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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. Thanks so much! And.... sorry it took so long to find this. My request topics usually get ignored, so I didn't expect a response. Heh... Now I won't confuse Star Paladin Cross with other Brotherhood members when she's wearing the helmet I give her. :)
  2. Nuuuu! We can't let this idea die!
  3. Uhhh... no comment. Why? ....... *sigh* Because I have REALLY unusual taste in men. My ideal guy? Scrawny. Sweet. Respectful. Yet not afraid to protect me, stand up for me against his friends, or take charge of a situation when I'm lost. One who finds me beautiful when I don't. Who doesn't think my boobs are disgusting... Yeah, I like sensitive guys. Aside from a scrawny build, I'm not too particular with appearance. Just... the voice, the damn voice... it needs to be smexy. Like Thane from Mass Effect 2. Or Chopin from Eternal Sonata. Or Haji from Blood+. I'm a huge soundophile. Like the sound of kissing. It really, um... yeah. Now, aside from the ideal guy... that's in real life. In fiction... My tastes are quite broad. But I tend to not go for the... shall we say... smooth fictional characters. I tend to take a liking to the ones who are... um... well, a bit of a social mess. Like Josh from Being Human. I didn't go for Aidan the smooth vampire. I went for Josh the werewolf. Not just because he ends up naked frequently due to his werewolf transformations... That's part of it, I admit... but he's totally neurotic. That... and I prefer werewolves over vampires in general. Yeah... I'm not much help, am I? See, this is why I would've rather not made a comment. My taste in men is weird and all over the place. I do agree on one thing someone said, though.... Why does Arcade have to be gay? NUUUUUUU!!! I will never forgive Obsidian for that! Actually, Arcade's the hottest male follower in NV in my book... He's witty, but... not exactly a social silver tongue. FO3 gave me Charon... but that's for a whole other reason. A strong, powerful guy so hopelessly devoted to your every whim... *swoons* That's why I loved Haji from Blood+. Oh well. I'll always have my fanfiction. FCourier x Ulysses, Boone x Cass, Veronica x Christine, and Arcade x Chalk. X3 Oh, and maybe Raul x Lily if I'm in a weird mood. >XD I've read an MCourier x Sunny that was pretty good, though... and the FCourier x Beagle in my fic is turning out surprisingly well, albeit it's only a short-term romance. I'm even hinting toward some FCourier x Victor. Metal fever, yay! =D While I'm at it... Fallout 3... FLW x Charon, FLW x Fawkes, MLW x Sarah Lyons. Really, that last pairing is the only reason I'd read an MLW fic. Crap, I totally went way off topic. DX
  4. @TehBuddha: Wow, seriously? Looks awesome! Thanks so much! Oh, in Fallout 2, when given the Cybernetic Brain, Skynet's supercomputer databases allow it to function as a sniper and a scientist. So I'm thinking Skynet could help the player bypass locked-out computers, or at least aid in hacking. And that's also why I mentioned the long-range rifles from earlier. I think the Gauss Rifle, as an Energy Weapons sniper rifle, would be perfect, but options are important. Though... I'm not sure how tagged skills work for companions classified as "Creatures"... @Klipperken: Exactly! My favorite followers from Fallout 2 were Marcus, Cassidy, and Skynet. Falllout: New Vegas has Marcus and Cassidy's daughter Cass... but what's Skynet been up to since traveling with the Chosen One?
  5. My apologies. I definitely I should've clarified. And I probably should have picked up on the misunderstanding sooner. I should've clarified it was a knowledge of the subject, not an understanding of the subject. Because... as has been said, that'd be unsettling, to say the last... In mod developments, there's actually data unused in the game files for ghoulified children. I'm thinking maybe the Courier finds Rocket somewhere in the wasteland where an explosives expert could find work, like Sloan and Quarry Junction, having left Nellis after a Fat Man accident left her a ghoul. I mean, the Boomers are about the only NPCs in the game who use Fat Mans. If there's one thing I rarely see and wish there was more of, it's female ghoul companions. And this would allow the Courier to recruit her earlier than if she was recruited at Nellis at the end of Volare. Assuming the player takes the hints from the people at Goodsprings, they'll be heading to New Vegas through Sloan and Quarry Junction after completing Boulder City. Oh, and I like the idea of her being able to blow open containers. Might be a bit tricky to implement for a companion, but it'd certainly make her unique. And developing explosives was something I had in mind early on, but I was thinking just Powder Charges, Time Bombs, and Bottlecap Mines. Maybe add-ons for the Fire Bombs and Gas Bombs of Honest Hearts and Dead Money. But perhaps she could craft explosive ammunition and regular mines and grenades with the right materials. I've got an idea for a real name thought. There's a lot of people of Chinese descent in the Fallout series, but the only Japanese person I can think of is Doctor Usanagi. So I looked into some meanings of Japanese words, and I'm thinking... Hanabi Shiranui. Hanabi is "fireworks", while shiranui is... something about a bright glow, I think. I dunno, I don't know the language. "Rocket" can probably be what she calls herself now that she's a ghoul. It seems they tend to change their name anyway, like Snowflake in Underworld. I doubt his real name was Snowflake.
  6. Ah... Documn brought something to my attention... I think you're all misunderstanding my choice of words. She's just a sarcastic deadpan snarker prone to making dirty jokes. You can't assume the worst like "What a *censored*. Can't charm her? Just give her a finger up the c*** and she'll be bendin' to your will in no time. Or are you too much of a virgin?", or "So then the c** spills all over the floor, and I'm like, again?! If ya know what I mean". I'm thinking more like... "Veronica? So she's afraid to show off her hair, right? Just yank it down and expose her neat trim. Flashing is great for curing anyone's shyness, ya know?" Or... "That guy needs to get laid. Whatever that means." Or... "Cass got mad at you for Jetting again? I guess you haven't gotten that far with her, huh?...... What? Raquel said the same thing to Jack about Janet when he walked in on her in the bathroom." Oh, got another one. Might be too dirty even for Rocket, though. "I heard an awesome one, dude. So... what is the sound of two hands fapping, anyway?....... Why does everyone stare at me like that when I say that one?"
  7. Sigh... Trollers... Now no one will take this mod idea seriously...
  8. What about South Park? Plenty of children making sexual comments in that. They sure didn't avoid it there.
  9. Nah, not ED-E's repair. Probably just some Energy Cells and a high enough Science skill. And no, you wouldn't need a new brain for Skynet. You can't get any better than the Cybernetic Brain, while the Bio-Med Gel it's submerged in insures it heals any damage dealt to it. But we'd need some way for a Robobrain model to wield weapons, specifically long-range rifles like the Hunting Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and Gauss Rifle. And possibly a retexture to add a layer of dirt and some rust.
  10. If anyone's played Fallout 2, they might remember Skynet. The supercomputer who refers to himself in the third person. A poor little AI who just wants to get out and explore the world to collect data. All it needs is a cybernetic brain to download into and a robobrain body to move around in. Now, we know Skynet was around during the Chosen One's travels... but who's to say he's not still hanging around the wasteland? As a supercomputer AI in a robot body, he's essentially immortal. Who's to say he didn't make his way to the Mojave Desert after parting ways with the Chosen One? Well... we already have Robobrains in Fallout: New Vegas. It'd just take some companion scripting and possibly an electronic voice reader. Maybe a retexture to make the Robobrain look dirty and rusty. Afterall, Skynet's been traveling for decades since his adventures with the Chosen One. The only thing I see as a problem is... we'd need a set of custom Robobrain animations so Skynet would be able to wield weapons given to him... The Courier could probably run into him deactivated somewhere, and needs, I dunno, Fission Batteries, Conductors, Sensor Modules, Scrap Metal, and Scrap Electronics to get him back in working order, or something. Might be too similar to how ED-E is acquired, so maybe just re-activate him with some Energy Cells and a high enough Science skill. I was super psyched that Marcus was in Fallout: New Vegas (and with his original voice actor too! *fangirl squeal*), but what about Skynet? It's possible he's still around, right? Anyone else think this'd be an epic blast from the past?
  11. So...... you're saying a ten year old, who grew in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, can in no way be precocious for her age? And.... you're saying that a ten year old, who grew up as one of the Boomers, a group of vault dwellers who specialize in massive firearms and high explosives, can in no way be an expert in the field her ancestral people specialize in? Well, if you say so. While the point of her is that she's an explosives expert, we'll have to do without the silver tongue. No references to sex, as unrealistic as I find that. I really can't imagine her being a deadpan snarker without immature sex jokes, insult humor, comments dripping with cruel sarcasm, and a foul mouth. Does anyone have suggestions for a new personality? I think we should go for something different. Cheerful or shy isn't something I recall in the past two Fallout games. But as has been wisely said, we're clearly forgetting the setting here. Kids don't grow up in a post-apocalyptic wasteland the same way they grow up in 1950s timeless quasi-futuristic organized society. In further developments, she needs a real name, even if it only comes up in dialogue. Since none of the vanilla companions are Asian, and I love ethnic diversity, it would function well. Any ideas for an Asian name? I'd offer some, but I don't want to be accused of being a weeaboo.
  12. Is there a male version of that mod for the ladies?
  13. Hi. Is there a version of the Bouncing Breasts mod that doesn't make the outfits so unrealistically exposing? I mean, I love boobs and skin, but the outfits are pretty absurd. I'd prefer just some cleavage alteration.
  14. First, I didn't say she HAS sex. She just knows what it is and shows some surprising knowledge of the subject. For example, some of her quips and jokes are sexual in nature. Second, I'm not a he. I'm a she. Third, I actually possess no ability to make this mod myself. I'm hoping someone can help me with it. Fallout 3 had Little Lamplight Secrets for the child companion Junior. I'm trying to see if a child companion for New Vegas can be made.
  15. I don't have the slightest clue how to use the GECK. And that one's a replacer. I'd prefer a non-replacer.
  16. Could someone please make a retextured version of Veronica's hood that goes with the red Brotherhood Scribe Robe?
  17. This mod that I hope to make is for a child companion. Specifically, a Mini-Boomer. Rocket is a Mini Boomer at Nellis Air Force Base. At first, she just wanders around the munitions storage, refusing to talk to the Courier. But when it becomes time to deploy the ballasts and raise the plane from the lake in the quest Volare!, Rocket goes with to help the Courier with the technical aspects of the task, and to ensure Boomer interests are maintained. Afterwards, she joins the Courier. Combat As Rocket is a child she is, sadly, set to essential no matter what you do. That is, unless you have a mod that makes children killable. Her Tag Skills are Explosives, Energy Weapons, and Guns. A form list ensures she will only wield Flamers, Gatling Lasers, and Plasma Casters for Energy Weapons, and Miniguns for Guns. All the explosives, be they thrown grenades or grenade launchers, can be wielded by her. She's an explosives expert. Her Perk while a companion, "Boomer Expertise", grants the Courier a boost to their Explosives skill, increasing the radius and range of thrown explosives, and providing some avoidance to traps. Equipment Rocket comes with a non-playable children's Boomer Jumpsuit and a non-playable Flamer that uses Magical Companion Ammo. She can equip any Explosives weapon and any heavy weapons categorized as Guns or Energy Weapons. Rocket also wears a unique non-playable Boomer Welding Mask that has the effect of the Hit the Deck! Perk, drastically reducing her damage from explosions, even her own, as well as boosting her Fire Resistance by 50%. Though non-playable, the Courier can ask her to remove it in dialogue if they would rather her face be visible. The slots of this unique Welding Mask are also altered so that it only takes up the mask and glasses slot, allowing her to still wear any hats the Courier puts in her inventory. Personality Rocket is quite mature for her age of 10, even remarking "ten's the new twenty" should the Courier question this. She is foul-mouthed, rough, coarse, and seems to have a surprising knowledge of sex for her age. Despite being a girl, she is very tomboyish. The only thing girly about her is the ribbons in her hair, which she says are just there to let others know she's a girl. (The ribbons are part of a child hairstyle.) Dialogue If supplied with the materials, Rocket can make Bottlecap Mines, Powder Charges, and Time Bombs without a Workbench, even before you find the Schematics. You can also ask her for her unique opinion on the eight vanilla followers after recruiting them the first time.
  18. Hi. There are two weapons I have a problem with in Dead Money. The Cosmic Knife Super-Heated and the Knife Spear Clean. I was psyched by the Cosmic Knife Clean. I was even more psyched when I saw I could make a Knife Spear Clean. But then how disappointed I was when the Knife Spear Clean looked identical to the normal, dirty Knife Spear. Then there's the fact that the Cosmic Knife Super-Heated doesn't look superheated at all. Shouldn't it be giving off a subtle red glow, or something? Is anyone skilled enough in textures to correct these? My favorite weapon from Dead Money, the Knife Spear Clean, is aesthetically displeasing...
  19. Ah. Thank you very much. I thought it was added later.
  20. Hmmm... Would I need to enter and re-enter a door to make the unchecking and re-checking visible? Because I've unchecked all my mods relating to Dead Money, and whenever I load my game, I'm still standing in front of the drainage grate to the abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker, and it's still sitting there.
  21. Hi. I played through the entirely of Dead Money. But I want to go back and redo it over again from the beginning, with a clean slate. But I don't want to start an entirely new game. Is it possible to reset the Dead Money quests with the console or using Testacles the Debug Centurion? I've considered just unchecking Dead Money, playing, saving, then checking Dead Money again. But I have a brother who plays the game as well, and he's right in the middle of the Sierra Madre. So I need something that would affect my file and my file alone. If this is in the wrong section, I'm sorry. There was new general New Vegas troubleshooting forum, and I didn't think a DLC counted as a mod.
  22. Fallout Wiki Return to Sender article Is anyone willing to fix this error?
  23. Hello. I love the food system of Fallout: New Vegas. Especially when compared to Fallout 3. But there's a few items I'd really like to see added. I have just such a mod in mind. It's in the early planning stages, and I still need someone who can make models and textures, but I could use ideas for foods, drinks, and chems to add to the game world with this mod. I'll list the ones that are approved in this post. If I like an idea, or if you present it well enough, I'll include it in this list for the final project. Discussion of any new ideas and already approved ones should help me flesh out the ideas. Keep in mind, ideas must be lore-friendly. Pre-War Packaged Foods Meat Jerky Model: A strip of browned meat Icon: A few strips of meat laid out Effect: Heal 1 HP for 80 seconds, +3 Rads, -100 Hunger Idea: Essentially an item for minimal healing over a long period of time. Inspiration: Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics Calorie Stick Model: Kinda like a Slim Jim Icon: Kinda like a Slim Jim Effect: Heal 1 HP, +3 Rads, -75 Hunger Idea: Essentially an easy-to-find, cheap, weightless item that's useless unless you're playing Hardcore mode. Inspiration: Original Cheezy Poofs Model: A box with a smiling man's face on it and the brand name "Cheezy Poofs". Preferably like Fallout 2. Icon: A box that says "Cheezy Poofs". Effect: Heal 1 HP for 10 seconds, +3 Rads, -15 Hunger Idea: The Fallout 2 item. Sometimes, albeit rarely, looted from Mole Rat corpses, presumably scavenged a little before their death. They love the stuff. Inspiration: Fallout 2 Pre-War Donuts Model: A box of pre-war donuts, the donuts viewable through the plastic window on the top and front of the box. Icon: Either a box, or a single donut. Effect: Heal 1 HP for 5 seconds, +3 Rads, -10 Hunger Idea: Often found with Coffee. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics Happy Pie Model: A round packet with two perferated sides and a smiley face on the front Icon: Same, but less detailed Effect: Heal 1 HP for 5 seconds, +3 Rads, -20 Hunger, +1 Luck for six minutes, +1 Charisma for six minutes Idea: Happy Pies make you happy. Being more optimistic gives you slightly better luck and disposition for a while. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics Choco-Bar Model: A chocolate bar Icon: A chocolate bar Effect: Heal 1 HP, +1 Rads, +5 AP for six minutes Idea: We have bubblegum and gum drops, but no chocolate? Inspiration: Original Note: +5 AP isn't much, but it lasts longer than most chems by x3 or x1.5. Cat Food Model: A short, stocky can Icon: A short, stocky can Effect: Heal 1 HP for 10 seconds, +3 Rads, -100 Hunger, -10 Thirst, -1 Endurance (four minutes) Idea: No cats. That cat food needs to be used for something, right? Thirst restore for the juices. Inspiration: FDA mod for Fallout 3 Note: Good in a hunger pinch, but -1 Endurance due to cat food being meant for feline digestive tracts, not humans'. Space Food Model: A rectangular block wrapped in a faded blue wrapper. Icon: Same, but open on one end to show the caramel block inside Effect: Heal 1 HP for five seconds, +25 Rads, -50 Hunger Idea: Essentially a block of freeze-dried nutrient-infused caramel, Space Food was marketed by Repconn as the next space-age edible goodie. It oddly absorbed a lot more rads from the holocaust than most foods. Inspiration: Original Military Ration Pellets Model: We can use the Healing Powder model Icon: We can use the Healing Powder icon Effect: Heal 1 HP, +1 Rads, -250 Hunger, +25 Thirst, -25 Sleepiness, x2 AP regeneration for eight minutes Idea: The U.S. government, when pressed to find ways to keep their soldiers fighting, produced these. Really nothing more than raw nutrients compressed into a marble-sized brown pellet, Military Ration Pellets taste awful, have an icky gritty texture when chewed, and make you want to wash down the bad taste with any liquid you can find. But they certainly get the job done, making a soldier feel fully fed and nourishing them for extended combat engagements. Inspiration: Original Post-War Foods Brahmin Cheese Model: A wedge of yellow cheese with holes in it. Icon: A wedge of cheese with holes in it. Effect: Heal 3 HP for 10 seconds, -20 Rads, -25 Hunger Idea: Cheese made from Brahmin milk. Since Brahmin milk heals radiation poisoning, so does the cheese, albeit not as much as the milk itself due to the fermentation process. Inspiration: Brahmin Dairy Products mod for Fallout 3 Bloatfly Honey Model: A jar of golden gel (honey) Icon: We can use the generic jar of liquid icon found in the game files and used for several items, like Birch's Sap. Effect: Heal 2 HP for 15 seconds, +9 Rads, -15 Hunger Idea: Bees make bee honey. Flies make fly honey. At least, Bloatflies do. They're mutated, after all. Inspiration: FDA mod for Fallout 3 Mutfruit Jam Model: A jar of reddish gel (jam) Icon: We can use the generic jar of liquid icon found in the game files and used for several items, like Birch's Sap. Effect: Heal 2 HP for 10 seconds, +6 rads, -20 Hunger Idea: Mutfruits mashed up into a jam. Makes sense. Inspiration: FDA mod for Fallout 3 Punga Fruit Model: It might be unused in the game files. If not, we might have to recreate the model for Refined Punga Fruit from Fallout 3. Icon: A Punga Fruit from Fallout 3 Effect: Heal 5 HP for 5 seconds, -15 Rads, -15 Hunger, -5 Thirst Idea: The Punga Fruits from Fallout 3's Point Lookout are back! Inspiration: Fallout 3's Point Lookout Post-War Campfire Dishes Bug-on-the-Shell Model: We can probably just use the Ant Meat model. The devs did for most cooked versions of raw food items. Icon: Ant Meat icon, too. Effect: Damage 1 HP for 10 seconds, +15 Rads, -50 Hunger Ingredients: * 1 Ant Meat Idea: Giving Ant Meat a crafting use. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics "Meat Pie" Model: Assuming we don't make a new pie model, we can probably use the Mirelurk Cakes model like the Strange Meat Pie does. Icon: Same with the Mirelurk Cakes icon. Effect: Damage 1 HP for 5 seconds, +10 Rads, -75 Hunger Ingredients: * 1 Giant Rat Meat * 1 Flour Idea: Giving Giant Rat Meat a crafting use. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics Pie Floater Model: A bowl of pinkish liquid with a little Mirelurk Cake floating in it. Icon: See above Effect: Damage 1 HP for 15 seconds, +30 Rads, -90 Hunger, -5 Thirst Ingredients: * 1 Rat Meat * 1 Centaur Blood Idea: Giving Rat Meat and Centaur Blood a crafting use. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics Stinky Meat Platter Model: A plate of three big brown and green masses Icon: Same Effect: Damage 1 HP for 20 seconds, +20 Rads, -85 Hunger Ingredients: * 3 Radroach Meats Idea: Giving Radroach Meat a crafting use. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics Trial Stew Model: A big rusty pot full of brown liquid, with red and green bits floating in it, and a ladle sticking out Icon: Same, but less detailed Effect: * Immediate: Heal 5 HP, -5 Rads, -5 Hunger, -5 Thirst, -5 Sleepiness * After 2 Minutes: Knock Down effect, -9 Strength, -9 Perception, -9 Endurance, -9 Charisma, -9 Intelligence, -9 Agility, -9 Luck, -99 Guns, -99 Energy Weapons, -99 Melee Weapons, -99 Unarmed, -99 Sneak, -10 DT, -85 Radiation Resistance, -85 Poison Resistance, -85 Fire Resistance, -85 Energy Resistance, -100 Carry Weight, -100 Max HP, +100 Hunger, +100 Thirst, +100 Sleepiness, +100 Rads, Damage 100 HP * After 2 Minutes: Knock Down effect, +10 Strength, +10 Perception, +10 Endurance, +10 Charisma, +10 Intelligence, +10 Agility, +10 Luck, +100 Guns, +100 Energy Weapons, +100 Melee Weapons, +100 Unarmed, +100 Sneak, +50 DT, +85 Radiation Resistance, +85 Poison Resistance, +85 Fire Resistance, +85 Energy Resistance, +500 Carry Weight, +500 Max HP, -1000 Hunger, -1000 Thirst, -1000 Sleepiness, -1000 Rads, Full HP Restore After 2 Minutes: Knock Down effect, everything back to normal Ingredients: * 3 Radscorpion Poison Glands * 3 Bark Scorpion Poison Glands * 3 Cazador Poison Glands * 1 Nightstalker Blood * 1 Centaur Blood * 5 White Horsenettles Idea: "Whatever doesn't kill you... makes you stronger." Inspiration: Original Drinks Brahmin Milk Model: Milk bottle Icon: We can probably make a milk bottle icon. Effect: Heal 3 HP for 15 seconds, -40 Rads, -40 Thirst, +1 Endurance for six minutes Idea: It's canon that Brahmin milk heals radiation poisoning. I'm just surprised it's never been in a game as a consumable. Inspiration: Brahmin Dairy Products mod for Fallout 3 Note: Brief Endurance boost due to the calcium Coffee Model: A mug full of brown liquid Icon: Same, but with steam Effect: Heal 1 HP for 10 seconds, +3 Rads, -20 Thirst, -100 Sleepiness Idea: It's such a popular drink. You have to wonder why it's not in the Fallout series. Inspiration: Original Note: Brewed recently, but with Pre-War coffee beans. Protein Drink Model: A bottled drink with a yellow label. Kinda like the Health Drinks from Silent Hill. Icon: A bottle with a blank label. Effect: Heal 2 HP for 10 seconds, +3 Rads, -30 Thirst, +1 Strength for six minutes Inspiration: Original Note: Small strength boost from the protein. Chems Ultra Stimpak Model: Hopefully we can recreate the model from Fallout Tactics. Icon: I'm sure we can make an icon for it, too. Effect: Better than the Super Stimpak, the Ultra Stimpak heals more, but has a worse debuff. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics Trauma Pack Model: Hopefully we can recreate the backpack-like model from Fallout Tactics. Icon: I'm sure we can make an icon for it, too. Effect: Better than even the Ultra Stimpak, the Trauma Pack could probably heal any level character to full health. It just has a majorly extreme debuff that would make you think twice about using it. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics Voodoo Model: A rolled-up joint Icon: A rolled-up joint, but with smoke Effect: +2 Agility, +3 Luck, +25% Critical Chance (all of it for four minutes) Ingredients: * 1 Broc Flower * 1 White Horsenettle * 1 Pre-War Money Idea: Marijuana, cannabis, ganja, pot, 420... essentially. Inspiration: Fallout Tactics RedEye NoDoze Pills Model: We can probably use a Rad-X bottle... Icon: I think the Rad-X icon should suffice... Effect: -200 Sleepiness, Well Rested effect Idea: Well Rested without an owned bed, and one whole Sleep deprivation stage knocked off the meter. Inspiration: FDA mod for Fallout 3 PurgeX Model: Rad-X bottle again? Maybe a retexture in blue like they did with Mentats for Fixer... Icon: Rad-X pills icon, maybe... Effect: Permanent addiction cure Idea: Like Fixer, but permanent, and much more rare and expensive. Inspiration: FDA mod for Fallout 3
  24. Hi. Does anyone know how to make textures? I need a non-replacer golden retexture for the Brotherhood of Steel T-45d Power Armor. I know that there's already a a golden Power Armor mod like that, but it's a retextured suit of T-51b Power Armor. I need a retexture of the Brotherhood T-45d Power Armor. And gold, not yellow. There's a difference. It needs to look like solid gold metal, not like a Lego person. Also, there's a pink heart texture for the T-45d Power Armor that's in the game files but never implemented. Could anyone make a non-replacer suit of Power Armor that uses this pink heart texture? I think there's already a mod that uses it, but it replaces the texture on all the T-45d Power Armor. If anyone could please help, I'd very much appreciate it.
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