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About Dualblade20

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    ES: Oblivion/Depends on my mood.

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  1. the only mod i have is LCoG, the update to that, the jack harkness, and i havent even used it so it doesnt count, and this new one plus that update, idk what is causing this but when it starts it opens the window then the send error report message comes up, but if i dont push any buttons on the window the starting credits still start until it hits the main menu with out buttons. Idk what it is, but it hasnt started until i added all the other mods beside LCoG... You aren't adding New Vegas addons to FO3 are you? Do you have Point Lookout and Mothership Zeta? Ghosts in the Machine requires them. nope here are the links http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=14107 http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=14455 http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=14155
  2. the only mod i have is LCoG, the update to that, the jack harkness, and i havent even used it so it doesnt count, and this new one plus that update, idk what is causing this but when it starts it opens the window then the send error report message comes up, but if i dont push any buttons on the window the starting credits still start until it hits the main menu with out buttons. Idk what it is, but it hasnt started until i added all the other mods beside LCoG... You aren't adding New Vegas addons to FO3 are you?
  3. One of your mods could be interfering with LCoG. Try taking them out one by one and starting the game, it might take time but you could just disable the mod thats the problem when you want to play LCoG and switch back and forth depending on your mood, in that case i would have one save for this mod and another for when its off.
  4. Welcome back Dem, looking forward to the next update
  5. Thats interesting. I see a mass of a swirling gases, stars, and the magnificence of the universe. But i suppose i see what i want to see.
  6. That is a very kool avatar you have. I can almost see an angel in it :o)
  7. FOW, one of the best mods on the Nexus.
  8. Yeah, i know lol Btw, i made a new game and got the TARDIS up and running and i love it. Brilliant job : ) lovvvvely :) thanks, patch 3/version 2'll be out next week at some point to finish off lcog. I cant wait : )
  9. Yeah, i know lol Btw, i made a new game and got the TARDIS up and running and i love it. Brilliant job : )
  10. Cheers mate, that's worth knowing. The CTD's are emanating from somewhere... just not sure where yet. Working on a patch this evening, will update later. Have decided to hold back on Release 2 until I've gotten most of the major bugs of LCoG nailed. I replaced the patch and made a new game and it was ok (on one of the saved games i think i got the handbrake when i went through Spring Ville before i got the quest). But then i accidently hit the console button on the way to rivet city and it crashed on me again. When you say you accidentally hit the console button, I'm not sure I'm following you... can you be more descriptive? Which button did you hit? Had the TARDIS landed or was she in flight? Ohhh no no. The console key on the keyboard, where you put in commands
  11. Cheers mate, that's worth knowing. The CTD's are emanating from somewhere... just not sure where yet. Working on a patch this evening, will update later. Have decided to hold back on Release 2 until I've gotten most of the major bugs of LCoG nailed. I replaced the patch and made a new game and it was ok (on one of the saved games i think i got the handbrake when i went through Spring Ville before i got the quest). But then i accidently hit the console button on the way to rivet city and it crashed on me again.
  12. I ran into something. I cant exactly play right now...After i got the handbrake from the gas station in Spring ville, Fallout crashes when i try to go into buildings. (Rivet City and Osterhagen atleast) I can only guess that it isnt isolated to those two. I'm still marveling at how much work you got into it. Considering everything, these bugs are pretty much nothing.
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