The Desert Rangers were an important faction in Mojave and Nevada until 2271. After the Great War, Texas rangers who survived the apocalypse started to wander the wasteland acting as law enforcers, hunting the most dangerous predators and protecting towns and settlements from bandits, raiders and tribes as the White Legs and The 80s. When the legion approached to the Colorado, the efforts of the Desert Rangers, and small elite group, where not enough to maintain a large scale war against them, so they joined the NCR in "Ranger Unification Treaty" in 2271, becoming the pride and elite unit of the republic. Most of the Desert Rangers became the “Veteran” rangers, wearing their famous “Black armor”, but a few, went rogue and started to operate on their own, beeing hunted and chased by his former brothers & sisters now working for the NCR. What I’ve in mind is a set of armors that resembles the personality of the mostly extinct Desert Rangers, descendants of both Texas Rangers and The US army rangers that fought in the Gobi desert campaign. A small elite group of men and women, experts in desert warfare, who are able to cover long distances with few rangers. They remind me some special groups as the British Long Range Desert Group (also called the Desert Scorpions) that made his performance in North Africa in WWII The disguise of the desert rangers is their traditional armor. A metal chest plate of a riot armor with the customized helmet (radio, gas mask and night vision). To add some variety I purpose different combinations. Keeping the armor chest plate (ADAM’s Helmets mesh and textures are good, it’s no necessary to make a new ones) and a pair of jeans as basis, they could be added over the chest different jackets, coats, ponchos, and vests, not just the duster, which gives usually many clipping problems. Despite of the extras a desert survivalist should have (bags for rations, hand radios, canteens, binoculars…) to resemble the different ability of each ranger, some extras could be added, depending the skill is main, for example a first aid box for the doctor, extra MF cells for the energy weapons specialist, a bandolier with big caliber bullets for the sniper, tools for the engineer… About the colours for the armor it could be used this classic camo example, good enough for desert (it's the one used for the US marine's raincoats in WWII) About the faction logo for the armor, the "Lone Star" of the actual Texas rangers could be used, white and black. Thank you for your time and attention.