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  1. Well I have to say, this cap is extremely annoying. Windows 10 works great on my computer, except for gaming. Although it wasn't anything I wanted to hear (because I was hoping that everything would work out and not give me such hassle) you've been very informative. Too bad Microsoft and Nvidia aren't going to do much or anything about this issue. It's going to suck, but it's looking like I'm gunna have to switch to Windows 7 for more than just this reason alone. I have other games that aren't running well on Windows 10 too. And yes, it would be nice to have other opinions in here besides just you and me. If anyone has some thoughts, or anything, please chime in and give us something to consider
  2. So, I do have a question about Windows 10 and directx 9 games. Is there any possible way to allocate more than 4gb of vram? Because I've really just been testing around so that I can get a feel for Windows 10 and gaming. I know that the technical answer is going to be no on that one, but there must be something we can do? But I had also been trying to play a retail cd version of the game that I got from Walmart and it wasn't supported on steam, I have no idea why, but I just bought the game again on steam because I want the special edition upgrade for free when it releases. Does enb/enboost change how much memory the game uses even on windows 10? Also, I would downgrade to Windows 7, if I could. Especially since Windows 7 is the best for most of the games I own, but because of a few reasons, I'm stuck with Windows 10. But as long as there's possible solutions I'm ok with playing around and seeing how suggestions will work out. I did read that reddit post you linked, very useful info and filled in some blanks, but figured you're knowledgeable and could ask some questions regarding Skyrim and Windows 10
  3. Also keep in mind too, too many mods is never a good thing. Even if your computer's specs are like mine and your computer is really powerful. When downloading mods, use discretion and don't get it if you absolutely don't need it, won't play it, or won't use it. Never forget to use LOOT or BOSS after every mod you install and make sure that it's clean before playing. It helps with headaches down the road. And don't take criticism about your pc too harshly either. You still have a good computer and it'll work just fine, it just has limitation just like the rest. Also, make sure nothing else is taking up too many memory blocks in the background. Like MSI afterburner or programs alike. If you don't know what I'm talking about, do a google search and find out how to check your programs that are running in the background and how to safely disable them if you don't want to uninstall something ^ This is exactly correct. I've never had a truly stable skyrim. I never have and I never will. It's just the nature of the game. But you can do some things to reduce the instability you're having, so there's still hope
  4. That's not really what I'm looking for although it's good information to reference if I was having a different issue. Please read again and take note of the issue I'm addressing. I'm hoping that somewhere there's a solution for this screen half black, which isn't really a hardware limitation issue being that load screens, no enb settings, game menus, and game start up screen are all in full resolution with no blacked out areas of the screen. Otherwise, I'll just try to drop down to Windows 7 (which I don't want to do being that Skylake motherboards require many workarounds just to get half the OS installed). The game itself does great on Windows 10, I believe it's just an enb issue with Windows 10 and the newer video card updates more than anything. If anyone knows how to fix this, please share
  5. That's a ton of mods for your specs. You're putting your system under a lot of stress. That's more than likely why you're crashing. When I was gaming on a laptop with almost those exact specs, I could only run a small handful of of those mods. I recommend that you get rid of some of those mods or upgrade you system. I had to get up to at least 16gb ram and a 4gb graphics card to run about as many as you're running. But as for what you have, are you using skse, enboost, and cleaning your mods with tes5edit? Also try skyrim project optimization. You might want to try to optimize your textures too. Look up skyrim texture optimizer and you'll find a tool or 2 that will do the job. But definitely reduce your mods. That's part of your problem
  6. Skyrim overhaul mods don't work well with a 2gb graphics card. Skyrim Flora Overhaul installed by itself causes the game to lag or crash because the vram just isn't there to support the graphics. When I first started modding a couple of years ago, I had a 2gb graphics card too, and I couldn't run anything short of SKSE with it. I recommend getting a new card since that is the only thing holding you back right now. Otherwise, the vanilla game will work just fine on that card
  7. Hey guys, I have an issue here that I would like to address to others who own an Nvidia gtx 10xx series graphics card running on Windows 10. I'm having a very specific issue that is making the game unplayable no matter what I do. I seem to be having an issue with enb using an Nvidia 1070 on Windows 10 causing the screen to be half black like the letterbox setting for the enb is just too large for the bottom portion. Here's a list of things I've tried since I've been researching this issue and been trying many different things: -use the injector version of enb (this didn't work. I was only able to play the game for about 10 minutes before Skyrim reported a memory crash. Also, when I used the injector version, enb wasn't working at all) -download and install directx june 2010 (I only did this to help with certain crash issues I've been having, doesn't have much to do with the screen half black issue) -disable mist in enbseries.ini (this doesn't work at all. The screen remains half black even with this disabled) -bfloatrendertarget=1 (this was the first thing I tried. It didn't make the screen return to normal at all) -edit the vignette or letterbox of the enb preset (this makes absolutely no changes at all. The screen is still half black) -download and install enbseries 0.308 (this update does not fix or seem compatible with the new cards. I'm not sure though. The changelog for it isn't very specific to what it's updated for. This also released today, so I figured it would be good to make note about) I don't know what else to do here. There doesn't seem to be very many people that know about/have this issue. But if someone could help me figure this out, then I'm sure it would help out a bunch of other people too for either right now, or in the future. This issue has happened across a few other enb settings too, not just one. I do also want to add that the loading screens are full resolution without the blacked out issue. The start screen, the items/map/perks/magic screen, and the game starts up full resolution too. So it's just the gameplay itself that has the screen half blacked out Here's my specs just for reference: Intel i7 6700k Nvidia GTX Geforce 1070 8gb 16gb ddr4 ram Asus z170-a 240gb ssd Please don't post random google searches here if you don't know something that might help. I've covered a lot of the main things that are known to fix this issue, and none of them have worked. If someone knows something, please share it
  8. Ssme does come with some of the new stuff, but I still installed it anyway because I still notice a difference with it installed. With the USLEEP patch, it replaces those official dirty edits, come to find out, so cleaning those will improve performance, so I still clean those too. Do you have the 64 bit part set to true in your enb? Because a lot of enb settings come with that set to false automatically and it's easily missed a lot of times too. Plus the proper bug fixes in the ini enabled can be missed as well. Maybe try out a script cleaner and bsa optimizer. Those tools are a performance life saver and will help with 150+ mods. We are kinda getting a bit off topic here and there haha so I'll add you on steam when I have a chance, I'm currently at work. Pm me your steam name and I'll send out a request when I can
  9. You have your drivers installed for your card properly and all of your windows updates? That does have a good impact on gaming experience. On top of that, you've set things in the nvidia control panel to where they should? Like the antialiasing and all that? Cuz when those are set to application controlled or off, that'll help too. You very well could be bottlenecking from the processor too. You shouldn't be, and it'd be very hard to monitor that while running the game as well. I also installed ssme too and skyrim project optimization, just because it always helped with running 150+ mods on my 970 and i7 4790k and it keeps things from loading when they shouldn't. You also cleaned your mods with tes5edit? I made sure everything was cleaned up before running. I'm also running a few other 4k mods and enb series says I'm running at 90+ fps at the intro to the game which I know is very script heavy. Quite strange how you're running harsher than I am with that card That's awesome that you're making your own overhaul mod. I took a liking to making weapons and story mods more than anything. But I didn't get all the way through with almost all of them because of the nature of CK and I was trying to use CK on a laptop with only a 3rd gen i5. So that was kinda expected. As for content mods already out there, falskaar is awesome. Easily one of the best mods made. It adds at least 20 extra hours of gameplay and it's fully voice acted professionally with it being fully navmeshed so your followers can go with you. Wyrmstooth was another really good one that never got finished and a couple of months ago the lead developer of the mod decided to stop modding and took the mod off the internet. It's a shame the mod never saw a finish and was taken down, but I respect why he did it. A lot of content mods that aren't well known and tagged as a work in progress aren't too great either though. I've found a lot that were terrible. Jotunheim (think that's the correct spelling) was amazing. There weren't any voice actors, but the developer had other characters interact through notes and such. It's more of a mystery mod though so it makes more sense to do it that way. MannyGT has a couple that are pretty good with professional voice acting. Like the gray cowl of nocturnal. There's even some pretty good custom textures. The wonders of mzark is another good one with great voice acting and story, and also Summerset isle. That one has great voice acting, really strong story, new creatures, and tons of quests. But it's still a work in progress last I checked. You should give those a go. They're heavy in story and mostly stay lore-friendly. I have pretty high standards when it comes to content mods, or anything with a story really, but those fit the bill and have great replayability too
  10. Oooohhhh haha the enb thing makes much more sense now. I totally forgot that the game engine is 32 bit. It's been a while since I've been in the modding scene and things have changed since then. But I'm still familiar with just about everything you've mentioned. I do know that there's a ugrids mod put up on nexus recently that I checked out so I might give that a try and see how it works (I'll post and let you know because that might be helpful to someone else too). I'm gunna go through the list today and see how it works out. On another note, are they updating skyrim for pc too? I know they're remaking the game for consoles and adding mod support there as well. But I haven't heard anything about updates for pc Also, you mentioned "handmade NPC" stuff. Is that something you made or something that's available on nexus? UPDATE: I do want to mention that I have Skyrim up and going! It looks better than ever (I'd hope so with these specs). I'm playing with extremely high frame rates, absolutely no lag or skips, and no screen tearing. I don't have half the screen blacked out either. TDOGH, you're awesome man! You provided great help, solved a very irritating issue, and provided a great mod list as well. This is the best I've ever seen this game perform, and I feel more comfortable with the changes most these mods have made since the last time I was able to play this game. I do want to ask what other visual enhancements are out there that would work as well. More like landscapes, plants, and so on. Plus if there's any great content mods out there with good stories. I already have Falskaar, but I'm looking for more to expand my game
  11. I have to say, that's a really awesome set up you have going! Kudos to you getting your hands on a 1080. I work at Best Buy and I couldn't even get my hands on one. Also, awesome mod list and very helpful. I didn't know that enb's didn't work well with the new cards, so that explains a lot. How exactly did you get it to run? I'm not quite understanding. Do you need to run the enbhost.exe every time? And I don't like the anime mods either. I like to run high resolution graphics (especially since I'm running on a 4k screen), content mods, weapons, armors, and player homes. Just seems to make things more interesting and keep things close to "home" more than anything. Things ran pretty smoothly on my 970 with my older computer. But I know this 1070 can handle things way better and I know I won't even come close to capping out on the card. I'll give your post a shot for sure, but is there any specific way to install everything? I know that's the case sometimes. I'm also using NMM instead of MO because I feel a bit overwhelmed with MO even though I prefer it and recommend it more (I know, I know, that sounds counter-intuitive). But, if you say to do things a specific way, I'll give it a go. No harm in doing things a certain way. Also, are there specifics to any of those mods? Like the ones you said "lot of HD clutter textures and improvement mods." Or is it more personal choice than anything? I know that's a lot to cover and a lot of questions, but so far you seem to know a bit more than other people I've talked to
  12. Since you'll have almost the same specs as me, I think you'll love enb settings. Real vision is one of the most popular ones out there. Just make sure you're following directions carefully and you'll do just fine. You'll be able to run a lot of 4k textures too and remaster the game to your own liking. Also, skyrimtuner has an entire guide written out on his real vision page, so if you so choose, you can follow that and give it a go. Just make sure to read everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, carefully
  13. Hey guys. I was wondering if someone could help out with graphics mods suggestions. It's been a little while since I've been able to mod skyrim and now I'm back into it with a new rig and I'm really excited to make skyrim look great without hitting the mod cap of course. I've already tried the real vision enb guide on skyrimtuner's real vision page and it didn't work out for me (had half the screen black and no fix solved it). So I'm curious as to how you guys made your games look as there's many ways to mod the game. I just don't have a lot of spare time to go through and search for a bunch of mods by myself. For reference, here's my specs so you know what my rig can be capable of: Intel i7 6700k Nvidia GTX 1070 8gb 16gb ram ddr4 Asus z170-a motherboard 240gb ssd Windows 10 pro Any suggestions are accepted (links appreciated but not entirely necessary). Let me know what you guys have!
  14. If the mod page says to install in a certain order, then it's important to do so. Just like the previous comment, things can/probably will overwrite each other. That's why it's important. If you don't install in a certain order when a guide says to, then you can end up with missing textures i.e. purple trees, characters, buildings, objects, etc. When installing a ton of mods, always use a mod manager unless you feel like your comfortable with sorting or managing those mods yourself, which is really tough and tedious. If you'd like some help or tips, there's lots of people here to help, or you can pm me and I can help as best as possible. Modding is beautiful if done properly and it's fun, but is very touchy and frustrating if you don't know what you're doing
  15. I can report that starting fresh didn't work. I still have half the screen blacked out and now I'm missing textures, but I know that's a separate issue and probably my fault somewhere down the line. Could the blacked out issue be because I'm on windows 10 or have my resolution set to 4k? I haven't seen anything about 4k causing issues, but it very well may be directx12 too?
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