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Posts posted by Exodus111

  1. Am i allowed to answer this?




    Am i allowed to say that?




    Those who help pirates are fated to join them. Just report fools like this and move on.

  2. My mod, Alternate Start - Roleplayers, allows the player to either use a quick start, or play through the Vault 101 tutorial. With the quick start, the player has access to a quest which is currently called "Finding Tony" in the mod. However, this quest is incomplete for a couple of reasons. The first reason is, it's been more of a backburner idea. That is, it's not as important to me as the rest of the mod. The second reason is... I have hit a major roadblock. Here's my bifurcation.


    With the "Finding Tony" quest I see two options. Single .esp or two .esp. The single .esp would be simple. Include the entire quest in the current .esp of AS-R. The second option... two separate .esp files is a bit more complicated. The reason I cannot decide is because of the scope of the quest. Right now, with what I have current planned, the quest itself would be rather extensive. Which is cool, since I'd love to be able to replace the vanilla Main Quest with my own version of a Main Quest for the alternate histories that defy Vault 101 (that is, every single one). The problem is, which what I have written down and drawn out... I fear it would make the AS-R .esp needlessly large.


    What I'm getting at is this, I suppose (since I tend to ramble at times)


    If you were to see AS-R for the first time, would you be more willing to download it if you had a choice of the alternate main quest (the two .esp version) or would it not matter (the one .esp version)? Since, adding such an extensive quest, I wouldn't know whether to consider it an alternate start mod anymore... or just a quest mod with alternate start features... which would kind of defeat the purpose of the original Alternate start idea. Nor would I know if it would make a difference in the minds of others... I mean, would you be willing to download a (random number here) 20mb mod even if you have no plans to ever touch the "alternate main quest" included in it?


    So, would it be smarter to have one or two .esps? Thoughts? Comments? Flames? Cookies? (for cookies, please note I'm allergic to almonds!)



    Well being a fan of ur mod, having tried most of the different builds, I found a definitive lacking of the main quest.

    Even adding the quest by console doesnt help, as things like the first meeting with the BOS going into GNR doesnt happen.

    Thats a big problem, and invalidates the whole mod in my opinion as I then removed it.

    So adding ur own main quest line sounds awesome and totally in line with what this mod should be.


    So should it be one or two esp files.


    Well speaking as a person with a 26 megabit line and 2 Terrabit HDD I rarely even look at the file size, i just download what I want.




  3. Hey fellow modders,


    I'll admit this right off the bat. I am not knowledgeable in any type of modding per say. I have however, been using mods in Fallout 3 for a little while. Mostly textures changers and entire game modifiers such as the Wander's Edition by Mezmorkl http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2761.


    A little time ago, I got into using the armour and weapon mods, the problem is that most of the really awesome armour like the Faith armour from Mirror's edge, has shitty ass stats but looks freakin' awesome. I'm sorry but 12 DR with +2 to melee and small guns just does not cut it in FWE. Now same thing with the Yoko set armour for the type 3 female body.


    Now I'm wondering if there is anyway I can download another mod that can alter the stats. I've heard the tailer maid something or other can mix armours together? Or, if someone can teach me a really simple way to open the actual script for the faith armour http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7592 and modify the stats that are on it?


    It would be MUCH appreciated if anyone can help me out.

    Thanks in advance,



    No need for modding. U can probably do this in FO3, find the file in the list and dig around for the armour.

    Stats should be on it in the section there.



  4. Q to the Rescue.


    Now that I know what to focus on im working on learning that, and so far its been all fun.


    Pimping myself out is a good place to start so I think ill be doing that for awhile, following Q's example.




  5. I think the more interesting question here... is... what can you do? Can you script? Can you model, can you texture... can you provide voice acting, sound engineering, animation? Or are you just a simple world builder?


    I find it easier just to ask people to make something specifically rather than join a "team". If your mod is cool and people like it, they will help you sometimes or at least point you in the right direction.


    If you are interested in a mid-scale project.... I might could use some help but that depends on what YOU can do.


    As I said ive only just done the Tutorial vids.

    Since there are too many categories to really get into all of them at once, I thought Id focus on one at first, but better still to do it working towards something.

    And might as well work on something thats not mine while I work on a good workflow.


    So id like to try my hand at Scripting and making Quests.

    Thats what I want to work with anyway, so ill be taking a look at that.

    Also I consider myself a writer, and I can do voice acting (did it last year on a short 3D-film), as well as actually compress the voice files to make them sound proper.




    As for becoming a game developer, I have some of advice: Its not what you know so much as its who you know. Having a contact already in the business would most likely help more than a superlative resume - for those trying to break into the business anyway.



    Yes we should all make forum posts asking for contacts in the biz to send us PMs with their personal info... :-)

    Im kidding, I hear what u are saying of course, still its not the ONLY way, even in this economy :-P




  6. We are working as a two-men team on a quite hugh project. This works pretty well, because we share the same ideas of the kind of playing experiance we aiming to and we also have a similar level of skill. Also, we don't have a schedule or spend too much time in discussion. We both know our goals. Also, sometime one of us is busy for a while, can't mod for maybe a month or more, that's nothing to bother. We keep constant work on it, but we just take our time and are not in the rush for a release. I think this are some important keys for a sucessful modding team.


    But I agree, that it's not easy to pull together a productive and consistent modding team. Most of the time it fails because of different interests, skills or time-investment. If you have to explain your team-member every step for example, you could do it easily yourself in the same time you loose explaining him how to do it. If he then have again no feeling for the mood of your mod and you really dislike his work, it's hard to tell him afterwards without hurt his feelings.


    So, a modding team really has to connect in many aspects or it is cursed to fail. So, if I would allow anyone to join my project, he would have to pass a interview, where I would check if he would be an good addition for the team or if he would be counterproductive.


    Well my views on this matter are twofold.

    First Ive been a guild leader in various MMOs (im sure im not the only one), and in serious raiding/pvp guilds ive had to maintain a group of officers to manage the guild, which is can be a terrible task, for all the reason mentioned here.

    Its work, for no pay, and ppl have lives, and ppl have different Ideas and if if they dont "feel it" they are not going to get with it.

    Pluss all the challenges of working cross the internet, across the world even, with different schedules, sleeping cycles, work schedules etc..


    But also my viewpoint comes from the fact that I intend to do this for a living, Im going to become a game designer, no ifs and or buts about it.

    So from that point of view, whatever I can work on here translates into experience in the field, and these days certainly not uncommon to be apart of many initial Resumes for ppl breaking into the industry.


    Now im willing to bet some serious money that each and every one of u would also like that, maybe its a dream u dont really dare to believe in, but it motivates all the same.

    So my point is, if u REALLY want to put somrthing on ur resume, it needs to be big, it needs to be popular, and u NEED to show u worked in a team, since thats what u are going to have to do in the industry anyway.



  7. I had four 'partners' over the life of Underground City. Three of them just up and disappeared as well, though they were all nice enough to say good-bye. I still have one very good modding friend, but we just test out each other's mods and offer suggestions to each other. There is no real team work involved. Part of the problem, at least with my mod is the time required. I've been working on the same mod for nine months, and I have no real job to get in the way. For all my partners, real life just got in the way of modding. That seems to happen a lot when you are not getting paid to do something that takes so much time.


    I concur with the idea that having a modding team turns out to be more trouble than its worth sometimes.


    From what ive seen the amount of work on ur underground City looks awesome, I have not tried it because I want to wait for the finished product, but the comments seem stellar.

    Over nine months of work, how much would u say uve been able to do every day on average over those nine months?



  8. Teams over the internet are usually more trouble than they are worth.


    I tried to put together a team for my mod and it was nothing short of a disaster. I spend hour and hours of my time getting people organized and explaining the grand scheme of my project and brainstorming ideas with people, and in the end I have only have ONE person so far actually do ANYTHING at all.


    The people who were so quick to offer help wern't even nice enough to shoot me an email to say they no longer wanted to help me. Most of them just disapeared midway through a PM conversation...


    I had over 20 people offer to help me, and now my team consists of 3 people...




    Most people come on here looking for teams and never get a single response, which in some ways I guess they were luckyer than me, since at least they didn't waste their time working with these people and not getting anything for it.


    It just isn't worth it...



    I hear you, and just to be clear I have NO interest in starting any groups.

    For exactly the reasons u mentioned, EVERYONE wants to be apart of of something cool in theory.

    But Modding is hours and hours of work is not easy, in fact its hard, and as soon as that wall hits u just never know who will remain standing, and I dont have the patience or inclination to go through any long weeding out procces.


    Which is why Im looking for already established groups.


    So u got three ppl ?

    Want a fourth?



  9. Seem to me most mods are made by individuals, with groups as the exception. Maybe thats just me, I dont know.

    Point is id like to know if there are any Fallout 3 Mod groups out there who could use more help or whatever.

    Ive done the Vault 87, and I have some pretty big Ideas about what I want to do, but I need more experience and getting into some form of group or other would be nice.


    So hit me up.



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