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Posts posted by secksegai

  1. There is this girl at church I like named Kim. She is an immigrant from Korea. I heard that in Korea girls are into guys who play Starcraft, and that some of the top starcraft players marry actresses and models. I am trying really hard to become good at Starcraft, although I almost always lose to my Korean friends. Kim has a pink netbook with a hello kitty sticker on it, but no machine that can play Starcraft. She also says that she has never had a boyfriend, and is a virgin. I really like her, and want to win her heart, which computer should I get to impress her?


    Honestly this post sounds like trolling...


    I really, really doubt a nice computer will win her heart. Besides, if she's that into tech, simply having it wouldn't be all that impressive, knowing the actual hardware and being able to share in her appreciation would be a different story.


    Not all Koreans are into StarCraft.


    Think of it this way, in the long run, you want her to be impressed with you, not some object, especially one that becomes dated pretty quick.

  2. FYI its a steam achievement!!

    Who cares about steam achievements?

    Not I said the little red hen



    Very nice, but in the end, Steam achievements are worthless. That is unless they give you a feeling of accomplishment inside.


    Blame it on myspace and facebook - I'm pretty sure I didn't start seeing a heavy focus on them until they got popular.


    It makes sense that casinos would ban you after a point - if you're winning more than the casino is taking in, it go out of business.

  3. Killing everyone in camp forlorn hope single handedly has to be one of the most satisfying moments in this game. Blowing up the monorail comes at a close second.


    Another really great moment was at the end of no gods, no masters. The general of the NCR blows open the gate to the legion camp and talks about how much good I did for the NCR until my robot army comes in and slaughters them all.


    You EVIL EVIL Person! Then again.... the NCR never did piss me off enough to incur my wrath ;)

  4. Honestly I don't normally put up with games this buggy, FO3 & FONV are a special case since I played FO1 and FO2 and developed a fondness for the universe. The worst I'm normally able to put up with is BioWare level bugginess, and I don't recall ever having one of their games CTD short of unstable memory as their bugs are more along the lines of the minor ones you'd find in these FO3/FONV games. While it may seem odd to actually try to crash the game, my reasoning for it is most people would say Q&A did a lousy job and the customers have inadvertently become beta testers it would seem. Might as well know what breaks the game so as to know to avoid it or find a solution to fix it.


    It's probably not video related, but being brand new doesn't guarantee an issue free experience. Software and drivers don't necessarily get along all the time, and there are times when using older drivers will actually be more stable and/or have higher performance. For any game that would have the issue, you can luckily just override the direct 3d dll instead of loading old drivers just to run one game.


    Honestly, as far as troubleshooting crashes, it may not even be worth the time, considering the engine itself is the main problem. Certain commands and actions will crash the engine, and they can occur without any modding whatsoever. I've never had a problem with companions themselves crashing my system, but when you consider the scripting they all have, and the fact that not all of them are even bug free in the vanilla game, it's not hard to believe that the system would feel more stable without them.


    But, if you have to skip content, there's probably something more to it. While I admit I tend to do quests in a particular order, a lot of that is just avoiding known bugs, like Raul and Ranger Andy. I'd strongly suggest takin a look at the Fallout Wiki to see if any of your problem situations are listed in the quests notes as you may find you're simply experiencing an actual bug and there may be workarounds listed.

  5. Have to say the first time running up to Nellis, that artillary barrage was awesome. Then the ending of Vault 11 was pritty mind blowing. Last, No-Bark, the game could be nothing but listening to his storys and comments and it would be worth buying!


    The first time I hit Nellis I definitely got blown to bits a few times. Was annoyed to find out stealth and stealthboys have absolutely no effect, but if they did it really nerf the fun of it anyway.


    Vault 11 was pretty interesting, but the house bug really killed the "magic" for me. I wasn't able to enjoy it as I was more concerned on how the vault was related to House.


    And as for fighting Vulpa, the first time I tried I nearly made it back to mojave outpost, trying to beat them all with a beat up varmint rifle and 9mm pistol.

  6. Honestly never had that much of a problem with Faction mod free (or modded). Glad to hear your initial trial run is vanilla (as it should be).


    You honestly don't need to be vilified for people to become hostile- by the time you're vilified it's effectively guaranteed.


    Short of getting amnesty when starting on the final quest lines, you're rep never stops being completely negative as far as I've ever seen. Same goes for positive, as you end up with a mixed rep.


    Also keep in mind faction armor can affect your rep - there's also a bug that occurs when using jury rig and repairing equipped armor.....

  7. Update: Patch 1.2.0 makes it impossible to complete both Birds of a Feather and Heartache by the Number. Completing the latter turns all Van Graffs hostile to the player.


    Just read that on a wiki. Well that kinda sucks. The second you walk into Freeside, Atomic Wrangler area, the crier and Simon attack you. I don't know about that, it's kinda stupid. Anyone know away around this? I'd like to complete Birds of a Feather still. Thanks.


    I've never had that problem - at least in regards to getting all the aggro after completing "Heartache by the Number". I've never completed Birds of a Feather since it requires Cass dying, but I've always started it to not have to deal with weapon checks every time I walk in.

  8. I'm in dire need of some help on how to make my first PC experience not suck. Fallout new vegas is the only game downloaded on my computer and it sucks the gameplay is terrible. idk what is going on because I see youtube vids of people with pcs runing just fine, you would think they were using a console. anyways I need to identify the problem with my computer to make the gameplay smooth and respond on time to my commands I bought the Pc version for the modding experince and I need to know what it will take to get my computer to run the game. its a dell laptop with windows vista. I dont know a lot about computers so if their are things im not listing about the computer that are of importance just let me know. I would appreciate some feedback


    First things that come to mind:


    "I dont know a lot about computers" & "Dell Laptop with Windows Vista"


    Very bad combination, especially for PC Gaming. Laptops that aren't purchased with gaming in mind will generally lack the video capability to play 3D type games. Vista added the need for running things as Administrator, as well as having plenty of "growing pains".


    To make things worse, Fallout 3 or later are far from problem free out of the box for many users, so its almost guaranteed to be a bad experience for the novice user. The only reason I ever had the patience to stomach all the problems I've had with FO3/FONV is that it takes place in the FO Universe and modding allows you to change the experience as you see fit.


    Modding does add plenty of new elements to FONV, but unless you're willing to learn and aren't afraid of ending up frustrated hours on end, it's probably not worth it.

  9. First thing to check is whether or not you're planning on using mods - it's preferable to keep the same mods throughout a single playthrough to reduce the likelihood of crashes or general incompatibility. Honestly, I think everyone should do their first playthrough completely mod free so as to have an idea of what goes on and what can break in the game before getting mod happy.


    While there are commands that can adjust quest stage, I strongly recommend against them because of all the additional scripting their tied to. The game isn't hard to break as is, and manipulating quest stages can lead to many undesired effects. Cheating will disable achievements (if you care about that sorta thing).


    Really I'd suggest playing it over again, especially if you're still trying out mods as I've seen plenty of people get stuck gamewise because of a mod conflict or problem they weren't aware of. Better to find out early game than late.

  10. As I've been building my own rigs for almost 10 years now, the first question one must ask him/herself is


    Do you really enjoy the PC gaming side more than consoles?



    Building has definitely become easier over the years, troubleshooting on the other hand is about the same if not worse. PC gaming has been the biggest influence on my technical knowledge. Whether its hardware related, Windows related, or other software, there are just so many avenues for things to go wrong, unlike with consoles which are designed for a specific purpose.


    Wolf3d, Doom, NoLF, HL & Half-Life 2, CounterStrike, Tie Fighter, Fallout 1 &2, C&C Series, Starcraft 1 and 2 are just some of the games that turned me away from consoles. But I really have to emphasize that you really need to be motivated to delve into the current world of PC Gaming.

  11. :P great everything is either un available or not available. you still didnt answer 3 the graphics :P


    The rendering engine is the same, so you're not going to see any major improvements, it's not like the difference between Half-Life and HL2.

  12. The first thing that comes to mind is trying to run it without steam.

    Please provide a tutorial


    on how to run Fallout New Vegas


    without Steam


    Far as I know you must have steam to run new vegas. Sorry.

    but a Moderator suggested running it without steam


    I think the mod meant running the launcher manually instead of going through steam directly

  13. Some spoilers ahead: I've only played one game so far. I got to the quest with Caesar and decided to side the Legion. I did what he asked in the Mr Houses vault, came out and turned the solar weapon against the NCR.


    I then decided to hunt down all NCR in my new role as Legion supporter. I killed every NCR I came across--probably about a dozen total.


    I then went to their base by the lake, I forget what it is called. To my surprise the NCR troopers didn't open fire on me on site. Instead they welcomed me in and told me where the boss was and that I was welcome to go talk to him.


    I had encountered a few minor bugs prior to this, but this one was a deal-breaker for me. I mean the faction system is such a huge part of the game.


    I downloaded the latest patch and jumped back into the game thinking maybe they fixed it. No dice. Again I killed NCR all over the place and they still welcomed me in.


    Has anyone else had this problem? It's a shame because I was really enjoying up until this happened. If I kill guardsmin Oblivion all the guards in the game will attack me on site afterwards. Why can't FNV get this right?


    Faction issues reported by members have almost (if not always) been mod related.... would you happen to have the Wasteland Defense mod?

  14. game crashing any time when i enter the buy menu before actually doing anything

    I tested it with two different vendors in different locations

    here is a my clean savegame http://rghost.ru/3765248


    Thanks to a fellow member, I've learned that any mod that removes a persistent reference will still cause crashes after the mod's been removed/disabled once the change is saved in the save file - my guess is that one of your mods probably moved something along those lines.


    On a fresh install (no mods) create a new game and try accessing chet after leaving Doc's house. If it works, its likely that your save is "corrupted".


    Also, note that mods aren't necessarily removed during uninstalls and that you'll want to manually remove them before a fresh install if you're really having issues.

  15. I finally did a playthrough on HC with wild wasteland and found myself wishing they had called it something other than Hardcore. With my biggest worry being that a companion's bugged AI would have them run off and get them killed, the rest of it was basically just more micromanagement. Not being able to carry all my ammo at once felt slightly more realistic. Actually having a reason to care about the survival skill and food for a change wasn't too bad, albeit in the end it just meant another task to click on "daily".


    So it got me thinking of some of my favorite moments:


    Fisto - Assume the Position!


    Telling the Garrett he would have a sexbot for The Wrangler


    Killing Caesar in his own camp for talking down to someone who destroyed his legionnaires for fun


    Having the securitrons toss Oliver off the Damn


    Three Card Bounty


    Destroying Cottonwood Cove by hand


    Managing to remain neutral with the Legion while still completing Boone's and All NCR sidequests


    Not so Favorite:


    Getting a nearly broken t45 power armor suit as a reward for playing badass errand boy/girl


    Anything having to do with Oliver that didn't involve tossing him off the Damn


    Cazadore packs

  16. I have this problem where my armor DR (im using a mod to change it from DT) exceeds the amount of damage that NPC can do.


    Its not all that high only about 32 but here is the core of the problem.

    All NPC use weapons that are worn out and their damage usually isnt high enough to hurt me now the question i pose is this.

    Is there are mod out there that makes all NPC use good condition weapons like the actual player ?


    Its a bit unfair that im pounding them with a shiny new gun and they're shooting back at me with their crappy worn out guns.

    Another question is ....is it possible to maybe adjust some setting in one of the ini files to do just that ?


    Final question aka request ,if none of the above exists or is possible could someone make such a mod to even the odds out ?


    Thanks heaps


    DR can't be stronger than damage unless you combine it with DT - its resistance so its a percentage reduction. Lower damage weapons actually get a better break against DR than DT generally speaking, as DR really shines with heavy damage,albeit the kind that tends to kill you in a few hits regardless.


    In order to modify the weapon conditions for enemies, you'd be modifying a large number of leveled list items with the NVGeck

  17. Im having for these past 2 weeks trying to complish this quest and i´ve try by many ways but didnt succefully maked.Does any1 got the same pb as i am having if do...explain me how to convice all the main characters to show the dialogue to complete the mission.

    i´ve readed the fallout wikia but somehow is missing some info about all of this..


    In order to start it, you not only need to visit a few key areas, but also must have decided on whether you're helping Legion or NCR (Yes man is NCR as far as I've played). Once the Beware of Caesar or Don't tread on the Bear is failed, you should be set once you visit the necessary places and have the dialogue with Arcade.


    It does state it all on the wiki last I checked, as that's how I learned how to finish it the first time. But you do have to go into all the notes.

  18. I give steam about a 1 and a half to remain in existance. Reason is as stated about lack of customer support and poor sever quality. and mainly Dictatorship. In contrast you are not able to install the COD BO unless u have steam. sad for them.


    If you mean 1 and a half years, I'm pretty sure you're mistaken as you're unfamiliar with what's been run off Steam for quite some time now, a little game called CounterStrike. If you don't know what that is....


    In any case, Steam has its issues, but more often than not they arise from the game software, not Steam. It is frustrating to see Steam forced on games where it "should be" unnecessary.

  19. There are many, many things that can cause this game to crash, but for those of you who are having problems with randomly crashing in the wasteland or during a world map transition, I suggest the following: restart your computer.


    This is the only thing I've noticed that works for me every time, and if I continue trying to play the game, it only crashes within about 10 or 20 minutes anyway.



    I am deeply troubled by something I have read here:


    "I use Fallout New Vegas Edit to make them not conflict."


    I do not know where this myth arose nor how it began. I do not know why it is that people are made to believe that these magical Merge patches will erase all incompatibilities between mods. What I do know is this: It does not work that way.


    Merged and Bash patches are wonderful tools. If one mod edits an NPC's stats, and another their inventory, and another places a script on the NPC, Wrye would let you import ALL 3 CHANGES. If, however, two mods change the same NPC's stats, or inventory, then the last one loaded wins. Period. Merging with FNVEdit will not fix or change this. If two mods edit the script on the same door, the last one loaded, even when merged, "wins." FNVEdit will not combine the scripts. Moreover, mod mangers may not see this as a conflict.


    Merged and Bashed patches are good tools, if carefully used. But blindly believing you can "make them not conflict" by using these tools is not only incorrect but dangerous. It leads others astray down a path which ruins saved games and gaming experiences. Please understand: If two mods change the same object in the same way the last one loaded wins.




    Honestly it amazes me to hear people using fnvedit and other utilities to eliminate conflicts when the rest of their conversation indicates they have little understanding of what modding actually does... And then they wonder why they have more issues on their nice rig than I do on my junky system....

  20. I'm getting a similar problem, with 2 differences. I'm talking to Ranger Grant in the "You'll know when it happens" quest with Yes-Man, and it partially fades back to view. There's lag as Ranger Grant tries to talk to me, followed by a CTD. Here's a kicker, though... It's a recent problem. As in, I've talked to Grant on the same save, done (and failed >_>) the quest, and re-loaded to try again. Now I'm getting the CTD every time.


    I have heard it said - and I have not tested this myself, I wanted to make sure you understood that - I have heard it said that if your timescale is not 30 during certain parts of the game it will cause CTD. These parts include (according to what I have heard):


    -Fade to black for doctors and dialogue


    -Elapsed time for travel after certain quest points


    If you are using a dynamic time mod, make sure the mod author sets the timescale in menu mode as well as in game mode (they will know what this means.) Alternatively you can try and disable the dynamic time mod before trying the implant. If it does not crash, this is your culprit.


    If you are not running a dynamic time mod, try looking for things which affect stuff during wait/sleep/travel modes or based on your having waited/slept/traveled.


    Again, I am operating, as I so rarely do, in the land of hearsay on this one. Sorry I do not have more concrete info. Perhaps I will test this, sometime soon.


    I would think this is it, as every problem I've heard of related to a fade to black always sounds timescale related.

  21. Just by looking at the list I see conflicts. First thing when crashing horribly to consider is should be that modding might be leading to the instability?

    Not sure what you consider Heavy unless you think of only "large" mods as heavy - inventory sorter alone modifies a huge number of items if only just changing the name. That file by itself can lead to crashes when accessing containers even after its been disabled, and its just a few kb in size.

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