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Posts posted by Shezza2022

  1. Dear Fellow Adventurers::

    This is Shezza. Greetings for Christmas and the New Year from Canada!

    I'm writing this to inquire about replacers for Caryalind, the runaway Altmer Prince? I know there are plenty of them for SSE but, since I'm having trouble with that one, I decided to resume my love affair with Skyrim Classic.

    Questions: 1) Are there any replacers for Cary for Skyrim Classic? and 2) If so, where do I find them?


    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,


                                                                                           Sincerely yours always,




  2. Dear Fellow Adventurers:

    Hey, all! Shezza here. Greetings from Canada!

    I'm writing today to put forward a couple of requests for a couple of mods. These would be in the Immersion category to make Skyrim a little more lifelike.

    The mods are as follows: A) A mod that has the player feed and water their horse from time to time and B) A mod for bathroom breaks whilst on the road.

    These ideas are coming from two of my followers, and I feel real bad that I can't do anything about the above situations.

    If there are mods for these situations but, if there are already made mods for the above situations, please let me know.

    I thank you kindly for your time. I remain,

    Sincerely yours always,


  3. Dear Fellow Adventurers:


    Hey, all! Shezza here. Greetings from Canada!


    I'm writing today to put forward a couple of requests for a couple of mods. These would be in the Immersion category to make Skyrim a little more lifelike.


    The mods are as follows: A) A mod that has the player feed and water their horse from time to time and B) A mod for bathroom breaks whilst on the road.


    These ideas are coming from two of my followers, and I feel real bad that I can't do anything about the above situations.


    If there are mods for these situations but, if there are already made mods for the above situations, please let me know.



    I thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,





  4. Ishara:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!



    Where do I find the .exe file for Skyrim exactly? I'm sorry for being dim? Have you a diagram that shows me where to put it? Is there something I need to change in Vortex?



    Thank you kindly!



  5. If you've got FNIS, I have a fix for you. When you open it up to upgrade it, you'll see below the main box a box of somewhat the same size. You'll see a whole list of tick boxes. Please do yourself a favour and tick the box that starts with SKELETON...


    Problem fixed! It worked like a charm for me.




  6. Dear All:


    This is Shezza. Good morning, afternoon, evening from Canada!


    For openers, I'd like thank everyone for helping me find Nebarra. I don't know what I'm getting into with him, but I shall soon see.


    I now come to this forum to ask for help with reinstalling my SKSE. It keeps telling that it can't find the Skyrim.exe. I had my SKSE for a good month or so, but it then decided to go AWOL.


    I, ergo, am asking some sympathetic soul to help me with this bothersome problem. When I went through those four years of computer classes back in the mists of history (read: the 20th Century), they focussed on the business side of the computer and not the gaming side.


    I thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  7. Dear Fellow Adventurers:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    This is to all players who have Nebarra in their posses. Can any of you kind souls tell me exactly where this fellow is? I know, I know, Evergreen Grove, but where? I've taken him off mod list about four times now just because I can't find him. My character and her posse were there yesterday, but no luck.


    I found Tally easy enough for I heard a bit of his voice. I then found the extra horse at the bottom of the hill. When I rode up the hill, there he was.


    Any ideas, brainstorms, vague notions for finding Nebarra will be entertained. A map with his location marked will have me kissing your ring.


    Thank you kindly for your time! I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,




  8. Loony:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I'm right with you on this one. Modern day weaponry has no place in a game like Skyrim. If one wants modern day weaponry, play GTA. Where ever Skyrim is on history's timeline, sticking to sword, shield and armour should be plenty enough protection. That, and one's wits.


    Leave the guns out of Skyrim, people, and keep it pure! We have no need for that type of tomfoolery.


    FYI: Don't get me started on the "porn" and high heel mods!


    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,


    Sincerely yours always,



  9. Dear Fellow Kaidan lovers:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I do realize that he's a modded character, but I don't think he should be saying things like: "I hope this is worth it" or "It's not like I've got anything better to do."


    He's never said anything like this in Skyrim Classic. Have any of you ever heard him say things like that, and why is he saying them? Otherwise, he's still very much the gentleman.



    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,




    Sincerely yours always,




  10. Dear Fellow Adventurers:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I have found a right proper replacer for Cary, and he looks like a million bucks! It gave him lovely gold eyes, gorgeous long platinum blonde hair and very nice pointy ears. Granted, he's still on rather thin ice with Kaidan, another incredible looking guy, but he, Cary, is quite beautiful at whom to look.

  11. Dear Adventurers:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada for the first day of Spring!


    I'm writing tonight with two mod requests. For openers, there's an excellent for Skyrim Classic called Wine and Mead in Tankards. It is what it says on the tin. Tankards are full with the aforementioned beverages, and one doesn't to have party with an empty tankard. I've a follower, Kaidan, who likes his mead. It's oddly sad to see him getting polluted with an empty tankard. Could someone please import that to SSE, please?


    Secondly, there's an excellent preset of Khal Drogo, aka Jason Momoa, that I would LOVE to have as a follower! The preset set looks just like the guy, but the scar that bisects his right eyebrow is missing. The story that, when Momoa was a young heartthrob, some idiot shoved a broken beer glass into his face, resulting in the near loss of sight in his left eye, lots of blood and 140 stitches to close up everything. On the bright side, because of that scar, he went from teen dream to badass overnight.


    I thank you kindly for your time! I remain,


    Sincerely, yours always,






  12. Dear Fellow Adventurers:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I write today with questions about our Aldermeri Prince, and that is: Has he the ability to ride a horse or will horseback riding break the mod?


    I than k you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,




  13. This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I feel the same way about trying to install SKSE into SE to get SKSE to work. I feel that the YouTube videos move too fast. I do my level headed best to keep up with them, but I always find myself at least a couple of steps. I must also tell you that I'm no fan of zip files. In the four years of computer classes I took, we learned about the business side of the computer, not the gaming side and the zip files were mentioned in passing with no hands on learning, ergo; my pure hatred for the things.


    If someone can find for me a non-video set of instructions, I'd greatly appreciate it for I want to play the AE version of SE very much, no matter what has been said about it here.


    I thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  14. You know, he doesn't look quite as green as I thought all Altmer looked. He's actually quite good looking! What you have there is the original mod for him. For now, he's staying the way he is.


    Thank you kindly for your help! This conversation is over.



    Sincerely yours always,



  15. Dear Fellow Adventures:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I'm looking for a mod that'll change the looks for the subject line gentleman. I saw one that was drop dead gorgeous! He had nice wavy blond hair, normal coloured (he's an Altmer), and I just liked the whole thing. Unfortunately, I can't find it now to save my soul, and the way he looks now makes him look as green as a cabbage!


    Questions: 1) Who's the author of said mod and 2) What category do I find it under?



    I thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  16. Dear Fellow Adventurers:


    Greetings from Canada! I'm Shezza.


    I have just been told that I need TWO SSD to run both Windows and Skyrim. I have only one in my new gaming tower.


    Question: Is there a way to get around this and still have the AE version play correctly?


    I have also recently re-installed Skyrim Classic and have found that I can't past the loading screen, which won't let the game launch as we all know.


    Question: Is there a way around this as well?


    I'm also looking for modpacks for both Skyrim Classic and SSEAE that's not too difficult for me install and play on my own. Modpacks that are well balanced and won't crash to the desktop.


    I thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  17. Dear Ishara:


    This is Shezza. Greetings!


    I've been playing Skyrim for practically for forever. I'm totally addicted to it and, right now, I'm going through withdrawal symptoms.


    Do you use a mod manager? If so, which one? I'm thinking of taking Septimus through Vortex. It hardly gives me any trouble, yet, I'm beginning to suspect that MO2 is built into the modpack. My gaming buddy in Texas recommended Septimus to me, and he loves it! I played a little bit last week. I loved what I saw, including the new Alternate Start. That was great!


    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  18. Dear Ishara:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I'm now in the process of doing a clean re-install of SSE. Between you, me and the back fence post, I have a feeling that Wabbajack has been my problem. I never heard of Wabbajack either until one of my Steam gaming buddies told me about it. I think I know how to escape Wabbajack--delete the file.


    Questions: 1) Does the Nexus version of Septimus need anything extra, like Wabbajack? 2) How do I make sure all mods will agree? 3) How do I update Skyrim?


    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  19. Dear Ishara:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    Every time I go to play the game, it shuts itself down. There was a dialogue box about this when it first started acting up, but it was on for a split second and then it was gone.


    I would like to know if it's a problem with Wabbajack because I think download it directly from Nexus sounds like a great idea! It took three days last week to download Septimus with Wabbajack.


    Questions: If I do download it directly from Nexus, will it take as long (three days)? Secondly, how do I "escape" Wabbajack?


    I also tested to see if it was arguing with my anti-virus and, no, it wasn't.


    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  20. Dear All:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!!


    I wrote to you last time about having problems getting Septimus 3 and got not one answer. I now know what the culprit is. It's MO2's GUI that keeps the game from starting.


    If any of you have any ideas of how to fix it or have a workaround, I'll gladly hear you out, but please make it easy.


    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,



    Sincerely yours always,



  21. Fellow Adventurers:


    This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


    I had gotten my first taste of the above mod last night but, when I tried to start a new game, it kept closing itself. In the mod pages, it says I have yet to down load it. I downloaded and installed via Wabbajack, and it took three days to do it.


    Questions: Do any of you kind souls have any solutions as to how make the game/mod behave itself? 2) Is there another way to download this mod that doesn't take Wabbajack or three days to do it?



    Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,


    Sincerely yours always,




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