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About mccrab

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    Minecraft, Skyrim
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  1. Yesterday my computer suddenly froze and then BSOD. After restarting, it was very slow and trying to open any programs or task manager took a couple of minutes. Few minutes later some programs report that they have stopped responding until Windows explorer stops responding and I get another BSOD. This happens if I boot windows normally. The first BSOD error code was 7a, the second was f4. After googling for a while and asking a couple of friends, it looked like it might be either HDD or memory. I ran memtest86 for 4 passes without any errors. I the ran HD Tune and it found a few damaged blocks. Here is what HD tune and CrystalDiskInfo say: http://imgur.com/FBvrOeC Is the disk going bad? It is still under warranty, so should I try to RMA it?
  2. Feed The Beast looks really interesting. Live streaming might be an issue since we have players from different countries and time zones.
  3. Recently got back to minecraft and tried to connect to the server but I'm ether disconnected because it takes too long to log in or it fails to verify my username. Also started watching a tekkit lets play on youtube and I started wondering, would it be possible to install tekkit on the server using multiverse or something like that?
  4. I had a nokia N72 for a few years and it has Li-Ion battery. The charger broke so I took my 3310 charger and used it with my N72. Never had any problems with it.
  5. mccrab


    It looks like it's not dead. Minecolony RC18 for Minecraft 1.2.4 http://minecolony.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=minecolony&action=display&thread=435 Mods that I use: Muserae's Tweaks - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/544844-125-museraes-tweaks/ Lava physics, makes lava less annoying by making it behave more like water. Creeper nuke, stops creepers from doing explosive damage Ice return, allows collecting of ice Boat return, allows you to get boats back in one piece. Wireless redstone - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/328725-125wireless-redstone-v15/ Useful when you have to get red stone signal far. Timber! - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/119361-125-tehkrushs-mods-timber-updated/#timber Makes all the logs in a tree break when you hit the bottom block of the tree with an axe of any type. Trading mod - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/775238-125ssptrading-mod-125/ Allows you to buy and sell blocks and items. Power craft - http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/futurecraft-384340/ Similar to Buildcraft. Allows building automated factories and farms. Rei's minimap Already mentioned before Useful seeds Already mentioned before Too many items - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/140684-125-toomanyitems-in-game-invedit-apr-7/ Used this mainly to see that the mods I installed actually work.
  6. Is there something going on with the server or are the problems at my end? Yesterday evening I lost connection to the server but couldn't reconnect. First it said can't reach server, and after refreshing it kept saying communication error. I tried reconnecting for nearly an hour. Tried reconnecting this morning and I'm getting the same errors.
  7. Hmmm.... I see a stone brick pillar in my house and quite a few cats. What is that grave stone outside my house?
  8. * Counter-peek to Aurielius's friend! * =)

    Hello there!

  9. I built my house near the jungle on Sunday. Yesterday and today I noticed that the only thing I can see in the jungle is floating vines. I tried to mine a few vines to see if it does anything. I managed to chop a piece of wood from an invisible tree. What is interesting is that the wood block only has textures on top of the block and if I place it on ground I can see underground. I haven't experienced any crashes though.
  10. @Alonsomartinez. For the portcullis you might want to try this, a 3x3 piston door without using sand or gravel. @ziitch. I think this is what you are looking for, Red power I have used it and I think it is pretty cool. Edit: Just noticed the news on minecraft forums that Bukkit team joins Mojang.
  11. I also had that problem, if the building is gone in CK this is what fixed it for me: make sure that the render window is active and press F5 to refresh it, you should be able to see your house.
  12. I don't have zombes installed, if this is what you mean http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/91055-v110-zombes-modpack-26-mods-v510-upd-18jan/. I do have a few other ssp mods installed so if that is the problem I'll get a fresh jar. EDIT: I got a fresh jar just in case a mod I had installed caused the crash.
  13. Pistons have something against me. First, my reed farm doesn't work and now my piston elevator won't work. The pistons just go through me. The elevator is built based on this tutorial.
  14. I'm using 1.1 but I can revert to 1.0 to get on the server
  15. I have been trying to get on the server for a week now and it just keeps telling me, can't reach server. That makes me wonder, what's wrong with the server?
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