like. I'll write down the dialogue ideas whenever they hit me as I play. Okay, to dispel some things here and there: 1. Apparel Well, as a species set to "Creature", Zim wouldn't be able to wear any apparel or equipment. Only weapons. But like I said, if anyone's willing to make a unique texture for his jumpsuit, I'm all for that, but it's not necessary. If we want to give him any accessories, it'd have to be a mesh and texture edit unique to Zim. I'm thinking a DBZ Saiyan eye scanner-like device, and possibly a Pipboy-like wrist device. Perhaps like Leela's from Futurama? We're missing some Futurama references. X3 2. Weapons My original idea was for Zim to wield a non-playable Alien Disintegrator and a non-player Shock Baton as his default firearm and melee weapon. I'm not sure about unique weapons for him, but if we've got a modder willing to work on something like that, that's just all the better! 3. Voice My original envisioning was kind of a feeble, shaky voice, on the higher end of the pitch scale. The second one is good, but I don't like the echo. The third one is the best so far, and we could probably use it for the final draft if we took out a bit more of the echo. As for voice tone, I'll specificy in the dialogue scripts what emotion Zim is using to fuel that particular line. Despite being an alien, he's pretty emotive. In regular dialogue, I'm thinking he's more humble, polite, and civilized, but he tends to let lose in battle, leading to most of his battle dialogue to sound angry. I'll probably write it in that Zim learned the English earth tongue from written artifacts and audio logs, so we can probably use alien gibberish for some of his battle lines. Does that alien gibberish generator do angry alien sounds, like from some of the abductee interrogation logs? Oh! By the way! I need some help with the battle dialogue. Specifically, I need to know how many different lines to write for each battle situation. I know that most NPCs have different dialogue for "idly walking around" and "searching for enemies" situations. I just need to know what those different situations are and how many different lines to write for each one. I've checked the Wiki, but no luck. 4. Tag Skills Say, um... I'm a bit confused by something. I heard from a modder once that "Creature" NPCs can't have Tag Skills. But when I checked the Wiki, both Fawkes and RL-3 have five Tag Skills. Are Fawkes and RL-3 exceptions to Creatures not having Tag Skills? And is there a way we can give Zim tag skills? Specifically, I'm thinking Energy Weapons, Medicine, and Science. If five is the only option, then Big Guns and Melee Weapons along with those three. I'm just not sure if aliens can equip non-alien weapons. There may be animation restrictions, like Super Mutants being unable to use Power Fists. 5. SPECIAL stats Let me know if this looks right for Zim's SPECIAL stats. Strength - 1 Perception - 8 Endurance - 2 Charisma - 2 (not many people find aliens charming, aye?) Intelligence - 10 Agility - 6 Luck - 7 (doctor's precision gives him high critical hit chance) Any suggestions on making it better? I wanted to go for "realistic for a doctor alien, but not so weak where he'll get killed constantly". 6. Perks I'm not sure, but... Can NPCs have Perks? Or are they only useable by the player? I heard mention of a mod giving Butch the Fortune Finder and Scrounger perks, so... is it possible? And even if it is, can Perks be given to Creatures? If so, I may have some Perks in mind for Zim... Finesse would go well with his doctor's precision, for example. 7. Essential Flag As I mentioned, I wanted Zim to be set as essential during the plot of Mothership Zeta, but the essential setting can be toggled in his dialogue once he's a follower. But I was thinking that, instead of a "settings" menu, we could explain the essential setting as being one of Zim's pieces of technology on his person. You know, like some sort of "Alien Auto-Defibralator" that the player can ask Zim to turn off or on. Thoughts? I'm trying to think of what kind of device it would be... 8. Force Field Say, would it be possible to equip Zim with a force field to boost his weak alien DR? I haven't encountered them yet, but I think I heard mention on the Wiki once of Alien force field equipment used by the hostile aliens of MZ. 9. Summoned Drone Yeah, I remember now. Sasha Ashe and Psi Piscium from the 187 Gurlz mod are capable of summoning a temporary ally. I think it'd be cool if we could set up Zim to be able to summon an Alien Drone as a temporary ally. Just an idea, but I'm sure we could get by without it in the final version. Just a reminder! This mod will NOT be using Follower mod short-cuts such as Sharing & Caring Companions, CMF's Pet Script, or RR Companions Vault. Don't let the mention of the 187 Gurlz mod lead you to belief such shortcuts will be allowed. 10. Humor Hey, c'mon. The Fallout series is notorious for slipping in bits of humor here and there. Just because it's a bit scarce in Fallout 3 doesn't mean we can't slip some in here and there, right? I mean, look at the Wild Wasteland Trait from New Vegas. That Trait makes me want to equip and unequip the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion over and over again just to see the little disco posing. X3 Actually, I'd love a Pimp-Boy 3 Billion equivalent in a mod for Fallout 3... That gold plating is just epic. <3
  13. Hi. Ya know what's one of my favorite aspects of the Fallout world? The robots. And ya know what I want to see? More friendly robots working for people in more locations. Currently, I've only managed to simulate this by using RobCo Certified to make my friendly robots, then have them wait in certain locations and simply pretend they belong to the people that live there. While it certainly helps at the moment, I'd like a more solid solution in the future. I'll list some ideas I have, but first, to prove the viability and lore-friendliness of this concept, allow me to list some canon examples: Vault 101 * Andy: Mr. Handy maintenance robot Megaton * Deputy Weld: Protectron gate guard * Deputy Steel: Mr. Gutsy armory guard * Wadsworth: Mr. Handy house butler Rivet City * Mr. Buckingham: Vera Weatherly's personal Mr. Handy * Private Jones: Mr. Gutsy armory guard * Automated Turret: Hostile companion glitch-causer Tenpenny Tower * Shakes: Protectron bartender * Godfrey: Mr. Handy house butler Underworld * Cerberus: Ghoul-hating Mr. Gutsy guard dog The Citadel * Sawbones: Broken Mr. Gutsy medic * Unnamed Sentry Bot: Sentry Bot gate guard Mobile Base Crawler * Hoover: Enclave Mr. Gutsy bodyguard * Sparky: Enclave Sentry Bot bodyguard Wasteland * Outcast Protectrons: Patrolling with Outcast soldiers in random encounters * Outcast Robobrains: Patrolling with Outcast soldiers in random encounters * Outcast Sentry Bots: Patrolling with Outcast soldiers in random encounters Okay, my ideas. Firstly, I just want to name the various robots in Fallout 3 to be clear. * Enclave Eyebot (Enclave exclusive) * Mr. Handy * Protectron: Regular, U.S. Army, Outcast, Enclave, metro, Nuka-Cola, and factory (The Pitt) skins * Robobrain: Regular and Outcast skins * Mr. Gutsy: U.S. Army, Enclave, and winterized (Operation: Anchorage) skins * Sentry Bot (minigun): U.S. Army, Outcast, Enclave, and winterized (Operation: Anchorage) skins * Sentry Bot (gatling laser): U.S. Army, Outcast, Enclave, and winterized (Operation: Anchorage) skins * Automated Turret: - Ceiling-mounted bullet: Mark I, III, V, VII - Floor-mounted laser: Mark II, IV, VI, VIII Okay, finally, my ideas Megaton -Mittens: A Robobrain, Moira's personal project. Rivet City -Acolyte Pope: A Robobrain. Father Clifford's replacement acolyte should Diego marry Angela. Before the wedding, Acolyte Pope is just a generic Robobrain lying broken in the trashed room with the filing cabinets. Tenpenny Tower -Sir Leopold: A Robobrain. Tenpenny's chess partner. Canterbury Commons -No robots. Not plot-friendly. Arefu -Mr. Grey: Karen Schenzy's personal Mr. Handy. She needs a roommate, aye? Big Town -No additional robots. Not quest-friendly. Girdershade -Tab: Sierra Petrovita's personal Nuka-Cola Protectron guardian. Already a similar mod on the Nexus. <3 Republic of Dave -Agent Smith: A U.S. Army minigun Sentry Bot that patrols the compound. -Agent Johnson: A U.S. Army Protectron in Dave's office, his personal secret service. Paradise Falls -Probably some automated turrets near the entrace. -Maybe a Sentry Bot somewhere? -Possibly a Robobrain named Egghead or Zombie, or something... Temple of the Union -Gettysburg: The group's Mr. Gutsy. Might be complicated to make it follow the caravan to the Lincoln Memorial, but I feel it's doable. Meresti Metro Station -I'm sure we can put a robot in with a vampire reference name. Like a Mr. Handy, Protectron, or Mr. Gutsy named Lycan, Garlic, Orchid, or Alucard. Little Lamplight -Nana: The Protectron nanny, programmed with a multitude of stories and hugs. If the player accepts her offer for a hug, they lose a bit of HP similar to Sawbones's treatment pre-fixing. Underworld -No additional robots. Not lore-friendly. Fort Independence -I saw a lot of Outcast-skinned robots out on patrol with the Outcast soldiers, but no robots at their base. Perhaps we can fix that. The Citadel -Cookie: Protectron military cook, in charge of keeping the initiates fed. Usually hangs around the courtyard and initiate barracks, and will sell food to the player by mistaking them for an initiate. -Some Automated Turrets near the gate and along the outside walls. Galaxy News Radio -LaShawna: Three Dog's personal Mr. Handy technical assistant. -Maybe some Protectrons out front. Too crowded inside for them. DLC areas Outcast Outpost (Operation: Anchorage) -Probably some Outcast-skinned robots here and there. The Pitt (The Pitt) -Bunny: Robobrain nana for baby Anne. Point Lookout (Point Lookout) -No robots. Not lore-friendly. Mothership Zeta (Mothership Zeta) -Jeeves: An abducted Mr. Handy to join the other abductees.
  14. Well... I'd enjoy some of the items from New Vegas integrated into Fallout 3. Like Duct Tape, Trail Mix, Caravan Lunch, Sunset Sarsaparilla, etc. Actually, those four are at the top of my list of items from NV that I want in FO3. Heh... What? C'mon, you didn't think the cooking aspect with the campfires wasn't awesome?
  15. I'm all for a low-cut kimono. Maybe not transparent. But possibly one of those short-skirted kimono with the front left hanging open? Kinda like a combination of Matsumoto's uniform and Nemu's uniform from Bleach. I'm a girl by the way. -._-. What? I just have a thing for cosplay, okay?
  16. Hi. I'm trying to make a paper note using FO3edit (GECK won't work for me), but I can't figure out how to move down from one line to the next to make a new paragraph. I've examined other notes in the game, and it just has them putting no space between the two sentences whenever there's a paragraph break. I've tried doing that, but it still puts everything on one long line for my note. Any help? I've looked everything up to see if there's a note-writing tutorial, but I haven't found anything about making notes at all.
  17. I guess no one's willing to make it for me... It's okay. I'll see if I can do something with the "Followers go to Megaton when fired" mod with FO3edit. Thanks for listening, at least. ^_^
  18. I'm just wondering where the other nine Robobrains were kept. The Vault-Tec computer listed twelve being supplied to Braun's vault, but we only see three. And, oddly enough, all three are set to essential. What's more, if you use the console to set them to un-essential, you lose karma for killing them. Which is weird, since you don't lose karma for knocking them out while still essential. If the developers were going to set them to essential, there'd be no need for a karma loss or karma gain for killing them, since you wouldn't be able to. So... why did they do it?
  19. Yes, but FOOK2 has many, many, many features that I don't care for and would definitely not want in my game. After some experimenting, I managed to make it myself in FO3edit. It works inventory-wise, but I don't know if it affected the texture of the in-world box yet. The Cheezy Poofs and Rations mod only had three "texture sets", and the one Cheezy Poofs used had just a generic label. I can only assume that many different textures are kept in one "texture set". But that only leads me to wonder how the mod knows which texture in the set to use for that particular object.
  20. Dangit... Well, I could take a look at the RTS mod in FO3edit. If I could isolate the Brahmin lantern light script, I could copy it into my "personal touches" mod. If only I knew which script did it... I could ask on the comments for RTS, but something tells me I won't get a reply...
  21. Hi. Um... Is there any modder our there willing to make me a tiny personal mod? See... I want the 8 canon followers to return to Megaton when fired instead of their default locations... But I want them each to be waiting in a separate location, in sandbox/relax mode. But only after being hired. The locations for each follower are: Butch: Moriarty's Saloon Jericho: His house Clover: Doc Church's clinic Cross: The Brass Lantern Charon: Children of Atom church Fawkes: Water purifying plant RL-3: Craterside Supply Dogmeat: Just walking around town If Dogmeat being in sandbox mode is impossible (since he doesn't go into sandbox mode with the sandbox mode mod I have), he can just be waiting next to the farmer and Brahmin in front of Doc Church's clinic. I imagine accomplishing it would be a lot like combining the following mods. * Followers Relax - AKA Sandbox Mode * Companions go to Megaton when fired I could probably accomplish it myself in FO3edit using elements of both mods, but I don't know how to make followers go into sandbox mode while fired, and I don't trust my FO3edit skills yet. If it's not too hard, could someone please make it for me? I'd really appreciate it... And hey, maybe someone else would enjoy it too aside from me.
  22. This also is sort of for you. Cat, wolf and rabbit ears and tails My only complaint is there are no rabbit tails and the cat ears are a bit on the small side.
  23. @Nadin: Hmmm... How about... Zim is 42 years old in Earth years, but still fairly young for his species? And I'm not sure how one would chide another over saying "it was nothing". Is that "it was nothing" as in "you're welcome" or "it was nothing" as in "false alarm, I didn't see anything"? I'm not sure if the alien gibberish will be useful. It depends on why Zim can speak English. I have two ideas for that, which he'll explain when the player asks him. Either he's using a translation machine, in which case he'd never speak his own tongue; or he studied the English language from the abductees and artifacts, in which case he might have a few in-battle lines that he uses in his own language. Actually, alien expletives is a good idea. I might consider option B for that... @Jay33721: Forgot to mention. Jay, any way you could post the samples as a file on the Nexus? I'm not sure if it would be allowed, but we could label it as a resource file, then delete it after I look at it.
  24. Okay, thanks. Then I guess we'll have to find a modder. Is bumping allowed on the Nexus? It's been a year, so I can't fully remember if it is or not...
  25. Hi. Could someone make a mod that turns the "Junk Food" item into "Cheezy Poofs"? Cheezy Poofs are a food item from Fallout 2. You could originally give them to a talking Mole Rat named Brain with no reward for doing so. They're a possible reference to Eric Cartman's favorite snack from South Park. It should be a fairly simple mod if you have the time, skills, and will. "Junk Food" is essentially just Potato Crisps. The box even has the Potato Crisps texture in-world. So it should just be a simple matter of giving the Junk Food its own original texture labeling it as Cheezy Poofs, changing the item's name, and editing the Pipboy icon. The beauty is that since Junk Food is already found in the game, it's as if Cheezy Poofs from Fallout 2 are added into the world, both in containers and laying around the worldspace, naturally with no editing. With permission and/or credit, perhaps we could even use the Cheezy Poofs texture from TheOutbreak's "Cheezy Poofs and Rations" food replacer. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6204 Anyone willing to take up this simple little project? Please?
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