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About Spaceritual

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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
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    2. Ithildin


      He says, "All MS has to do is anytime someone tries to update or go online with it, they're notified who it is, where it is and what the problem is. The DRM (Digital Rights Management) certificate is unique to each disk, so copies are going to have the same DRM certificate as the original. Once they have the certificate ID, they can track down where it came from and who it's registered to - if the original is ever played, they'll know where it was played and who owns the Xbox."
    3. Spaceritual


      Yep ..found out that although the game was sort of posted to me it is being held back at a depo till tomorrow... so no early peek for me.. oddly there are screen shots up at Skyrim already.. I had thought this wait till the 11-11-11 was for all of us..
    4. Spaceritual


      ah..missed the cracked bit... that seems silly with just a day to go.. half the fun is the suspense..bit like christmas,... the waiting..the wondering.. then the hoping it does not crash :)
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