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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. Got NV in the post today and i am sort of wishing I had ordered the basic version..but anyway it is verfied on Steam which it can not do till tomorrow .
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spaceritual


      Could be worse I guess...might have been Live for Windows bound :)
    3. Slicer51b


      Timeslip (author of Mod Manager) didn't buy NV because of Steam. It made modding for New Vegas harder and didn't want to deal with steam. I wonder what the Script Extender team is going to do too. At least with Live you could use fose with it (but not have live work for fo3 anymore). Steam might prove to be more troublesome.
    4. Spaceritual


      Ah i didn't know that so in this way Steam is going to be actually worse for us than Live for Windows...strange world .
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