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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. Is it possible for a mod, mod conflict, or mod load order to affect, alter, or mess up the Console and using Console Commands?
  2. Ummm... Thank you, but... I don't know anything about the GECK. So... I didn't really understand that. But still, thank you for taking the time to suggest it. ^_^ Now, through extensive testing, I've discovered the following: 1. player.additem is only not working for the items of certain mods. 2. If I move an affected mod to a different spot in the load order of FOMM, depending on where I move it to, the codes then work. So this begs the question: Is it possible for load order to make player.additem not work for certain mods??? I've never heard of such a thing... Has anyone else encountered it?
  3. "Captain's Log. We've arrived in Porterville, the remains of a town in what was once Rhode Island of the United States of America. We've stopped in here to restock supplies. Current funds: 200 Caps. Currently shopping for supplies. I have purchased sufficient food to last us a bit, but I plan to gather Razor and Cale, currently doing their own thing with their allowance, and eat at the local restaurant tonight. It's not every day we get to stay in a town for the night, so we best enjoy what it offers to the fullest. Speaking of which, 120 of the 200 caps are to go to a room tonight at the local inn. I'm not sure what they'll charge to stable Bessie, so hopefully 80 Caps will be enough. But then we'll have to find more money. Razor is always good with exterminating local pests for a few Caps. And Cale can always arm wrestle at the local tavern. Even I can help out in an emergency. I can always have a Jetting competition with some Human junkie. But other than that, we'll need some fast cash soon. And Brumas-" "Growf?" Morlin sighed loudly. "Right. Sorry, Brumas. I guess talking to you helps me think. I know you can't respond in English, but it's nice to pretend that you can." The mutant bear gave a snort. "I'll pretend I didn't pretend to hear that." the Ghoul dismissed half-jokingly. "Brumas, is Bessie still right behind m-?" Rather than Brumas answering, a Brahmin nose nuzzled the Ghoul's back, answering her question for her. The mutant cow pushed her so hard that she almost stumbled forward and dropped her walking stick. "Oh. Hey, Bessie." she greeted the Brahmin behind her with her raspy voice. She continued with a new order for her seeing eye Yao Guai. "Brumas, I need you to sniff out some Crunchy Mutfruit. I want to get a treat for Bessie." Brumas responded with a whine. "Don't worry, boy. I'll get you some nice Pig Rat pork. I know how much you love that stuff." The Yao Guai panted happily.
  4. Holy crap! You can get banned for swearing, even though it's censored? Or is that just irony? Ya know, like having a board's censorship program say "I'm stupid" instead of "retarded"? Uh... should I go edit those posts?
  5. Oh, ----. I can't even say ----! What the hell is wrong with ----? This is bullshit! Sweet zombie jesus... I'll probably flatline once I see what "----" becomes... o_O *fetal positions in a corner*
  6. Uhhh... What? I'm not allowed to say "-----"? Not even in "console -----"? What about "poll -----"? ............ No? Not even in "poll -----"? That's really weird... what's wrong with "-----"? I mean, it's not like any kids use this site, right? I mean, what tyke plays games as complicated as the ones detailed on the Nexus? More importantly, what tyke is capable of running through, ordering, and checking all the mods they download for Fallout 3? For that matter, what type can actually download mods for Fallout 3? Oh, god... I'm reminded of that GameFAQs hellhole... with the suffocating rules... the oppressive moderators... the incredibly primitive board format that doesn't allow avatars, links, images, sigs separate from the actual post, and any piece of formatting whatsoever aside from bold and italics... ----, I need a paper bag, stat... o_O
  7. Sorry. I wasn't specific enough. Lemme explain some more. Sorry about the confusion. ^^U First off, I'm a Console -----. I know every single Console Command by heart, and I've used most of them several times. In the case of player.additem, I've used it so many times that I can't possibly count that high in a single lifespan. So I'm no newbie to the Console. This is a legitimate problem that I've never had before in my extensive Consol experience. Related to that, I've checked and double checked the ID for the item several times. I'm typing the ID exactly as it says it is in both FO3edit and FOMM. Secondly (or thirdly if you count above), I feel I should mention that this is an item in a mod. Actually, it's several items in two different mods. Neither mods are letting me add any items to the game with player.additem, even though I'm typing the IDs exactly as they are written in FO3edit. In addition, I must reiterate, I'm using the IDs gathered from FOMM, replacing the first two digits with the two digits in the load order of FOMM. Again, this has never happened before. I've used player.additem for adding modded items countless times. This is the first time it's done this. Thirdly (or fouthly), I'm using quite a number of mods. I had so many that I was forced to uncheck a few and do without them (mostly the useless ones) because they were seriously fudging up my game. If anything, I suspect this problem may be related to mod load order, a conflict of mods, or a mod affecting the console on it's own without conflicting with another mod. However, of the three theories just above, I'm not sure if mods or mod conflicts are actually capable of affecting the Console. Oh, and I'm not using ref IDs by clicking items in the game. I'm trying to add items to my inventory that I've never had before and never seen before, using only the IDs from FO3edit and FOMM (as a backup). I hope that clears things up. Sorry for the confusion, and I hope the information allows you to help me better. Thank you for your help, as I'm sure anyone capable of piecing together modding problems is pretty busy. If this is a brand new problem not experienced before, I seriously hope nothing is wrong with my game...
  8. {Profile Skeleton} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/Chem_Mentats.png [b]Username:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nicknames:[/b] [b]Sex:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [b]Role:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Personal Belongings:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/800px-Capitol_m.jpg
  9. {Crew} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/Chem_Jet.png The Outlaws are a group of people of any race that have come together to search for the Promised Land, a land untouched by the atomic blasts and free of radiation. They travel from town to town and settlement to settlement with their caravan, with little but a pack Brahmin and small stock of supplies. Roles Every member must fulfill a role so as to be of use. These roles are as follows. The Leader: Morlin (Cyberweasel89) Founder of the group, but not the official leader. Makes most of the group decisions. The Second-in-Command: RESERVED The second person to have joined the group, and the one most trusted by the Leader. The Cook: In charge of preparing the group's meals when camping out. The Doctor: Stubs (SickleYield) In charge of treating the group’s injuries and illnesses, as well as healing their radiation. Should carry a first aid kit and doctor's bag. The Tailor: In charge of mending the group's clothing. The Blacksmith: In charge of maintaining and fixing the group's weapons and armor. The Engineer: In charge of fixing and maintaining any machinery the group owns or comes across. Will also take care of any robot or android members. Should carry a tool kit. The Scientist: In charge of hacking any computers should the group need to, as well as providing knowledge when useful and making chems. The Explosives Expert: In charge of disabling any bombs or mines when needed. Can also blast open new paths. The Lookout: The most perceptive member of the group, in charge of alerting the group when enemies are approaching. The Bodyguard: Cale (josh 900) The major combatant of the group, specializing in fighting and killing very well. The Hunter: Razor (MoDqUeen) The survival and tracking expert in charge of hunting animals for food. The Animal Friend: The member who animals seem to like for some reason, in charge of dealing with hostile animals and helping take care of the group's pets. The Musician: Plays music to entertain the group on their travels when appropriate. The Artist: An artist travelling with the group, looking for inspiration from the journey and the hope of finding the beautiful Promised Land. The Chronicler: In charge of recording the group's travels. The Merchant: The bartering expert, in charge of supplies and finances. The Thief: Claude (MoDqUeen) In charge of picking locks and pockets when needed. Should carry a lockpick kit. Pet Giant Rat optional. ^_~ How your character fights, if they do, and what weapon they wield, if any, is up to you. Feel free to suggest new roles. If they’re good, I’ll accept them. Pets Bessie -Adult female Brahmin -The caravan's pack Brahmin -In charge of carrying most of the supplies -Full grown Brahmin with a large pack on her back and a lantern hanging above her head on a pole -Belongs to the Outlaws (all players) Brumas -Juvenile male Yao Guai -Morlin's seeing eye Yao Guai -In charge of protecting Morlin -Yao Guai about the size of an adult dog -Belongs to Morlin (Cyberweasel89)
  10. {Chems} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/Chem_Psycho.png (Note: While the chems work great as game mechanics, these in-game effects don’t work when converted to a realistic, non-game setting. I had to edit some of the chems a bit to make them work better in an RP. Some of these minor edits were also to make them more different from each other. If anyone is unhappy with this, I can change it to more closely follow the effects of the games. But be warned, doing so will make some of the chems too similar to each other.) Medical Stimpak Stimpaks are a healing medicine that is injected through a special syringe with a gauge on it. When injected, Stimpaks apply immediately healing of small or minor wounds. More Stimpaks are required to heal more severe wounds. Stimpaks are also more effective if injected right at the site of the wound. They are commonplace, and can be purchased at most clinics in most settlements. Super Stimpak Super Stimpaks are a more advanced Stimpak. They heal roughly three times as much as a regular Stimpak. However, once the healing is done, the user will experience some physical pain for a few minutes afterward. The pain is manageable, likely only enough to make the user clench their teeth and fists. Ultra Stimpak An upgrade to the Super Stimpak, Ultra Stimpaks heal much more than Super Stimpaks, but are much more rare and more expensive. After the healing is done, the user will experience a spasm of physical pain for a few minutes. It’s really only enough pain to force the user to brace themselves on something nearby and make their breathing ragged. Trauma Pack Trauma Packs, though not part of the Stimpak line, function similarly to a Stimpak. They are injected, healing wounds. Trauma Packs can heal almost any injury, even if someone is near death. The only downside is that afterwards the user is hit with an intense fit of mind-numbing, body writhing pain, enough to make it hard not to scream. For anyone without combat training, such as a civilian, this pain alone might be enough to kill them. As such, Trauma Packs are to only be used by trained field medics on critically wounded soldiers, and only in an emergency, when more capable help isn’t immediately available. Another downside is that Trauma Packs are quite cumbersome. They must be warn as backpacks, which means any weapon the user carries must be worn on the belt. In pre-war warfare, field medics could usually be identified by the Trauma Packs they carried on their backs. They served not only as emergency medical tools, but also as part of the uniform. RadAway RadAway, taken through an intravenous pack, heals the effects of radiation a person is suffering. It’s intravenous pack form makes it hard to apply on the fly, though... Rad-X Rad-X, taken in pill form, boosts the user’s resistance to environmental radiation. Note that it doesn’t make them immune. Just more resistant. Med-X Med-X is a potent variation of common morphine, injected through a small syringe. It dulls and numbs pain greatly, allowing a fighter to continue even though they’re in pain from an injury. Just don’t ignore the injury... Unfortunately, Med-X is a tad addictive... Biomed Gel Biomed Gel is a gel used to speed up tissue regeneration. It can also be used to preserve organs and severed body parts. Healing Powder Healing Powder, made by tribals, will help the user recover from their light injuries over a period of time. Works great to help speed up recovering from major wounds or illnesses. It’s eaten orally. Drugs Buffout Buffout is a steroid in tablet form that boosts the user’s physical strength and physical endurance for a few hours. It’s very addictive, though... Psycho Pyscho is a drug injected through a very large syringe, suggesting a lot of the chemical is needed to produce an effect. The two side syringes suggest that the three different chemicals need to be separate until the moment of injection, or else they won’t work. When injected, Psycho boosts the overall combat abilities of a person. Namely, it boosts their speed, reflexes, stamina, focus, and attunes their senses to the environment. At least, for a few hours. Unfortunately, the drug tends to muddle the mind, making the user not as good at strategizing and less likely to understand complex orders. The chem is also addictive... Jet Jet is a powerful methamphetamine taken through an inhaler, synthesized from Brahmin dung fumes. The intense euphoric rush rarely lasts more than a few minutes, but during that time the user is filled with a rush of energy and adrenaline. It’s a very popular and near-always addictive drug. The act of getting together in a given place and taking Jet together is called “Jetting”. Jet barely has an effect on Ghouls. To remedy this, there’s a more powerful version called “Ultrajet”, distilled from the base ingredients of Sugar Bombs cereal, Abraxo Cleaner, and regular Jet. Though marketed at Ghouls, that doesn’t stop others from trying it... Mentats Mentats, taken in a tablet from a punch-out cardboard sheet, boost mental processing, perception, memory, and overall mental performance and capacity for a few hours after it is taken. It is addictive, though... Voodoo Voodoo is a special grass weed grown in heavily irradiated soil. When rolled up, lit, and smoked, it produces an intense psychedelic euphoria, characterized by hallucinations, giggling fits, and an intense hunger after the effects have worn off, referred to as “the munchies”. Food/Drinks Nuka-Cola The ultimate flavored soft drink of the pre-war world! Even after the apocalypse, it’s popularity is staggering, those most are warm and flat by now. The soda can be addictive if drank in large quantities. Just stay away from Nuka-Cola Quantum. It tastes like radscorpion crap and turns your piss blue…
  11. {Creatures} {Part 2} Robots Robots are programmed to perform a variety of uses in all fields. This includes maintenance, medical needs, and even combat. The ones with higher AI programming develop their own personalities, though this is not always a good thing. And most being so old, they can malfunction... All robot characters count as a "pet", and thus do not use a character slot. Mr. Handy The Mr. Handy model robots are built as personal robotic butlers. Usually they serve a specific function, such as cleaning, general maintenance, or medical assistance. Others can perform other roles, such as managing businesses in place of the actual manager. But usually a Mr. Handy with a specific purpose won’t do so well in another field. Though not built for combat, they can make due with their buzz saw and blow torch attachments. Despite all speaking in the same voice of a British butler, each one is often given an individual name by their owner. Some, though rare, have been re-programmed with different voices and female AIs, depending on the personal taste (and in some cases, sense of humor) of the owner, coupled with their programming skills. Mr. Gutsy Commissioned by the U.S. government before the war, the Mr. Gutsy model robot is the militarized version of the Mr. Handy model. Painted olive drab green with a U.S. military star, they speak with a uniform American drill sergeant voice to better suit their military role. In place of the buzz saw and blow torch of the Mr. Handy model, Mr. Gutsy robots have a compact flamer and similarly compact plasma rifle, making them quite deadly in combat. They even have their own fuel supplies, which rarely run out in their life-span, so no need to worry about fuel or ammo for your Mr. Gutsy bodyguard. Their bodies are also quite armored and resistant to damage in comparison to the Mr. Handy model. In terms of the mobile combat robots, they are stronger than Protectrons, but weaker than Sentry Bots. As developed personalities go, while the Mr. Handy model is often passive, polite, but may develop an underlying distaste for their owner kept under their breath, the Mr. Gutsy model lives up to its name by freely voicing its distaste or displeasure for who it is working for or what its work is. Unfortunately, or fortunately, its Combat Inhibitor prevents it from acting on these feelings. Protectron Protectrons are general protection and security robots. They are one of the weaker combat robots, built with a laser in each arm and one in their head, none of which they are the best shot with. There is usually one wandering in every subway metro station, which will attack upon seeing you. It is well known, however, that they will ignore you if you just show them an old metro ticket, averting a fight. While built for protection, they do not make good personal bodyguards, as they have limited AI and no ability to develop any personality to speak of. Focused only on work, they are not willing nor capable of making small talk. Best used for guarding your home, rather than guarding you. Eyebot Eyebots are hovering robots that spread radio broadcasts as they patrol the wastes, eradicating pests with their small lasers. Though they are extremely fragile and their lasers are weak, they are frighteningly accurate with their shots. They also explode when damaged, making close-combat potentially deadly. Generally harmless and sometimes even beneficial, they will not attack unless provoked. Robobrain Robobrains are advanced robots with living brains as their central CPUs, kept alive through biomed gel. With brains for processors, they are much more adept at complex reasoning and developing personalities. Publically, only chimpanzee brains were used, but the brains of some convicted criminals were used for at least some of them. With their robotic hands, they can wield human weapons, but some come with built-in laser pistols. Some of the models also have special built-in microwave emitters that cause an instant concussion in humans used on it. However, the emitter is extremely close-range, so just fire at a Robobrain from a distance to be on the safe side. Damage to the dome containing their brain is an extremely effective way of quickly disabling them. Sentry Bot Sentry Bots are the highest-level combat robot you can run across. They armored body is tough to damage. The weapons they pack are fearsome as well. All come equipped with a missile launcher on one arm. The other arm, depending on the individual Sentry Bot, either has a minigun or a gatling laser. Be careful should you run into one. However, reprogrammed, they make excellent protectors, though their use of missiles can endanger allies in the blast. Automated Turret Automated Turrets, Mark I through VIII, are guns mounted to a surface that are programmed through a nearby terminal to fire on targets as they draw near. Odd-number mark turrets are fixed to the ceiling and are armed with machine guns. Even-number mark turrets are fixed to the floor and fire lasers. Generally, Automated Turrets follow their name and are completely automated, running on a strict programming. Some programmers, however, have programmed them with their own AIs and voice modulators. With an AI turret guarding an entrance, the person inside can communicate with whoever is outside through their terminal’s link with the turret’s AI. Androids For more information, see the section above in "Races". Cyborgs For more information, see the section above in "Races".
  12. {Creatures} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/FO3BuffoutBottle.png Animals Dogs Dogs were left largely unaltered by radiation over the years. They're valued by many for their senses and protection. Particularly by scavengers. Wild ones will often attack people. Brahmin Mutated cows with two heads. They give milk that cures radiation, have tasty meat, make sturdy clothing, and serve as excellent oxen for carrying supplies. Often used by merchants in this very manner. Wasteland Penguins These animals are essentially pre-war chickens, but with reptilian scales instead of feathers, having reverse-evolved from the nuclear blasts. They are valued as good sources for eggs, and occasionally meat. The meat's actually pretty good once you peel off the scales... Centisheep These are pre-war sheep, but were mutated due to the effects of the war. Centisheep range from five to fifteen feet long or so, with six to eighteen legs. They're excellent sources for wool for clothing, but the delicious taste of their meat can be hard to resist… Pig Rats Pig Rats are the result of the fusing of pigs and rats during the nuclear explosions. They're raised as sources of meat, much like the pre-war pigs. Their meat is actually really good, albeit tough to chew... Giant Rats Rats that have grown large due to radiation. They bite with sharp teeth, and range from cat size to larger than a human. They average at about dog size, while the largest are quite disturbing due to their exposed spines. It's possible to tame them, and they are quite useful due to their senses of smell, combat potential, and ability to compress their skeletons to fit through the tightest spaces, allowing them to retrieve items in an inaccessible area. Perfect for thieves. Though they can be tamed, most simply don't. Since, well, ya know, they're rats... Vultures Seen flying overhead of the wasteland and circling populated areas, vultures have remained largely unaltered by radiation. They never attack living things, instead only waiting for something to die before swooping down and feeding on the corpse. When tamed, they make useful companions for hunters and wilderness survivalists. (Yes, they guys are in the game. You can see them circling in the sky above Megaton when you're in the town. They're also referenced in a few Fallout stories.) Radroaches Radroaches are giant cockroaches, uniformly about the size of a housecat. They're quite weak, little more than pests. But a good number of people are afraid of them. Radroaches are actually surprisingly peaceful. They will often ignore you and attack only if you appear threatening (such as by drawing your weapon) or get too close to them. Never the less, it's well known that they can't be tamed, but some of the more... eccentric folks of the wasteland will keep them in pens and feed them meat on occasion. Radroach meat apparently tastes like old feet... Giant Ants Ants that have grown big enough to ride due to radiation. They don't pose much of a threat. Their mandibles can cut leather and plastic, but not much else, only able to break bones with a lucky shot. Their exoskeleton, though strong enough to resist punches and dull knives, aren't strong enough to protect them from stronger weapons, like bullets. A variation called the Fire Ant exists, which can breathe fire by expelling their flammable venom and igniting it with a spark made by clicking their mandibles. The resulting flamethrower has surprising range, and the ants have an oddly large supply of fuel in their venom sacks. Radscorpions These are scorpions grown to large sizes, usually around the size of a dog, if not a little bit larger. Their pincer claws are sharp and dangerous, but their stingers are more dangerous due to the poison they pack. Some Radscorpions can grow to very large sizes, roughly the size of a Super Mutant. Bloatflies Bloatflies are mutated blowflies, grown large and able to shoot spiny larva at their enemies. They're quite weak, though. Only a minimal threat to the average wasteland wanderer. They do, however, make Bloatfly Honey. You know, bees make bee honey, flies make fly honey. Bloatfly Honey is quite sweet-tasting... Giant Wasps Much, much rarer than Bloatflies, Giant Wasps are also much more dangerous. They will go out of their way to find something to kill, and will sting it to death with their powerful venom. Radbugs Radbugs are generic mutated insects, consisting of a round main body, tiny head, and six legs that end in a sharp claw. They typically lunge to stab with their clawed legs, but will leap and bite as well. Oddly, they have human-like teeth, fish eyes, and a tail-like appendage. They vary GREATLY in size. You likely won't find any of the same size in a given area. Boom Bugs This mutant strain of lady bug, about the size of a frag grenade, can be used as a grenade itself, as it explodes due to an unstable body chemistry when severely agitated. Mantises A large, mutated praying mantis. Not much of a threat, but they tend to attack in groups. Giant Leeches Giant Leeches are typically found in heavily humid, dark places. They are the size of a pot bellied pig, and have been known to suck out enough blood to kill a Super Mutant. Spore Plants Large mutated plants similar to venus fly traps. It attacks by spitting a spore or biting, but only when close, since it's rooted to the ground. Some eggheads have been able to create intelligent, talking versions, but they are extremely rare. Mole Rats Mole Rats are one of the most common types of creature found in the wastelands, due to their high breeding ability. Unfortunately, their meat is the least desirable. Mole rat meat is very nasty and bitter. Adding to the unpleasantness, it actually squirms about in the consumer's stomach. It was discovered, though, that mole rat meat becomes many times better if cured in a metal box with wonder glue. The result is a much more palatable mole rat jerky with a nutty aftertaste and none of the usual bitterness. Mole Rats have extremely razor-sharp teeth, but are very dumb due to their disproportionately tiny brains. They can only be tamed through a de-clawing, de-teething, and lobotomy. It has been found, however, that some Mole Rats are born a bit smarter than others. If these "smart Mole Rats" are given constant exposure to humans soon after birth, they can be excellent pets and protection, being extremely loyal to their master. They're actually kind of cute when they're not trying to tear you limb from limb with their teeth... Mirelurks Mirelurks are the mutated descendants of crabs. Their meat is very tasty and highly nutritious, but hard to obtain due to how dangerous Mirelurks are. They often live near water, and will readily attack anything that threatens their territory. Mirelurks are heavily protected with natural armor, with the exception of their small face. They seem to be partially aware of their face's weakness, as they will lower their head when charging. Added to the danger, they're very hard to sneak around, as they can sense you with echolocation through a clicking noise they make. Mirelurk Hunters have a brownish tint as opposed to the usual white-grey, and have an extra two unused arms. They are significantly stronger than regular Mirelurks. Mirelurk Kings Mirelurk Kings are kept separate for clarity, as well as for the necessary picture for comparison. Rather than crabs, Mirelurk Kings are mutated descendants of snapping turtles. They act as brood leaders to regular Mirelurks, likely through some sort of symbiotic relationship. They do not have the Mirelurk's armored carapace, but make up for it with a long-range sonic screech that can disable the target with intense mental pain. Catfish Mirelurks Mirelurks mutated from catfish. Unlike Mirelurk Kings who freely live with regular Mirelurks, these guys are loners, and never associate with other Mirelurk species. They are generally passive, but will engage in combat if provoked. They are insanely strong in the physical aspect, but move very slowly on land, pretty much shuffling along the ground at a slow pace. You will rarely ever find more than one in any given spot, but Catfish Mirelurks have been known to scare off the fish in the bodies of water they live in. Radtoads Radtoads are oversized mutated toads, about the size of a bean bag chair (the modern kind, not like back in the good old days when they were huge). They are fairly harmless, only capable of ramming you or whipping you with their tongues, neither of which hurt much. Mutant Crocodiles Mutant Crocodiles are bipedal crocodiles found near freshwater water sources, especially in wetland areas. They are insanely physically strong, and their jaws can easily bite through steel. Though usually found alone, they are sometimes found in groups of two to three. Some are seen wearing shorts and other clothing, which leads one to wonder if they are more intelligent than they appear... Komodo Dragons Komodo Dragons are giant mutated lizards. Despite the "dragon" in their name, they cannot breathe fire. Fairly strong and resistant to damage, but there are bigger threats out in the Wasteland. Geckos Geckos are large, mutated lizards. They come in three varieties. Little Geckos are the normal variety, prized for their skin. Golden Geckos are the more beautiful, but also more deadly, variation of Gecko. They are often found near toxic waste, which they lick up. Their skin is much more valuable than that of the Little Geckoes. The Fire Geckos are the most dangerous variety, able to breathe fire due to chemicals combined in their gun. Their skin is much too mangy and burnt to be of any value. Yao Guai Yao Guai are one of the fastest, strongest, deadliest, and hardest to kill beasts you'll find in the wasteland. One of the few exceptions is Deathclaws. These creatures are mutated descendants of pre-war wild bears. Despite not being as deadly as Deathclaws, they have another factor that might possibly make them even more dangerous: They usually hunt in pairs. Two Yao Guai can be even more dangerous than a single Deathclaw. And Yao Guai are completely hostile to anything not of their own species. They are even willing to blindly attack a Deathclaw. It is worth noting, however, that they can be tamed. Very few people can, or are willing to, though. If tamed, they make excellent protectors, as they can overpower almost any threat the average traveler may come across. A Yao Guai can decimate a party of Raiders with just a few perfectly treatable injuries. They are also fiercely loyal to whoever tamed them. Not to mention having a Yao Guai devotedly follow you around is one of the greatest marks of a wasteland badass. If near a subdued Yao Guai, one can hear it wheezing. It can be assumed that the species suffers from breathing problems. There are some rumors that the mutation left Yao Guai with a life span of several hundred years, but proof of this is rare... Deathclaws Ferocious creatures created through genetic engineering. They are fast, strong, and have dangerously sharp and large claws. None can outrun one, and few can take one down on their own. Deathclaws tend to gather in loose packs, centered around a matriarch, who lays and fiercely guards all of the eggs. The matriarch is bigger, stronger, faster, and can send a grown man flying with a single strike. Wild Deathclaws are impossible to tame, but are generally friendly when young. The Deathclaw young are usually kept safe in their dens, but are dangerous in their own right, able to move surprisingly quickly, jump right onto an enemy's head, and maul him to death with their sharp little claws. The sight of a young Deathclaw charging toward you at breakneck speeds can be quite terrifying. Unlike the Yao Guai, Deathclaws thankfully hunt individually. Gehennae Gehennae are hideous, horribly mutated creatures that appear to be made of oil and tar. They are vaguely human-shaped, a bit larger than a human, and their only notable feature is the two glowing yellow spheres set into their heads like eyes. The flames sputtering across their bodies make their melee strikes dangerous, but one must watch out for the toxic fumes they breathe onto you. Luckily, they are quite mindless, and cannot spot targets that are standing still or moving slowly. They are only found in places like oil rigs and areas that have been on fire for a very long time. When killed, Gehennae collapse into a smoky pile of black goo. Molechs Molechs are heavily irradiated and even more horribly mutated Gehennae. They are more monstrous: Taller; thicker legs; more solid skin; no arms; a very long, thin, prehensile neck with a snapping jaw on the end; no visible eyes; and glowing green spheres protruding all over its body. They mainly attack by biting at you with their mouths and spraying toxic bile from their green spheres. Don't try standing still or moving slowly around them: It likely won't work. They're only found in areas with Gehennae, but are much more rare. Trogs Trogs are humans that have devolved into quadrupedal savages that fear the light, attacking any that enter their caves. Easily recognizable due to their lack of hair, lack of skin, and elongated and flexible arms and legs. Trogs are extremely fast on their four limbs, but thankfully can be escaped from if you can make it to a brightly-lit place. You can also fend them off with a flashlight or other light source. Centaurs Centaurs are a result of the Forced Evolutionary Virus, and serve as guard dogs to Super Mutants. Their three long, prehensile tongues are their main weapon. Floaters Another creature resulting from the Forced Evolutionary Virus, Floaters are mutated flatworm-like creatures that use noxious gasses stored in bladders to float above the ground. The gasses, however, make them highly flammable, and they will ignite if they are hit with fire or energy weapons. Highly intelligent, they are usually found in packs with Centaurs, commanding them in search parties when a Super Mutant is not there to do so. Wanamingos Strange mutant creatures resulting from FEV experiments, these creatures resemble the head of the titular extra-terrestrial from the movie Alien, achieving movement with two legs and interactability with two long tentacles from the back of it's head. They aren't intelligent beyond a hive-mind mentality, focusing on a larger queen that lays eggs. Wanamingos are fast and highly durable, making them quite dangerous.
  13. {Factions} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/Med-X_FO3.jpg In general, the largest threat to travelers are vicious dogs and mutated animals. There are also the occasional cannibalistic hunters. Other dangers in more select locations are feral Ghouls and hostile Super Mutants. Deathclaws and the mutated bear-like Yao Guai, though rarer, are difficult to kill, and very deadly. What follows is a list of the major groups a Wasteland wanderer will come across. Most organizations that had previously been disbanded have reformed. Others that were fairly small ten years ago have spread their roots and expanded. Enclave A group almost entirely composed of Humans that claims to be the remnants of and true government of the United States. Their “President” broadcasts radio signals, and they have robots patrol the wastelands, eradicating feral or mutated animals to make things somewhat safer. Despite these good deeds, they are quite purist, and believe anyone born outside the Enclave to be impure or “mutated”. They are more hostile than the Brotherhood of Steel, but as long as you don’t do anything to draw mass attention to yourself, you should be fine. Brotherhood of Steel The Brotherhood of Steel is a group of descendants of the U.S. military, focused on the acquisition of technology. All dress in uniform power armor, and often employ robots. They are generally friendly so long as you stay on their good side and do not get in their way. However, they dislike Ghouls, and will shoot on sight of a Super Mutant. Someone they trust might be able to vouch for a member of either race. New California Republic The “official” government of the West Coast, dedicated to unifying the post-apocalyptic country with a new, stable government. They haven’t really count on in the East Coast region. The Institute A group of relatively peaceful scientists that engage in scientific and technological pursuits in bases originating in the Commonwealth. Their technology is quite advanced, and most new robots and even androids are created by them. They are mainly peaceful, but do have robots to protect them should they come under attack. The Railroad A group dedicated to freeing slaves, both human, Ghoul, and android. Talon Company A company of professional mercenaries. They attack anyone with a bounty on their head, and most people go directly to them for a hired assassination. They take any job, whether they’re killing someone important or not, and whether the person they’re killing has done anything wrong or not. So long as you don’t piss anyone off, you should be relatively safe from them. The Regulators A group of peacekeepers that populate the wastes. Easily recognizable due to their cowboy dusters and cowboy hats, they will give rewards for the killing of whoever they deem to be a major disturber of the peace. There is usually one member of the group in every town or settlement. Littlehorn & Associates A firm of contract killers that specializes in only dealing with the methodical assassinations of important public figures and those engaged in charitable work. They’re the most reclusive of the wasteland factions. Their leader states that his men are everywhere, but you would never know it if you met one. Temple of the Union An organization of freed or escaped slaves that have banded together as a family out of a common past. They seek to create a haven for all escaped or freed slaves. They operate outside the Lincoln Memorial, chosen because President Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. They practically worship the guy... Slavers Slavers capture people and sell them as slaves to anyone willing to buy, so long as they have the caps. They aren’t as common as Raiders, with only a few scattered bases across the Wasteland. But still, be weary of them. Raiders Raiders are the number one Human threat to residents of the wasteland. They will attack anyone who is not one of them on sight, kill them, and steal their valuables. They collect into loose groups and factions, generally forming bases wherever convenient. They often pillage small towns, but avoid larger towns where they are outnumbered and have no element of surprise. If you see a Raider, either prepare to run, or prepare to stay and fight. The Family The Family is a group of cannibals who believe themselves to not be Human, but rather a human-like race that cannot handle the sun and must drink blood as opposed to consuming human flesh. They accept the term “Vampires” for lack of a better word. Not every “Vampire” is a member of the Family, but many are. Members of the Family generally will exchange blood packs with towns and settlements in exchange for their services, usually protecting the town from Raiders and other threats. Vampires not of the Family still freely attack Humans for their blood.
  14. {Races} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/Chem_Rad-X.png In the wake of the atomic blasts, new races have been formed due to mutation and radiation. They are summarized here. Humans Humans are those that’ve remained largely unaltered by the light background radiation of the wastes. They’re the most plentiful species in this post-apocalyptic world, but also the most basic and least adapted to this dangerous environment. Some Humans become cannibals, but many of these cannibals have formed The Family, feeding on human blood instead of human flesh. They believe themselves not to be human at all, but are instead “Vampires”, which they accept due to lack of a better word. They never go out in the sun, and luckily only feed on blood packs from people willing to donate to them for their services. There are still rogues who freely feed on people, though... All ages and ethnicities are welcome in this RP, from Caucasian to Native American, from child to elder. Ghouls Ghouls are humans who had their flesh decayed by radiation. They age slowly and the oldest are a little older than two hundred years old. They’re sterile, so most are either from before the war, or were Humans who were later exposed to radiation in a way to rot their flesh and turn them into creatures similar in appearance to zombies. Ghouls, being created from radiation, are completely immune to radiation, and are even healed by it. They tend to speak with a raspy voice, and face discrimination from Humans. Oddly, hostile Super Mutants never attack Ghouls unless provoked. The reason for this remains unexplained. Some Ghouls have become living conduits of radiation, actually producing it from their body, and giving off a green glow. Naturally, these “Glowing Ones” are harmful to humans due to their radiation emission, and are even considered odd among regular Ghouls. Friendly Glowing Ones comment that radiation feels “comfortably warm”. Super Mutants Super Mutants are humans that have grown hulking and monstrous due to being dipped in FEV, or the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Super Mutants possess massive physical strength, a hulking size, thick skin, and are almost completely immune to radiation, but most hostile ones have limited intelligence outside of battle logic. Some Super Mutants are friendly, usually due to being exposed to large amounts of information from civilized society. But even friendly Super Mutants face intense discrimination due to the problems that the hostile Super Mutants cause, attacking Human settlements, carrying off people, and dipping them in FEV to make more Super Mutants. This is necessary, as Super Mutants are sterile. Robots Robots are sentient machines built by engineers to make the lives of Humans easier, be it through help with daily living, or combat ability. Most of the present-day robots are relics of pre-war America. Androids Androids are highly advanced robots that are built exclusively by The Institute, a technologically advanced organization originating in the Commonwealth. They are built with a human shape, and can even look human. They are much more independent than their Mr. Handy brethren, and many have run away from their creators to lead secret lives like a Human. Their intricate systems normally have little room for built-in weapons, but their robotic bodies make them deadly with firearms and melee weapons. But pulse weapons like pulse guns, pulse rifles, pulse grenades, and pulse mines can be very damaging to an android. Cyborgs Cyborgs aren’t officially confirmed in canon sources. Just a Perk in Fallout 3 used as a terminator reference, which doesn’t change your appearance or anything. The closest we have in the Fallout universe are cybernetic implants from the Commonwealth, like the Wired Reflexes Perk you get from the Replicated Man quest. But I want the players to have fun. So I say: Go for it! Just show some restraint, m’kay? Don’t go overboard, and don’t make too many Cyborgs. I’m allowing something clearly non-canon. I don’t expect my lenience to be abused. Got it? ^_^ Oh, and cyborgs are hurt by pulse weapons like androids, just not as much. It’ll depend mostly on where the cyborg parts are and how many there are. A cyborg character with cybernetic parts in their head would probably get a concussion from a pulse weapon. Animals Most of the animals of the world have been mutated by the atomic bombs. Cockroaches have grown gigantic as Radroaches, with something similar happening with Radscorpions and the mutated Bloatfly. Plentiful naked mole rats have powerful teeth and claws, willing to attack live prey. All cows have sprouted a second head, becoming Brahmin, used for milk, meat, and as oxen by people across the wasteland. Dogs, strangely enough, have been largely unaltered by the nuclear fallout. Dogs are highly valued by wastelanders for their senses and protection. Some people have even managed to tame mole rats (after a declawing, deteething, and lobotomy) and yao guai (mutated bears). Most other animals, such as cats, have gone extinct. Aliens Aliens have visited our planet in the past. They wield alien energy weapons, and have next to no physical ability, relying exclusively on their advanced technology. Only one character of this race will be allowed. Intelligent Deathclaws A result of experiments by the Enclave, these Deathclaws are intelligent and civilized, even able to speak the human tongue. Deathclaws don’t have vocal chords, but are able to mimic speech much the way that a parrot does. Most just aren’t intelligent enough to do so. Intelligent ones are still just as ferocious as wild Deathclaws. Only one character of this race will be allowed, but tame baby Deathclaws can be allowed as pets. Cyberdogs Cyberdogs are dogs that are outfitted with mechanized parts. This can range from a bit of plating and robotics limbs all the way to enhanced intelligence to the point of full human speech. Rather than a pet, a character of this race will count as a character slot, due to a cyberdog being able to speak the human language. An exception may be given depending on the set up of the cyberdog character. But only one cyberdog will be allowed.
  15. {World} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/Rad_Away_FO3.png The vast land of the Unites States of America had been reduced to a barren wasteland. Few plants grow aside from dry shrubs. The water is contaminated and radiated in most places where Project Purity was not enacted. The remains of the once great modern society are crumbling and looted. Mutated animals like mole rats, giant cockroaches, giant scorpions, and other large insects roam the lands. Deathclaws, though rare, prove a reliable killer of wastelanders. Few can live here, and the remains of the once great human race have huddled together in towns, settlements, and hubs of trade. The story of the Outlaws will start in Washington D.C., now known as the “Capital Wasteland”, but their caravan is fated to move across the U.S. with little but a pack Brahmin named Bessie. Eventually the Outlaws will acquire a mechanical land vehicle capable of traversing the wastelands. But for now, they must proceed on foot, not knowing where they’re going until they reach it.
  16. {Rules} http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/Stimpak_FO3.png * Literacy. Not just the ability to read and write. It also means you must be able to type a decent-sized post (three sentences would be ideal) but we can understand writer’s block. You can't speak chatspeak. I can handle the occasional typo or error, but try to use proper punctuation and grammar. Use a past-tense, third-person format of storytelling. * No godmodding, a.k.a. powerplaying. This means that characters take injuries and have a limited supply of blood and ammunition. They have limited stamina and grow tired from extended activity. They are not immune to pain, and will falter or lose their focus when in a lot of pain. No one-hit kills. No taking down armies single-handedly without breaking a sweat. They can’t dodge every strike, and need to take even a minor scratch sometimes. * Don’t use pictures of canon characters from any of the Fallout games as the appearance for your character. Using pictures of canon characters from other franchises is frowned upon, but not against the rules. * Keep it PG-17. Any sexual acts can't progress very far past second base. Otherwise, they must be taken to the PMs. Cursing is fine if it's within the character’s personality to do so or fits the situation. This may change depending on what the moderators say (whether they give lenience or strictness). * No fighting. If you get in a disagreement with someone, take it to the PMs. Your characters can fight, of course. I just want the players to get along. If the disagreement is related to something in the RP, I can act as an impartial mediator. If I am unable to help, I will call the moderators for their assistance. * I, Cyberweasel89 am the Gamemaster. What I say, goes. You will respect me and follow my directions, suggestions, and rules. My power is not that of a dictator, so you are free to explain yourself and appeal to any of my decisions. If this is abused, however, I will eject you from this RP. Not all Gamemasters are willing to make their leadership a democracy. * Auto-Hitting is what is known on the Nexus as "power posing". It is when a player’s character is fighting another player’s character, and their attack is stated to hit the other character by the one who initiated it. This is one of the cardinal rules of RPing. You cannot state that your attack hit. You can only state that your attack was initiated. It is up to the opponent to decide whether your attack hit. This, however, is easy to abuse, as characters will often end up dodging attacks that are otherwise difficult to avoid, and on a constant basis. If this is the case, and a character goes too long without taking a hit, I will step in as Gamemaster and state that an attack hit. This judgement is absolute, but it can be appealed with good reason. Hopefully, however, this rule won’t be used, as I do not expect any player character vs. player character fights, unless two characters get in an in-character argument. * No killing off other characters without permission from the character’s player. This includes crippling, scarring, and breaking someone else’s weapon, shield, armor, or clothing. * You can have more than one character. But no more than two or possibly three when exceptions are permissible. Otherwise, some characters will get sidelined. Animals or pets of characters don't count as a character slot. * Three posts a week would be ideal, but we can understand if you can’t manage it. * If you want to leave the RP, tell me over PMs. When you leave, we'll control your character in a limited fashion long enough to set up them leaving or dying in an appropriate manner. * You are not allowed to roleplay as key characters from the Fallout series. Only original characters. * All races from Fallout are playable. This includes Humans, Ghouls, Super Mutants, robots, androids, and animals. Even Aliens, albeit I’ll only allow one. * Characters are free to wield any weapon you want them to wield, be it a firearm, modern melee weapon, or even old melee weapons like swords. Just be prepared to give an explanation of how they got it. * The Outlaws will start out with just a makeshift caravan with a single pack Brahmin, but will later acquire a mechanical vehicle. * Almost any kind of picture is allowed for your character. Anime, CG, or drawing. You can also give a detailed description of your character instead. Pictures of real people are not allowed. If the picture you supply is not colored, be prepared to, at the very least, describe your character’s colors. * PM me your profiles, please. Don't post until you're accepted. I cannot stress this enough. Do not post until you are accepted. Not even if you have a comment, suggestion, or just want to put the topic in your post list for later. Do not post until I have given you permission through an accepted character profile. * Romance is encouraged, but isn't the main theme of the RP. But when traveling together with a group of people, enduring hardships and good times with them, connections are bound to happen. * This RP will not be non-stop action. There are two sides to every story. There’s the conflict and climaxes. And then there’s the downtime and focus on character relationships and interactions. This RP will consist of both. If you want this RP to purely be a constant rush to the next bit of action, leave now. If you can’t handle your characters interacting with other people, please leave. * If you have any questions on something I didn't make clear, or if you have a suggestion about a change to this RP, PM me. I'm very friendly and quite lenient (despite what you’ve gathered from the rules so far). I would readily make any change or addition, so long as it's reasonable. * If you have a profile to send to me, title your PM "SPECIAL" so I know you read the rules. If you have a suggestion, title the PM "Perks". If you have a question, title the PM "Skill Points". Failure to do so will result in immediate rejection from this RP, though I will inform you of this and give you a chance to plead your case. * As a fan of the Fallout series since the original, I will be making the occasional reference to Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and sometimes the spinoffs like Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel. If you require more information on Fallout not listed here, such as the chems/drugs and types of enemies present, feel free to visit The Vault, the Fallout Wiki. It’s not necessary, but it’s fun. * As corny and cliché as it sounds, have fun. That’s the point of roleplaying, isn’t it? I mean, why weave an epic story when you can’t have fun?
  17. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b110/Cyberweasel89/800px-WastelandPicture.jpg F A L L O U T The Promised Land C O N T E N T S {Introduction} {Rules} {World} {Races} {Factions} {Creatures} {Chems} {Crew} {Profile Skeleton} Character List located here In 2077 the world faced the worst crisis humanity could ever believe: Total Nuclear War. It was the shortest war in the history of mankind, but had the longest effects on human life ever. Two hundred and ten years after the war, the effects of the nuclear crisis still rage on: though the land is safe to once again live off of, and though Project Purity has purified the water on the East Coast, the soil, food, and beasts are still moderately irradiated, making return to normality near impossible. Beasts have evolved into mutated beings from overexposure to radiation in the past 210 years; some humans have become disfigured, scarred, turned into Ghouls; cannibals eat human flesh, while others have become vampiric-like men, drinking human blood to survive; mercenaries are heavy; Super Mutants are deadly; malfunctioning robots; Feral Ghouls with no humanity left to speak of; and of course Raiders - those humans who raid towns and steal whatever they can to survive - are only a small part of the dangers humanity can face in these times, but as if this wasn't all bad enough, it takes place within what was once considered the greatest country on Earth: The United States of America. The Wasteland is a terrible and harsh place, only the strong can possibly survive, travelers need beware. But in the worst darkness humanity has ever faced is a small ember of shining hope, a distant, far fetched story that one could only pray for - a fairy tale, passed from Generation to Generation over the 210 years of nuclear fallout, in it, speaks of a new land: a land where water is pure, the ground is green and lively, animals are mutation-free and safe, and radiation is non-existent in this land. To those who hear it, this land is their Promised Land. Though through the years, the believability of such a place has waned, no one could rightfully say in this era of pain, misery, and total suffering, such a heavenly place could thrive, most pass it off as a beacon of hope parents speak to their children, to show them that perhaps, one day, life can move on and thrive into a better future. But as with any folktale, there are those who, despite the odds of such a place, truly believe in it, or wish for it so much they cannot bring themselves to not believe. Those people, those very few people who have nothing but a strong imagination and large hope for tomorrow's bright future, traverse the Wasteland in their caravan, in search of this Promised Land so that they could create a safe haven from the atomic wasteland. These Outlaws, as they are known, travel the Wasteland and their dangers on foot, detouring along any town or hub they can find in hopes of additional information leading to the end of their search. The Outlaws, believed to be nothing but crazy dreamers searching for the end of a rainbow, are not well-received in their stops of information gathering. While often called little more than "outcasts" by those they meet, these Outlaws continue, pressing forward on their search for this Promised Land, taking on any straggler with no better place to go, who would often succumb to the dangers of the Wasteland...and vanish, never to be known. This is the story of these Outlaws, their travels to find the Promised Land and the people they meet, that they fight, that they must kill to survive. The Wasteland is a harsh place, cruelty knows no end here, but if you find yourself daring to take the risk, to join these band of misfits into finding what could be the spark in a new, brighter tomorrow, then welcome...to the Outlaws.
  18. I'm well aware of this. I use "30" as the first two digits for one of the codes. It says "30" for both the FOMM order and the FO3edit. It still gives me the message. In other words, that's not the problem. Thank you for your help, though. ^_^
  19. Hi. No matter what I do, the Console Command "player.additem" isn't working. I type in "player.additem", followed by the ID, followed by the amount, then the "100" that isn't necessary, but I add it anyone since that's how I learned to do it and it's become a habit. And no matter what item I want to add, I always get this message: Now, I'm well aware that this means I got the ID wrong. But I've done it again and again with multiple items, checking and double checking, and the ID is always correct. But the Console tells me otherwise. And this isn't my first time using the Console. I'm a bit of a Console angel. I've used it thousands of times. And this is the first time this has happened. I have no idea what's going on... Can a problem with a mod cause this? Doesn't seem possible... Anyway, if anyone can help me, please, that would be great.
  20. Okay, so I've tracked down the enlarged breasts to a particular set of outfits in Ling's Finer Things. They occur in a set of items called "Hot C" swimsuits or "C Swimsuits". They also occur in the "Body Suit: BerryHD Nude" and "Body Suit: Hot C Nude". The "Hot C" swimsuits appear to be made by Backsteppo. I commented on the mod containing these swimsuits and I plan to send him a PM, but I don't expect an answer... I looked up "Hot C" in a search on the Nexus, and all that came up were some Combat Shotgun mods. I guess now we play the waiting game, unless anyone wants to step forward with information... Until then, this remains a mystery...
  21. Poor choice of words, I assure you. I meant my question is not out of sexual perversion in this case. Admittedly, though I was hesitant to state this out of appropriateness and the need for credibility, I am quite interested in a mesh for this "Berry" labeled body mesh that seems not to be Berry. Cyberweasel89 want big boobies for her character... I personally believe that any human being, no matter how "straight" they claim to be, has some degree of bisexuality in them. Or, at the very least, curiousity. That includes myself, though I am not a lesbian, nor am I strictly bisexual. As for the "people look alike to me" matter, I am afraid that I disagree. People tend to look alike to me, as well. I'm face blind. I usually tell people apart by their hair. So a simple thing like a haircut can make me fail to recognize someone, provided that I don't know them extremely well (such as family members). Now, I can tell people apart if their right next to each other. But if I meet them later, I won't recall their faces. So it's more a matter of recalling faces than being able to see faces, so I'm not strictly "face blind" in the most severe sense, but it still qualifies as "face blind". Now, back to the matter at hand: Any idea what's with this altered Berry mesh? And now that I'm no longer hiding it, where can I get ahold of this altered Berry mesh?
  22. Now, I have a question, but don't take this the wrong way, since I'm a girl. But... With the abundance of nude mods, it was a tough call on whether to go with Type3 for the plethora of clothing mods, or the Exnem or Malo body replacers required for Malika and the gypsy clothing. I ultimately went with the "DIMONIZED TYPE3 Female Body Replacer". Now, in the images on the mod's page, and in the game itself, the Berry model of Type3 has slightly smaller breasts than the Cali model. As a girl who is "blessed" in real life, I chose Cali, though I was also influenced by most Type3 clothing befitting Cali, as well as a toin coss. But when I downloaded the Type3 clothing mod "A Type3 Store: Ling's Finer Things", I found that some of the clothing, and even a bodysuit to mimic the nude form of a different Type3 mesh, was labeled as "Berry". But when I wore these "Berry" items, the breasts were much larger than Cali's, as well as differently shaped than the breasts of Cali, Alice, or regular Berry. Overall, they were far larger, and much less round. I'm just wondering what the deal is with this. Did Berry go through a breast reduction at one point by the creator of Type3? Or did someone mess with his work to make her breasts larger? I have contacted the creator of Type3 and the one who compiled Ling's Finer Things in hopes of unraveling this mystery. However, as I lack an answer from either of them, I am wondering if the answer lies within the forum goers who know a bit of the lore behind Type3. And thus, I post the query here. Again, I'm a girl. My question is not asked out of sexual perversion.
  23. Okay, I did some digging and I found this: Several of the armors in the mod causing the ! box make reference to an Object Effect/Enchantment called: EnchClothingHeadSunGuard "Head gear" [ENCH:00071B88] But the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch changed the ID for the Object Effect/Enchantment to: EnchClothingShadySunGuard "Shady Hat" [ENCH:0007C17A] Now, despite this change in the name of the Object Effect/Enchantment's ID code, the mod causing the ! box still says the first one. Would that affect it and cause a ! box? I hope not, because the mod causing this problem won't let me edit what Object Effect/Enchantment it uses. No matter how many times I change "Head gear" to "Shady Hat", it just goes right back to "Head gear". Any confirmation or help? It'd be very appreciated.
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