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Posts posted by HighAsAKiteB32

  1. If you want to attach scripts to an object or multiple objects without modifying the base form or placed reference form, you will need to create a quest alias that references said object. While the quest is active the script runs, when the quest is stopped the script does not run.

    I have followed your suggestion and i'm not sure where I have gone wrong I have set up a quest with a alias set up like this:

    Object Reference to Object (MY object) Level (Easy) Create In (My Container)


    Could you tell me what I have done wrong or even better make a example in the CK and upload a screenshot or something?


    Thanks though for the original comment it did help point me in the right direction :smile: :smile: :smile: :dance:

  2. Okay so I was hoping somebody could help me out here or at least point me in the right direction I am currently working on a mod that adds a script to a number of books in the game (This was done via the creation kit) however as logic would dictate if the mod is installed on a save that is not new the mod will be out of sync and make the need for the player to read books they have already read before they installed the mod.


    For this reason I am attempting to make a script that checks what books have already being read using the IsRead() SKSE function. This part of the script functions as intended however if I had to write out what should happen if each book has being read it would take WAAAAYYYY to long and would make the script hard to manage and prone to errors.


    Because of this I was hoping that someone could tell me how to use a script to send a event to a objects or more specifically a book in this case. The event I would like the book to receive is the OnRead() event.


    Thank you for reading my post hope one of you guys can give me a answer soon I have being trying to figure it out for days.... :wallbash:


    P.S: If you do not wish or do not have time to read the entire post the more important bits have being highlighted in yellow and the explanations are the default colour! :smile:

  3. Hello again nexus forums :smile:

    So here's my problem I am working on my mod and I have completed a script that I would like to attach to a number off books in the game however I was wondering if I could do this without editing there vanilla forms, so basically I would like someone to explain how I could attach scripts to objects (And detach) without editing there vanilla forms for compatibility reasons, Any help would be much appreciated and thanks for reading my post! :wallbash:

  4. Ok guys this should be extremely simple but I have ran into many error's and being trying to figure it out for days. I am trying to add a line off code to a dialogue script fragment that simply sets a quest alias (Added by my mod) to the NPC who you are in dialogue with luckily there is a variable called "akSpeaker" which is set automatically to the NPC who is speaking however when I try to use the "ForceRefTo" function the compiler shows the following errors:

    ForceRefTo is not a function or does not exist
    cannot cast a none to a objectreferance, types are incompatible
    please HELP SOMEONE! :sad: Any Corrections Or suggestions of another method I could use are welcome. :smile:
    Full Code Below:
    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
    Scriptname TIF__02001DA0 Extends TopicInfo Hidden
    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_5
    Function Fragment_5(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
    Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
    pFFR23GuardAlias.ForceRefTo(akSpeaker) as ObjectReferance
    ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment
    Alias Property pFFR23GuardAlias Auto
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