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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. Those Shojo/Shoto images again , have started a topic on the Feedback forums as this seems to be forum wide and casing many heated exchanges.
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    2. llamaRCA


      I went and read it too. I don't mind the stuff that's just a kid being a kid (I don't personally understand the appeal, but my current NV character is an elf; so I am in no position to be critical), but when the girl looks like she's 9 and she's posed like she's 19 (sexy) it really pisses me off.
    3. Spaceritual


      Yep have to agree with you there...it is all context I guess....and you got an elf into NV?? how?..erm not that I would rush to try this...
    4. coolystguy


      I like cute, but i hate it when someone makes em look too young believe me i have seen many on some of the other Oblivion mod sites drive me nuts ><!
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