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  1. Voice actors needed for Fallout Machinima - Cops in the Wasteland, Episode #3 "The Terminated Man". The series jumps between Fallout 3 and Fallout NV, this segment is all in fallout 3. The three characters I could use voicing for are: 1. Bartender - Male or Female voice young or old, does not matter. 2. Doctor Preston - Male voice 20-50 no special tone needed. 3. Doctor Pinkerton - Male voice 40-60. Looking for someone with lively animated voice. The whole script for the episode (minus 1 scene that was filmed long ago) can be downloaded at http://machinimapira...m/?page_id=2142 the password to open the .pdf is "nexus". I did individual character sheets to identify the dialog for each character and make your reading easier (included in download .pdf). I can voice all these myself, but thought someone might be looking to practice there voice skills. Just drop me a PM if interested in particular character. Thanks in advance! Dan.
  2. Voice actors needed for Fallout Machinima - Cops in the Wasteland, Episode #3 "The Terminated Man". The series jumps between Fallout 3 and Fallout NV, this segment is all in fallout 3, but this is a good active thread for voice acting and the Fallout 3 forum does not have a good standing thread (although I will post this there too). The three characters I could use voicing for are: 1. Bartender - Male or Female voice young or old, does not matter. 2. Doctor Preston - Male voice 20-50 no special tone needed. 3. Doctor Pinkerton - Male voice 40-60. Looking for someone with lively animated voice. The whole script for the episode (minus 1 scene that was filmed long ago) can be downloaded at http://machinimapira...m/?page_id=2142 the password to open the .pdf is "nexus". I did individual character sheets to identify the dialog for each character and make your reading easier (included in download .pdf). I can voice all these myself, but thought someone might be looking to practice there voice skills. Just drop me a PM if interested in particular character. Thanks in advance!
  3. Some Voices needed for Machinima based on FO3 and FONV Cops in the Wasteland III (Blade Runner New Vegas), Episode #2 is ready to be voiced. Episode #1 can be viewed here Voices needed: Sasha Ashe - 20 to 30ish White Female police lieutenant (soft easy voice) Charlie Johnston 20-40ish African American male (any accent or dialect) Chief Harkness 30-40ish White Male (Harkness is an android. Speaks normal, but little emotion in his voice) The complete script, plus breakout scripts for characters needed are attached in .pdf format. If you need Word or other format let me know.. If you want the part just record the script, (any sound format is fine) and email to me at [email protected]. First come first served (within reason).
  4. This in regards to using voices and copyrighted material. I have asked Dark0ne for a little more direction on some other copyright issues to help people avoid being banned for copyright violations. As far as voices are concerned you can do imitations of people's voices as long as you declare them to be imitations. That is usually sufficient, it really comes down to the the impact (if any) on the person being imitated (financially, reputation, etc.). Here is a link to the Google excerpts of the book "Law and the Business of the Entertainment Industries" by Donald E. Biederman, Martin E. Silfen. (ironically Google's use of excerpts such as this have come under fire by copyright holders). Read from Page 241 forward. So to be safe I would stay away from voices of actors who are associated with gaming projects as imitating their voice for your project could be seen as competition, although since these projects are released for free, the damages to the actor being imitated would be low or non-existent. As far as doing lines from a movie, it becomes a little more complex. The next "quoted" text is quoted from http://www.intelproplaw.com/Forum/Forum.cgi?board=copyright;action=display;num=1169569730 "Generally speaking, quoting a song lyric or line from a movie can be done so long as it's accompanied by a citation to the song/movie title, the author/owner. This is most often argued to be acceptable under the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act. <br siber__q92dpb7seovvtbh5__vptr="7730e20"> <br siber__q92dpb7seovvtbh5__vptr="776c540">However, there comes a point where the use of lyrics or lines goes beyond "fair use" and enters the realm that requires permission/licensing. Unfortunately, it's not a completely bright line to see where you cross over to the need to license. Many folks would say that less than five quotes from a single work, spread out over 200 pages or so of text, would be ok. But this is not an absolute, and it's evaluated (if you get sued) in the context of how you used the quotation. <br siber__q92dpb7seovvtbh5__vptr="7ae2400"> <br siber__q92dpb7seovvtbh5__vptr="7730110">Most known artists/authors ALWAYS get permission, even for the slightest use of a quote, simply to avoid this issue entirely. Stephen King is a great example. He loves to quote 60s song lyrics ... and does so at the beginning of most of his books. But you'll always find a statement on or near the copyright page that indicates that he used the lyrics with permission (which can sometimes be as simple as sending a letter to ASCAP explaining what you're doing and what you want permission for)." end of quoted text. Permission is actually easier than you would guess. I have written to many music artists (or their labels) and received permission for use of songs in podcasts and machinimas. I have received emails and even a letter by mail from recording stars giving me non-commercial rights for my project for free and they were flattered I chose their material. Movies are tougher as there are usually multiple owners of the work sought after (screenwriter, owners of movie, writer of original work on which the movie is based, etc.). Copyrights, Trademarks and other intellectual property have many laws and many exceptions to those laws. As I am not an attorney these are merely my interpretation of the US laws. Please contact a board certified copyright attorney (or equivalent in your country) for a opinion on your particular issue. Also unlike the US, some countries have more strict copyright laws that do not allow for "Fair Use", while others have no copyright laws (just for the record Eastern European countries like Russia have copyright laws, they are just not usually enforced.) I know this is a confusing subject, but I hope this helps!
  5. I have never done a mod other than textures in Photoshop using the Nvidia plugin as mentioned in this thread,I have a very noobish question. How does one create/tweak a stronger (more DPS) weapon? Do you mod the weapon, mod the ammo or both? If some one could point me toward a tutorial or steps to accomplish this (I have all the tools, just not sure how to use them), I would be very grateful. I don't need to release this as a mod, I just need it for effect in my game settings for machinima filming. Thank you in advance!
  6. If anyone has ever made custom players in Madden football games, that engine allows fat, short, tall, thin, at adjustments to most body parts. The uniforms seem to stretch to the right size no matter the final design. I am not a 3d modeler, so my comparison may be idiotic, but would this be possible in FONV? I agree with the others it would make a much more diverse population.
  7. I would like to just add to the comments of this is the Dark0ne's site and he can do as he wishes. Very true and I don't think anyone is disputing that. People were just weighing in with their thoughts on the subject at hand. My earlier comment was about a better defined TOS, I hereby retract. I don't think you can cover every possible scenario and follow a rulebook even if you made the rules. In the obscenity case of Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964). Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart wrote "hard-core pornography" was hard to define, but that "I know it when I see it.". So Dark0ne is left with the task of screening offensive material from his site and has to use his sense of "I know when I see it". Hopefully he will digest all relevant views and make his decisions accordingly. Thanks to all for a great thread.
  8. I think the themes in the fallout games are full of things that reflect the darker side of human nature. There are people who play evil characters (not my bag), but some people just need an escape and I guess this fills the void for them. I think the inclusion of Nazi uniforms as a mod is totally within the scope of game expansion. The Nazis were very much into the practices of Caesar's army's and I could totally tie a neo-nazi storyline into FONV. Nazis make good villains. The question becomes where does one draw the line. No one would stand up and create a uproar of a game mod based on you totally becoming part of or for that matter the leader of The Legion. The Romans killed and tortured way more people than than the Nazis. I am not defending Nazism in the least, but do you ban people for having a Caesar or Legion avatar? I am not saying you should or you shouldn't. It is your board and you do with as you see best. I had this debate amongst some friends yesterday. The main comment was about the sensitivity of the subject's to Jews. I understand, but I am a Catholic, should I have not the same hatred for Romans as the Jews for Nazis. After all the Romans tortured and killed my Lord and Saviour. Should I cry out every time someone makes a mod in support of The Legion? Personally if it were up to me you couldn't play a character more evil than neutral karma, but I would dredge up all types of vile evil enemies to take on. This is a tough call, but I recommend whatever action you take should be universal and made part of the TOS otherwise you get down to semantics like, "Well you can play as Hitler, but not as the devil" or "You can have a Ted Bundy avatar, but not a Charles Manson avatar". I guess we just let the Overseer decide what is best for us. Thanks for listening.
  9. Ok here is my pitch. The movie Blade Runner was one the best Sci-Fi movies ever, even if it is older than most of you modders. Anyway I have done the first episode of a machinima in FONV based on Blade Runner, but I am a an unskilled modder and would be grateful to anyone who took up any of my Blade Runner wish list. To see my beta of the first episode download at http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38636 or watch at YouTube First I think an excellent mod would be the courier is offered a job as blade runner to hunt down and retire replicants in New Vegas (on the order of New Vegas Bounties). I would be glad to voice characters and do lip synch animations. Second my wish list of items for Fallout New Vegas Blade Runner 1. A Groovatron FONV version (a FO3 mod tool for posing, putting NPC's in status, duplicating NPCs, tons of cool stuff and best machinima tool made for FO3 see http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3284) 1 1/2 - Some better camera manipulation tools 2. Blade Runner style clothing. 3. Some NPCs based on Priss, Zora, Rachel, Leon and Roy Battty. 4. A Blaster pistol like the one from the movie. 5. Voight-Kampf machine 6. Origami 7. Anything else that would be cool (like Zora's snake or whatever). Thank you and keep up the great work!
  10. Hi all. I am a professional voice actor that will lend my talent for free to good mod projects. For more info on me and my demo reel please visit http://voicepirates.com. I just ask the script be well written and the mod is actually going to be something other than vaporware. Buccaneer Dan
  11. There is an excellent mod that started in this direction for FO3 called 187Gurlz by wogz187 (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2418) . The companion Sashe Ashe gives you more stuff the more serious your relationship with her becomes. This would be a good place to start in seeing how she progresses based on how you treat her in the game.
  12. I am looking to do a new machinima based on FNV. I found the Groovatron in FO3 an indispensable machinima tool. Would anyone be so kind as to port or build a Groovatron for FNV. I will offer any help necessary. The original Groovatron seems to now be abandonware. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3284 Thanks in Advance
  13. Hi guys I need your help. I had a mod that made Susan Lancaster look like the attached picture. Somehow I have over written those files or textures and now she and a bunch of others have short hair. I need her in this look to finish a peice of my next movie. You help woudl be greatly apreaciated http://www.voicepirates.com/images/susanbbs.gif
  14. I am using the police uniforms mod by Sugarape. I have tried to email him but his inbox is full. If anyone can do this mod of his mod I woudl really appreciate it. I would really like them in Med to Dark Green or Green Shirt Brown Pants or Tan Shirt Green Pants (sheriff uniform). Also can we get rid of the upside down sergeant's stripe. Last and least important, but would be cool if I could have the uniforms in different rank insignia (either collar or sleeve). If you have any other ideas for police uniforms please share them with me. I am open. I saw an orange jumpsuit raw mod for modders to work with here. If someone could finish that I could use the jail garb. Thanks in advance! Oh yea. I could use your voice! Go to voicepirates.com for more info.
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