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About banditjingx

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    Skyrim rocks!

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  1. Well, thanks again for the many answers. I'll take some ur encouragement posts with me into the game(and hopefully into rel life) and squash tehem thinking they were a little brother I couldn't stand(geez i'm evil^^) But seriosly, since I'm not the typical forum writer, I hope, that with this post I can close the topic, because my e-mail account is bursting, as I noticed a while ago. But yeah making fun of my fears is a good idea I'll try it, after I beat that f**** dragon without going CTD T_T Thanks again u guys and till next topic. P.S. Remember: Case closed thx
  2. Thanks a lot u guys, knew I could rely on you, Cheers!!!!!!! Moving on in Skyrim, bye
  3. Ok guys, I know you're the gods in terms of skyrim and co. So I have just one little question: Right now I'm at the Quest for searching for the dragonstone by orders of the courtmage of witherun(pretty much at the beginning of the game, don't even have my shouts yet) and somewhere deep in the tomb is an insanely crazy giant FU*** spider. Since I suffer from traumatic arachnophobia I can't bring myself to get past the thing( I can kill it via godmode but getting close is my problem), so my question is, if I could use the command/cheat "disable" to remove this shi**** creature after its dead, without breaking the whole game(I don't care about the tomb though)??? Well if you could answer me as fas as you could I'd realy appreciate it. Many Thanks in andvance. Oh yeah right, one thing still: I already use the mod for bears instead of spiders but till now thats the first one ive encoutered so I don't know if it works, or just works on the tiny ones........god I want to continue playing, please help me. thx Tom
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