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Posts posted by arkinlewis

  1. I honestly have no idea who this could offend.

    It was a picture of the conspiracy Keanu meme with the top text reading: "What if Marko" and the bottom text reading: "has been dead for several years?" I'm not sure if the moderator didn't get the reference and thought I posted something that had nothing to do with modding or New Vegas.

  2. I would be interested in seeing something that wouldn't take itself too seriously. I cringe whenever someone makes a mod with a serious plot that has so many typos/plot holes. Humorous mods don't require huge motivation. When I was making my Breaking Bad mod (now removed from here because of copyright stuff,) I laughed myself to death when I was writing the topics for dialogue (**** you and your eyebrows! You're ********* right). Writing serious stuff just isn't for me. Anyways I hope your mod turns out awesome.

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