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About Stronglav

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    SWTOR,Fallout Mass Effect

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  1. Here's an idea:Amazons. They accept only women because they hate men and Nate can not talk to them. Only Nora can join them. They wanna replace all Institute toxic mens with womens and make women rule the world.
  2. This is a simple small cheat request. I need please the collection of best scrools for the beginning of the game in tutorial chest.Such as fly talk to th dead and animals fireball and healing ones.
  3. Spoilers!! If you play as male revan when you decide to reclaim your old identity Bastila joins you. When she swears loyalty to you there is cut phrase when she says she will become your lover and apprentice. Can someone please restore it?
  4. Real grenade range is 250 meters.Imagine if game calculate that range of damage.
  5. So this:for a start google tree man from Bangladesh. Now just imagine what kind of disease and viruses there could be after a nuclear war. Also I didn't see any showers in diamond city.Hello skin cancer. They all supposed to be dead!! Also sole survivor has no immunities against a new mutated viruses. Dead.
  6. This is a big useless request that nobody will look at because its a lot of work and only Thuggy can handle such a task. The main problem of this game is all the quests are none repeatable. What I mean is there is only one outcome and no point of replaying them. And even if there is some choice like on Cabbot quest it has no real consiquences. So this is what this game needs. 1:ability to kill all companions.Sooner or later. I dont mean Dance.I mean Piper and Cait and Maccready and Strong and Hancock. Since he is active in one quest in good neighboor that quest will be failed. Also storm Goodneighboor with BOS.Why?Because I hate those ugly abominations ghouls and want them exterminated. Im not talking about no ghoul policy in settlements that would be great but impossible. Second:ability to skip any quest simply by refusing it. Like paint the wall quest which you get automaticly if u walk inside diamond city. Paint your own wall I dont care. In short entire game quest overhaul.
  7. Is it possible to make conversation camera like in F4 ?
  8. It sucks.It makes my eyes bleed. How di Bethesda f*#@ up so badly at simplest thing? If you dont know how to make inventory ingame just use others ideas!! Even ancient game Xenus had better inventory then this!!! Its the first thing that needs to be fixed in this game.
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