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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. Still working on my last achievement for Skyrim it is taking longer than I thought... anyone else doing the achievements bit?
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    2. Ithildin


      I have no idea how many achievements I have or haven't earned; I usually play offline. Quoting vvk: "I am just easing into Skyrim, while playing other nice games whenever I am bored (!!) of it. I still haven't finished the main quest of Oblivion ..." That sums me up, except I did finish the MQ in Oblivion once. Absolutely hated it when Terence Stamp and Sean Bean's voices could no longer be heard in my game. D:<
    3. stabbykitteh


      Another competitionist here... but only for games I really like. In some games, I find the achievements sometimes get me to try new things or approaches to playing. Dragon Age was good for that.
    4. Spaceritual


      That is a good point..I am not usually all that happy doing pickpocketing or stealing from characters i like which is why i fail the first Thieves Guild test mission each time..luckily they have a back up second one :)
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